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A very MIDI Christmas and Happy Holidays 2021 to all

The Santasizer – MIDI Controlled Santa madness

Sam Battle (LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER) released a new MIDI creation just in time for Christmas- “The Santasizer.” It’s a choir of toy Santas that can be played from a MIDI keyboard.  Add some MIDI and modular synths for the sound track and you have everything you need to have a very MIDI Christmas. 

Happy Holidays to all and sincere wishes for a joyous New Year in 2022!

LEET Synth is everything we love-DIY, 3D Printable, Open Source, Modular and MIDI

You can make Johan Von Konow’s new modular synth for about $6!

“I have designed a keyboard, drum pad, chord keyboard, arpeggiator and a step sequencer. One special feature is that the units have RGB LEDs for each key, enabling playback visualization (so each device is both MIDI out and in). This is helpful for music training and editing, but it also looks great. They can be used as input devices to any computer with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) like Ableton, Logic, Cubase, Garageband etc. It will run on Windows, Mac or Linux (including Raspberry Pi). They can even be connected to your mobile phone (Android or iOS), providing a tactile super portable music development platform.”

by Johan Von Konow

The devices are easy to build and anyone with a 3D printer and basic soldering skills should be able to replicate them. They are designed to use few components that are easily accessible and affordable (one keyboard cost around $6). 

3D printed core (3DPCB)

Everything is open source and built with the easy to use Arduino framework.

Sourcecode written in the free to use Arduino IDE.

 For more information on how to build this project, check out Johan Von Konow’s website. 

Watermelons, Summer and MIDI from MEZERG

Sometimes you just need to relax and do something cool.

So on Labor day weekend 2020 we shared this video from MEZERG enjoying some cool watermelon, some bright sun and a dip in the pool.

Oh yeah, and MIDI of course! 

Want to try it yourself ? Playtronic makes it possible

Playtron is a new type of music device.

Connect Playtron to fruits and play electronic music using online synthesizers or use it as a MIDI controller with any music software and conductive objects.

by Playtronic


Future of human touch – gadgets for musical tactility

Buy Playtron or Touchme, two gadgets that lets you play music on any object. We are an international studio dedicated to creating meaningful interactive audio experiences, in collaboration with brands, marketers, museums, galleries, and artists.

Build a MIDI Controller with Arduino

Hi everyone! In this article I will teach you how to build your own Arduino powered MIDI controller. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and it is a protocol that allows computers, musical instruments and other hardware to communicate. If you follow each and every step of this tutorial you will be able to make music with an Arduino!

What you are going to learn from this article:

  1. Chose the right components for this project.
  2. Sketch an interface with the right dimensions and build it.
  3. Read the circuit schematics and connect/solder every component to the Arduino.
  4. Chose the right software to connect the MIDI Controller with the DAW you are using.
  5. Mapping the MIDI Controller.

Make sure you watch the video because it´s more illustrative. Subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don´t miss out on new project and to help me grow! 

Step 1: Gather All the Material 

Here is a list of the material and tools we need to complete this project:

1 x Arduino Uno Starter Kit

12 x Arcade Push Buttons

4 x Pot Knob Potenciometer

2 x Sliding Potenciometer

Material to build the case ( I decided to build a wooden case )

I chose the Arduino Starter Kit because this kit provides a lot of useful material for this project such as resistors and all the wiring and connectors. Also, if you are a begginer like me, other material with this kit can help you getting started with electronics

I bought the Arcade Buttons from the link above but if I were to buy again, I would buy THESE BUTTONS instead because I wanted to give a pattern to the interface and it was impossible with single colored buttons so I had to paint them.

Tools you will need:

  • Hobby file
  • Sand paper
  • Screw driver
  • X-acto knife
  • Caliper
  • Ruler
  • Wood bits
  • Spade bit
  • Jumper wires
  • Insulation tape
  • Varnish
  • Paint
  • Wire stripper
  • Wire cutter
  • Saw
  • Power drill
  • Mini Axe Saw
  • Dremel
  • Super glue
  • Soldering Iron
  • Solder
  • Soldering paste

You can check the pictures for more details.

Step 2: Sketching and Building the Interface 

I highly recommend sketching your interface so you are sure of the dimensions you need to build the case.

I projected my interface on a A4 sheet, using a pencil a ruler and a compass. You can see the result in the picture below. By sketching the interface, you get to know the dimensions you need to install all the components. My Push Buttons have a 29.7mm diameter so I am going to drill a 30mm hole to install it. Every hole is spaced by 10mm. Basically each circle center is spaced by 40mm (diameter = 30 + space = 10).

Pot Knobs have a 10mm diameter. It is recommended to drill with increasing diameter bits to make sure not to crack the wood. I also left a 10mm space between buttons and pot knob potentiometers.

And finally, the sliding potentiometers. From the data sheet I know their travelling distance is about 80mm. You should use a Dremel to open the slots to fit in the sliding potentiometers, a.k.a. FADERS. If you don´t have this specific tool you can always do it as I show on the video. Think about a slot with 80mm length and 3mm wide.

This was my COVID-19 quarantines project. I was determined to find a productive way to spend my time and the Arduino that was left in a drawer came to mind. I went to my local store to buy wood to make the enclosure and as I bought it I was told they weren´t cutting wood because of the lack of personnel and due to this whole self-isolating/lockdown. So, I decided to buy the wood and cut it at home with the material I had available.

After removing the splinters with sand paper and preparing the surface I applied varnish paint. Two coating were applied. After I chose a color to paint the enclosure. You can check the pictures to see the result!

Step 3: Circuit Diagram and Connections

I decided to Illustrate the circuit diagram instead of drawing the conventional circuit diagram because it can get very confusing. I used several colors to separate jumper wires so you can understand where each wire belongs.

The chip used on the Arduino contains internal pull-up resistors, so there´s no need to wire resistors for each of the arcade buttons. This greatly simplifies the controller wiring.

All we need to do is choosing one leg of the Arcade Buttons to be the ground, the other will be power, which will be connected to one of the digital inputs on the Arduino board.

Faders have three legs, the first one (counting from the bottom) is the ground (-), second is power (+) and the third one is the signal.

For the Pot knob potentiometers its the following: left leg is ground (-), middle leg is the signal and right leg will be power (+).

The Arduino is going to be the brain of the MIDI Controller. It is going to send MIDI instructions to the software, depending on the button pushing input.

The interior is going to get very messing because of all the wires, I would advice you to structure the soldering process. For example, I decided to solder all the ground wires first, the power and finally I soldered the signal jumper wires.

After soldering and connecting all the pins to the Arduino board, we can close the enclosure. Have a look at the pictures to see the final outcome!

Step 4: Softwares and Programming 

You will need three pieces of software in order to be able to make music with your Arduino.

First, you need to download the Arduino IDE software to start writing your own code and upload sketches to the Arduino board.

Secondly, you need to download the LoopMidi software which is essentially a virtual midi cable.

Finally, to send your midi serial data to the LoopMidi software you will need the Hairless Midi to Serial Bridge software. This software is great to let you know if your wiring is correct because you can see the data flux exchanged between the MIDI Controller and the Hairless Midi Serial.

First step is opening the Arduino software and the code I am attaching to this Instructable (called MIDI_Controller). Credits are given to the Author Michael Balzer. You should not need to modify the code. Just verify the sketch which is kind of like a “debug” and when you get the message that the compilation is complete you can send it to the Arduino board.

Then head to the LoopMidi and chose a new port name. Once you chose one just press the plus button which will create the new port. After this step open the Hairless Midi Serial Bridge and start by selecting the MIDI In port that you have just created. Then select the same MIDI Out port. Finally chose the serial port of your computer (usually COM#). Congratulations, you have just enabled your MIDI Controller to communicate with the computer!

Step 5: Mapping the MIDI Controller 

 If you got this far Congratulations!!! You are just a few steps from start making music with Arduino and playing with your MIDI Controller!

Now you want to head over to your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and set the settings to recognize the external input which is your MIDI Controller. The example I am providing is with Ableton Live. You need to go to

Options >> Preferences : The Input Midi Port should be the one you defined earlier and you need turn the track and remote toggle button on.

Now if you press any button on your MIDI interface you should see a light flashing at the top right corner of the DAW which means the software is receiving the midi signals you are sending! To map the MIDI Controller just click on the “MIDI” button and the DAW color should turn purple. Now click over any slot and then press any button, you will see a note/control associated to it which means the button is mapped!

And you are done! Congratulations! Great project and great job! Let me know if you made it!

Tristan Calderbank made a drum robot for acoustic music

Tristan is an acoustic musician and a coder so he combined his skills in this musical performance.  

What worked and what didn’t 

Tristan tried a number of different types of motors for his robot including Car Door Locks, Stepper Motors and Solenoids, but they were all too noisy for the acoustic application he was going for. 

He finally settled on  Hitec HS-311 servos normally used for RC cars/airplanes. 

System Diagram 

The key thing here is that the Arduino controller maps MIDI note values to servo angles, and midi velocity values to the speed at which we move to those angles. For example if I sent a MIDI message (note: C2, velocity: 120), then every 1ms the controller will step the servo towards the C2 angle using some increment size determined by the velocity value.

by Tristan Calderbank

For more details…..

Tristan has more details of his project on his web page and has made the Arduino code available on his Github.  


midi-serv/midi-serv.ino at master · tristancalderbank/midi-serv · GitHub

Control servos using MIDI notes + Arduino. Contribute to tristancalderbank/midi-serv development by creating an account on GitHub.

Moritz Simon Geist aka “Sonic Robots” creates Techno Music Robots!

 At SXSW 2019, Moritz Simon Geist performed and presented several workshops on using robots and MIDI.  His new EP is created completely with MIDI controllers controlling robots he created himself. 

A latency control concept for midi driven mechanic robotic instruments

Geist is deeply into MIDI. His blog details a proposal for how to overcome the latency caused by physical movements of robots using MIDI and Cycling 74′ Max.  

Sonoclast: Plastic Pitch Plus – Using MIDI to Experiment with Microtonality

I created the Plastic Pitch Plus (PPP) to experiment with microtonality.  My primary design goal was to create a physical interface that gives immediate and independent control of pitches in a scale.  One way of doing microtonality involves generating lists of frequencies or ratios. In contrast, I wanted something that would naturally engage my ear and provide an intuitive way to experiment with pitches.

Here are some technical details.  The PPP provides two microtonal scale modes.

1) A twelve-tone scale mode in which the twelve knobs are used to tune up or down each of the twelve notes in a scale.

2) An equal divisions per octave mode in which the keys of a MIDI keyboard are remapped to an integer number of equal divisions per octave between 5 and 53.

The two scale modes are implemented in two ways.

1) Using MIDI pitch bend.  This is somewhat of a MIDI hack intended to support microtonality with any MIDI keyboard.  In short, each key is mapped to a microtonal pitch as specified by the knobs.  The PPP listens for incoming MIDI notes and sends out MIDI pitch bends and notes that correspond to the microtonal pitches.  To support polyphonic playing, the outbound pitch bends and notes are carefully distributed to multiple MIDI channels so that each note can have its own pitch bend value.

2) Using the MIDI Tuning Specification.  This is my first time playing with this relatively new specification.  (It works great!)  The PPP acts as a controller–no MIDI input is required.  When the knobs are turned, corresponding SysEx messages are sent out to retune the synthesizer’s internal tuning table.

See my website for more information and how to buy one.


GRIDI is a large scale physical Midi sequencer

GRIDI is a large scale physical midi sequencer 


Gridi is a large scale physical midi sequencer (2.80 X 1.65 Meters) with embedded LEDs. It
was created by music producer Yuval Gerstein with the simple aim, to allow visitors to create
a musical composition in an accessible and intuitive way. GRIDI translates the methodology
of composing electronic music inside a computer software, into an interactive physical
installation. It could easily act as a permanent stand alone installation, as well as part of an
art exhibition or event. GRIDI could also have a role in music education, as a tool for learning
musical concepts in a non threatening, intriguing way.
Visit GRIDI for more info: http://www.gridi.info

Yuvi Gerstein – Creator
Michael Zeron – Electronics & Programming
Ronen Peri – Programming Max/MSP
Nadav Vainer – Industrial design
images by – Andreas Mueller



Create Big Music Mashups on This Enormous MIDI Sequencer Board | Make:

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but for an interactive sound work called GRIDI a picture is worth infinite midi loops!


GRIDI midi sequencer created by Yuvi Gerstein

Gridi is a large scale physical midi sequencer for music composition and collaboration.Featured on Make.com, Arduino.org and more.

Tirare – MIDI String Instrument

The Tirare is a custom performance interface. In Italian, Tirare means: (to) throw, (to) to pull. The name refers to the primary performative action employed in order to generate sound. Initially, I was trying to create a form of MIDI concertina. I wanted to pull and push the interface to generate sound, similar to a concertina. I also made the intentional choice to not use a myriad of interface sensors like buttons, switches, sliders, etc. My goal was to create a simple interface that could handle all operations without the need for excessive methods of control.

I decided to use a Gametrak as the primary hardware for this interface (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gametrak). I have used the Gametrak in previous performances as a controller. This time I set out to assimilate the pieces of the Gametrak into a new interface. I used only one of the joysticks in my final design.

The Gametrak is a video game controller created by In2Games. The Gametrak controller consists of two three-dimensional (3D) joysticks. Each joystick generates X, Y, and Z data (when the string is pulled out of the interface), so each joystick control works like three faders that are interdependent of one another. Each joystick can be manipulated on its X, Y, and Z axes. Each axis outputs an integer. The uniqueness of the Gametrak lies in the three-dimensional joystick. The handle on both 3D faders is connected to a string-pot that pulls out of the box. A string-pot is simply a potentiometer that is turned by pulling a long, spring-wound spool of string. This pulling of the string-pot turns the potentiometer which outputs data. According to In2Games, the mechanisms can determine position, “to an accuracy of 1 millimeter anywhere within a 3 meter cube around the unit, with no processor overhead or time delay.” This level of responsiveness and precision was essential for the controller’s original purpose — to control a virtual golf swing! This level of precision and responsiveness is also well suited for use as a real-time performance interface.

I disconnected the main logic board in the Gametrak and connected one of the joysticks directly to the analog inputs on an Arduino Pro Micro. Since the Arduino’s ADC is 10-bit, the values genrated by the joysticks range from 0-1023. I scaled these values in the Arduino software to a range of 0-127 to conform to MIDI 1.0. Each axis of the joystick outputs two MIDI CC values. I programmed this feature to allow the Tirare to function with MPE software. 

The next step was to reassemble the pieces into a new form. I looked for an old concertina thinking I could insert the Gametrak pieces but this search was unsuccessful. After several attempts to create my own bellow for the Tirare, I realized copying the physical form of a concertina would not work because there would be no way to keep the bellow from resting on the string. I decided to find a new physical form to house the Gametrak pieces. Ultimately, I chose to use two small round pieces of wood (craft store), basic drawer handles (Home Depot), and a small strainer (dollar store). I initially intended this design to be a working prototype and not the final product. However, I have yet to find a better way to embody the joystick. 

I used the flywheel from the unused joystick to reroute the string from the potentiometer. This was necessary because I wanted the joystick as close to the center of the piece of wood as possible. However, the size and shape of the wood and the parts left me few options for assembly. It was important to route the string from the bottom of the joystick becue the IC board on the joystick prevented any other way of routing the string. 

Data is generated when the joystick is moved or the string is pulled. The Arduino scales the incoming data and generates MIDI CC values. The Arduino sends MIDI data over USB to MaxMSP. I use MaxMSP to receive the MIDI data from the Tirare and route that data to Kyma to generate sound. 

The string-pot also generates MIDI CC values during performance. I use MaxMSP to detect the direction the string is moving at any time, and I map that data to different destinations. I basically get two unique data streams from a single movement. In MaxMSP, I set thresholds at various points along the movement of the string in order to generate events that are used to trigger notes (see photo below), CC values, and control messages for Kyma. 

My software is very simple. I use the view on the left (below) to initialize the Tirare and turn on the three axes. I use the view on the right (below) during performance to monitor the values from each axis and to monitor where the string values are in relation to the triggers I set up for controlling notes, expression, and control for Kyma.

The Tirare is only a controller and does not generate sound. The combination of physical interface, software mapping layer, and sound production software make up the entire Data-driven Instrument for live performance.

Next Steps…

The next step for this projects is to allow for MIDI over USB or Bluetooth. I am currently working on a Max patch that will allow the Tirare, when connected, to change the way it transmits MIDI — USB or BLE. I also still have hope that I will dream up a better physical form for the Tirare.

***Video Coming Soon! 

Curve – by Nathan M. Asman

This custom-built instrument is called Curve, and is named after the shape and contour of the interface itself. I wanted to create something that had a myriad of different sensors and ways of controlling different musical parameters, while also maintaining the functionality and traditional idioms of other controllers, interfaces, and instruments that are around today. It’s kind of my take on a grid/keyboard/controller hybrid, or something along those lines, but that has far more options and possibilities for musical control and expression. I wanted it to be ergonomic as well, hence the final shape and layout.

I designed and fabricated Curve over the course of about 6 months, from the initial 3D model (done in Blender, https://www.blender.org) to the final version that you see now. The physical interface consists of one large laser-cut piece of clear 1/4″ acrylic to which I have adhered 20 FSR’s (force sensitive resistors, aka pressure sensors, https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9376), two touch-potentiometers (faders, https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8679), a keypad (https://www.adafruit.com/product/419), and a 9-degrees of freedom motion sensor (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13944). I have also affixed 60 RGB LED lights (DotStars, https://www.adafruit.com/product/2240) that are individually addressable and correspond to various inputs from the sensors for an added layer of visual feedback. The black cubes that cover each of the FSR’s are made out of a semi-dense foam which when attached to its corresponding FSR allow me to have a far greater range of pressure and interaction than I otherwise would have had with just the FSR on its own. Each of the sensors, lights, and keypad are connected to an Arduino Mega microcontroller (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Introduction, https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-mega-2560-rev3) that allowed me to completely customize the programming and functionality of each individual sensor and light.

Software-wise, I programmed all of the electronics using the Arduino IDE, which then connects via USB serial to Max/MSP where all of my data-mapping and data-processing happens. From Max/MSP, the data is then sent as MIDI data to Ableton Live, where all of my sound design and musical composition was done. I relied heavily on Max for Live instruments and devices for the majority of my sound design, leaning heavily towards a synth-based musical soundscape for my first piece with Curve.

It is important to note that while the hardware controller itself does not generate sound, Curve is nonetheless a comprehensive instrument in its own right when coupled with the customized software that I have designed in Arduino, Max/MSP, and Ableton Live. The individual components only form the complete instrument when they are all working together, similar to the way that a modular synthesizer operates. Curve (as an instrument) consists of the hardware, data-mapping, and sound design layers all functioning together as a complete package.

My Étude No.1, for Curve is the first of many pieces I hope to write for Curve. Being the first ever composition using this new interface, it imbued a unique set of qualities to the compositional process; accordingly, I am calling this piece an étude. To study and explore the control, performative possibilities, and affordances that this new interface offered me, I needed to study the options that Curve provided. However, I did not simply want to compose a study using the interface, but a substantial musical piece in its own right. To that end, the piece is broken up into four different sections, each highlighting a specific and unique performative technique that I developed for the instrument. Each section is denoted by a different method of physical interaction with the instrument, as well as a unique lighting mode designed to correspond and emphasize each performative technique.

For my biography and more of my works, please visit http://nathanasman.com

    Building & Designing Curve

The Story of SMOMID

Nick Demopoulos started out as a jazz musician and played with legends like Chico Hamilton.  But then he began exploring the possibilities of using MIDI and that led him to a new path as a DIY maker and creator of some fascinating and unique MIDI devices. 

HIs website (Smomid.com)  is named after the first instrument he ever built. Smomid is an acronym for String Modeling Midi Device.

Nick also created software that works with his instruments and allows him to approach music in a totally unique way, from the samples and sounds used, to the way beats are played, to the way loops are recorded and manipulated.

by Snomid.com

Here is an example of the music Nick makes with his DIY instruments.  All of the sounds are made by instruments of his own design.  He has released several recordings with Exegesis, a group that mixes jazz and electronic music. In 2008, the band toured Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, U.A.E and Kuwait on behalf of the State Department.  You can hear the influence of that trip on this piece, Smoment in Time. 

Cabot- MIDI Cahon

At SXSW, we got a chance to check out the Cabor MIDI cahon.  Cabot is a project of UTSUWA, Inc., a Kyoto, Japan based tech start-up. 

The Cabot percussion robot was conceived by Hideaki Iio, Director of the Cabot development team and guitar player/singer.

“I wanted to create a product that would rev up my solo performance.”


by Hideaki Iio

The Cabot team went through a long process of prototyping and improving the design. At SXSW, they showed a new prototype that looked much closer to a production version. You can subscribe on their website for updates on a launch date. 

Cabot’s target market is solo perfomers who want to add cahon accompaniment to their live solo performances. A foot pedal allows you to select different MIDI patterns in realtime. 

The Cabot has a 4 pin DIN plug on its body which is not a standard MIDI connector, but it sends and receives standard MIDI messages.  

There are two ways to program patterns for the Cabot. There is an iOS app that is under development and you can also connect the Cabot to your DAW. 

Here are some videos of the Cabot MIDI Cahon in action 


We collected up links to the top MIDI DIY resources from around the web. Links are embedded in the logos, the pictures and the text in blue. Clicking on a link takes you to the site’s search engine with the keyword MIDI so the latest MIDI DIY projects will always appear.

Instructables: Hundreds of DIY MIDI Projects

Learn how to make anything with Instructables. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions, online classes, and a vibrant maker community.


A curated list of MIDI DIY projects on Instructables 

​We have gone through the many MIDI DIY projects in Instructables and picked our some of our favorites.

  • Makezine MIDI Projects-Over 700 MIDI projects
  • From electronics to crafts to robots with a side of drones, the Make: edit team picks the latest products, projects and tools to make you a better maker.


SparkFun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics projects possible.

MIDIBox-Non-commercial DIY Projects for MIDI Hardware Geeks

DJ tech tools helped start the whole MIDI DIY revolution.  
Read more about it in this article.

Hackster-Hackster is a community dedicated to learning hardware.


MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components –

We created a list of companies that sell MIDI DIY components and programming tools. Check it out in the article link below. 

The People Who Created the DIY MIDI Revolution

Do It Yourself MIDI

​With the boom in open-source electronics platform like Arduino and the growth of 3-D printers, it’s become easier and easier to create your own MIDI controller. We wanted to introduce you to some of the people and companies who helped create the DIY MIDI revolution.

Moldover- The Godfather of Controllerism

Moldover is the acknowledged godfather of controllerism.  He has been a long time supporter of The MIDI Association and we featured him as a MIDI artist in 2016. He was one of the first people to develop his own DIY MIDI controller. 


Moldover-The Godfather of Controllerism –

Controllerism In 2005, Matt Moldover and Dj Shakey (Julie Covello) coined the term Controllerism to describe Moldover’s performance style.

Ean Golden- DJ Tech Tools

Ean Golden  (who now runs djtechtools) wrote an article  about Moldover “Music Maneuvers: Discover the Digital Turntablism Concept, Controllerism, Compliments of Moldover” in the October 2007 issue of Remix Magazine.

Soon after that he put out a Youtube video on how to make your own MIDI controller and started djtechtools

DJ Tech Tools continues to update their YouTube channel with videos on how to make your own MIDI controller.

Shawn Wasabi

Shawn Wasabi has 574,651 subscribers and 54,314,415 views on his Youtube channel. He started combining multiple 16 button MIDI Fighters together and combining them with game controllers.  Eventually he convinced DJ TechTools to make him a 64 button version of the MIDI Fighter with Sanwa arcade buttons. 

Evan Kale

Evan Kale is a young  creator who has 2,736,359 views on YouTube.  Here is how he describes himself on his Youtube channel. 

I break stuff. All things Arduino, guitar, ukulele, MIDI, mods, music, explosions, and hacks.

by Evan Kale


Evan Kale – YouTube

I break stuff. All things Arduino, guitar, ukulele, MIDI, mods, music, explosions, and hacks.

Notes and Volts has some really nice videos on Arduino, MIDI and building your own synths. 

Livid Instruments

Livid Instruments has been at the forefront of MIDI controller experimentation since 2004.  They have a number of manufactured products.

minim- mobile MIDI controller

Guitar Wing MIDI controller

Ds1 MIDI controller

But Livid also makes some great components for DIY projects like the Brain V2. 

Easily create your own MIDI controller with Brain v2. Brain V2 contains the Brain with a connected Bus Board for simple connectivity. Connect up to 128 buttons, 192 LEDs, and 64 analog controls. Components are easily connected with ribbons cables and we’ve created the Omni Board to allow dozens of layouts with a single circuit board.
Brain v2 supports faders, rotary potentiometers, arcade buttons, rubber buttons, LEDs, RGB LEDs, LED rings, encoders, velocity sensitive pads, accelerometers, and more.

by Livid

Links to MIDI.org resources for DIY MIDI projects so you can DO IT YOURSELF!


Arduino MIDI Output Basics –

IntroductionThe Arduino UNO is a popular open-source microcontroller that, in many respects, is a perfect complement to the extensible nature of the Music Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol. Microcontroller platforms such as Arduino, Teensy


A curated list of MIDI DIY projects on Instructables –

​ Instructables is a site which hosts DIY projects and is a platform for people to share what they make through words, photos, video and files. We have gone through the many MIDI DIY projects  and picked our some of


MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components –

Companies and products listed here do not imply any recommendation or endorsement by the MIDI Manufacturers Association. MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components These are just examples of such products — we make n

MIDI and Robots Part 2- Super Booth 2017

There has recently been a surge in robotic MIDI devices as Arduinos and low cost CPUs make it easier and easier to develop MIDI-controlled robotic components. 

At Super Booth 2017, there were a number of significant MIDI robot introductions. 

Felix Thorn

From a very early age Felix was inspired by both visual and sound arts. He studied both drawing and painting and piano in his formative years, but he never seemed to be able to settle on more traditional artistic paths and was always looking to combine sonic and visual arts together. Felix creates new experiences that combine real objects, music and design. 

Felix’s Machines are not intended to replace human-made music, but like Conlon Nancarrow, Felix focuses on how machines can exceed human’s ability to perform because of their mechanical nature. 

“Although my medium focuses on the development of acoustic sounds, I am continually inspired by electronic music – the countless abstractions act as blueprints for the construction of its acoustic counterparts. I aim to build a space where artificial and dream-like environments can become a reality.

by Felix Thorn

Bastl Instruments

Okay, technically this isn’t MIDI, it’s control voltages, but we just didn’t think it was right to have a piece on robotics and not include Bastl.  In any case, their new Thyme effect is MIDI controllable and it’s a sequenceable robot-operated digital tape machine.


Inspired in part by Felix Thorn, Johannes Lohbihler created a Kickstarter to develop DADA Machines. The dadamachines automat toolkit lets anyone create robotic orchestras with everyday objects. Automat is open source, hackable and Arduino compatible. 

The center of each toolkit is the automat controller. Plug in your favorite software or hardware MIDI input directly into the controller. For output, automat controller has 12 universal DC outputs to connect motors, solenoids, LEDs – whatever you want to start playing. The automat is plug & play – offering unlimited possibilities. Simply connect your favorite MIDI hardware device, music App or DAW and trigger the actuators of your choice to create a composition.

by Dada Machines

Prototypes of DADA Machines were used in this German production of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


dadamachines: music machines for everyone! by Johannes Lohbihler —Kickstarter

Johannes Lohbihler is raising funds for dadamachines: music machines for everyone! on Kickstarter! The dadamachines automat toolkit enables you to tap, move and bang to make sound with the world around you. Hackable & open-source!

Polyend Perc Pro

Polyend was only started in 2015, but they have been working hard on their ideas to expand musicians’ creativity

PERC PRO, a MIDI-controlled device that mechanically plays any percussive surface. It make a drumming machine out of anything.  Aphex Twin, Daedelus, and Dan Deacon have all utilized the Perc Pro in their work. Any percussion instrument you strike with a stick or your bare hands works with PERC PRO. Open yourself up to new possibilities. Congas, xylophone, sauce pan?

Each PERC PRO kit includes:
– 3 beaters (you can choose silicon, aluminum or wooded striker for each beater)
– controller (capable of playing up to 3 beaters)
– 3 clamps
– USB cable
– Power cable

PERC Controller IN/OUT:
•1x MIDI DIN in
•1x MIDI USB in
•3x Drum Gate in
•3x CV Velocity in
•1x MIDI DIN thru
•1x MIDI DIN out
•3x PERC Ball out

At Super Booth 2017, Polyend introduced tempos so fast for the Perc Pro that the drum rolls became audible pitches. 

Yamaha reface robot

Yamaha also showed a robot at Super Booth 2017.  Designed in collaboration with Anno Labs, a design company from Fukuoka, Japan.  Here is a little bit about the reface robot and annon labs and then a couple of Youtube videos about the reface robot project.

“#refacerobot”. Custom-made robot for reface CS dynamically controlling all sound parameters. From it’s fierce and full-blast performance you will experience unheard sounds freed from conventional two-handed tweaking.

by Yamaha

“#annolab”. anno lab is an emerging creative group focused on media art and interactive design. Most of their works aim at inspiring curiosity and fun for people in their daily life.

by anno lab

Arduino MIDI Output Basics


The Arduino UNO is a popular open-source microcontroller that, in many respects, is a perfect complement to the extensible nature of the Music Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol. Microcontroller platforms such as Arduino, Teensy, and others, make it relatively easy to develop custom MIDI controllers that respond to light, pressure, sound, and many other forms of input. In this way, microcontrollers provide a unique way to expand the possibilities of MIDI into the physical realm. MIDI musicians can now envision and create an astounding array of custom hardware devices from custom controllers to algorithmic composers and beyond.

Note that this article focuses on the basics of MIDI output on an Arduino UNO. Future articles will cover MIDI input on the Arduino and Teensy platforms as well as the use of potentiometers, switches, and other components for real-time MIDI control.

Transmitter Circuit

It is necessary to utilize a MIDI interface in order to send MIDI messages from an Arduino to a synthesizer, Digital Audio Workstation, or other MIDI device. Fortunately, it is easy (and inexpensive) to create a simple circuit that can handle MIDI output. The circuit can be mocked up on a solderless breadboard for experimentation or a permanent version can be soldered to solderboard. Users who are new to electronics might want to consider a commercial version such as the SparkFun MIDI Shield, offered at a nominal cost by SparkFun Electronics and other vendors.

As is evident in Figure 1, a circuit that was documented in David Miles Huber’s The MIDI Manual, the circuit for MIDI output is relatively simple and consists of:

  • a connection from the 5V pin of an Arduino through a 220-ohm resistor to pin 4 of a standard MIDI DIN jack,
  • a connection from the GND pin of an Arduino to pin 2 of a MIDI DIN jack,
  • a connection from the TX pin of an Arduino through a 220-ohm resister and 7404 Hex inverter to pin 5 of a MIDI DIN jack. 

Figure 2 demonstrates one way that the transmitter circuit could be configured on a solderless breadboard. Note that the top rail of the solderless breadboard is connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino and the bottom rail is connected to the Arduino GND pin.

MIDI Output Sketch: “Old School” Approach

While it is generally more convenient to use a MIDI library to program MIDI sketches on an Arduino, we will start with a low-level “pure” sketch in order to demonstrate how MIDI bytes are handled. If you have ever programmed MIDI applications for Windows, OS X, or Linux you are in for a pleasant surprise because MIDI output can be achieved with just a few lines of code on an Arduino. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to download the Arduino Software (Integrated Development Environment) from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software. Next, run the Arduino software and select File…New and enter the code that is described in the following paragraphs.

Boilerplate Code

While the basics of C and C++ programming are beyond the scope of this article (and covered in detail in my own Arduino for Musicians as well as numerous other books and online resources), rest assured that the basics of coding a simple MIDI sketch are not unduly difficult. Start by typing the functions shown in Listing 1 which form the basis for all Arduino sketches. Note that the term function is used to describe a block of “functional” code denoted by the function name and opening and closing braces:

Listing 1 Boilerplate functions

void setup()


void loop()


The setup() function is called once when your sketch is first run on an Arduino. You will use that block of code (between the opening and closing braces) to establish the serial transmission rate and any other initialization required by the sketch. The loop() function is where the action happens. As the name of the function implies, the loop() function continues to loop throughout the duration of your sketch unless you pause it with a delay() function or some other blocking activity.

Establishing a serial connection

To establish a serial MIDI connection between the Arduino and a MIDI receiver, add the code shown in Listing 2 to the setup() function. The Serial object represents a class (an object or pre-programmed chunk of code) that handles all of the low-level details of establishing and maintaining a serial connection. Note that the Serial class provides a function (typically called a method in the context of a class) titled begin() that takes the baud rate as a parameter. In this example, serial transmission is set to 31250 baud, the expected MIDI transmission rate as per The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification (available from the MIDI Association at midi.org).

Listing 2 Setting up a serial connection

void setup()

Writing a MIDI output function

Although there is nothing wrong with writing code for sending MIDI data in the loop() function, custom functions can help to produce code that is extensible and easier to read and maintain. Listing 3 demonstrates one approach to sending Note-On messages. Notice how the function takes three bytes that correspond to the MIDI channel, note, and velocity. The only tricky part of the code is the first line which translates the expected MIDI channel range of 1-16 to the range of Note-On status bytes starting at 0x90 (hexadecimal). The Serial.write() method is used to transmit the status byte and data bytes that form a Note-On message:

Listing 3 Custom function for outputting MIDI Note-On messages

void playMIDINote(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity)
//MIDI channels 1-16 are really 0-15
byte noteOnStatus = 0x90 + (channel-1);

//Transmit a Note-On message

Outputting Notes

Now that a convenience function is available to handle the transmission of Note-On messages, it is easy to fill in some simple code in the loop() function to output a series of notes. Note that this example uses a blocking delay—generally a bad idea for more robust applications—but the use of timers is beyond the scope of this article and would only serve to obfuscate the underlying concept of sending MIDI data via a serial connection. In Listing 4, a “for loop” is used to output MIDI Note-On messages in the range of 60 to 72. The function delays and then the transmits the same note with a velocity of zero—which is functionally equivalent to sending a corresponding Note-Off message.

Listing 4 Outputting a chromatic scale

void loop()
//Play a chromatic scale starting on middle C (60)
for(int note = 60; note < 72; note++)
//Play a note
playMIDINote(1, note, 100);
//Hold the note for 60 ms (delay() used for simplicity)

//Turn note off (velocity = 0)
playMIDINote(1, note, 0);
//Pause for 60 ms

Uploading a Sketch to the Arduino

The complete sketch is shown in Listing 5. Once you have typed or copied the code into the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), click the leftmost check button to ensure that the sketch is free from errors. If you are relatively new to programming it might be helpful to remember that C code is case sensitive. It is also easy to omit an opening or closing brace or semicolon which can create any number of error messages. A final step is to connect the Arduino to your computer via a USB cable and select the upload button to upload the code to the Arduino. Assuming you have connected a valid MIDI output circuit, the chromatic scale should be received by any MIDI receiver device that is connected to the circuit via a MIDI cable.

Listing 5 Complete listing

void setup()
//Set up serial output with standard MIDI baud rate


void loop()
//Play a chromatic scale starting on middle C (60)
for(int note = 60; note < 72; note++)
//Play a note
playMIDINote(1, note, 100);
//Hold note for 60 ms (delay() used for simplicity)

//Turn note off (velocity = 0)
playMIDINote(1, note, 0);
//Pause for 60 ms

void playMIDINote(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity)
//MIDI channels 1-16 are really 0-15
byte noteOnStatus=0x90 + (channel-1);

//Send notes to MIDI output:

Coding Challenge

That’s it—Arduino MIDI output can be achieved with just a few lines of code! Consider how you might use the boilerplate code in this example to develop a simple algorithmic generator (perhaps using the Arduino random() function) or a sketch that outputs chords, exotic scales, or drum beats.

Next Steps

Although this introduction is necessarily limited, it forms the basis for many exciting possibilities including algorithmic composition, automation, and real-time control. As you will see in future articles, a basic MIDI output circuit can also be used for useful applications such as using a potentiometer to send continuous controller messages to a DAW or a two-axis joystick as an expressive real-time controller. As noted in the introduction, detailed coverage of Arduino MIDI and audio concepts are provided in Arduino for Musicians: A Complete Guide to Arduino and Teensy Microcontrollers as well as other books online resources.

Happy coding!

The Great American Horn Machine GAHM

The loudest MIDI instrument ever ?  

Dana Dolfi has created what is probably the loudest MIDI controlled instrument ever made out of recycled ship, truck and train air horns and steam whistles. 

Dolfi, a pipe-fitter and project manager for Chapman Corp. in Washington, Pennsylvania sets his 3-ton, red, white and blue atop a car trailer and performs at Maker Faires, July Fourth events and graduation parties. 

But his contraption (It’s great when you can use an old-timey word like contraption in it’s proper context) creates some limitations in where he can perform.  The GAHM is as loud as a jet engine and so Dana marks off a 100 yard perimeter around the instrument and even then recommends ear plugs.  It’s no wonder it is so loud as it is powered by a gasoline-powered air compressor and a 620-gallon air tank blows the horns and whistles. 

Among the horns and whistles Dolfi has collected are a large horn from the USS Mississinewa, a Naval replenishment oiler; horns off a Coast Guard cutter and an ocean-going dredge; a horn that was used on a California drawbridge; a set of horns from a Great Lakes ore freighter; whistles from the Donora American Steel and Wire Works; an 1890s whistle from a fire hall in Gloucester, Mass.; a whistle from an antique popcorn machine, and several train and towboat horns and whistles.

by Karen Mansfield
Staff Writer for the award-winning Observer-Reporter. a daily newspaper headquartered in Washington, Pa., the newspaper has been part of Southwestern Pennsylvania since the early 1800s.

The Great American Horn Machine has performed at lots of Maker Faires and here are a couple of video examples. 

Happy Memorial Day-2016

A curated list of MIDI DIY projects on Instructables

Instructables is a site which hosts DIY projects and is a platform for people to share what they make through words, photos, video and files. We have gone through the many MIDI DIY projects  and picked our some of our favorite projects.  To see all the MIDI projects that are available on the site, just click here. 


What is MIDI?

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a protocol developed in the 1980’s which allows electronic instruments and other digital musical tools to communicate with each other.  The advantages of MIDI include: compact -an entire song can be stored within a few hundred MIDI messages (compared to audio data which is sampled thousands of times a second) easy to modify/manipulate notes -change pitch, duration, and other parameters without having to rerecord change instruments -remember, MIDI only describes which notes to play, you can send these notes to any instrument to change the overall sound …


Intro to MaxMSP

MaxMSP is a visual programming language that helps you build complex, interactive programs without any prior experience writing code. MaxMSP is especially useful for building audio, MIDI, video, and graphics applications where user interaction is needed. This Instructable is part of a 3-part workshop I’m running at Women’s Audio Mission, it’s part one of three Instructables that I’ll be publishing over the course of the next week. (Part 2 – intermediate MaxMSP) (Part 3 – getting Max to talk to hardware) MaxMSP is split into several parts – Max handles discrete operations and MIDI, this is the easiest place to start getting familiar with the tool. MSPdeals with signal processing and audio. ;And Jitter is for graphics rendering and video manipulation. This course will cover Max and MSP. Here are some examples of awesome things you can do with Max.


Intermediate MaxMSP

This Instructable is a continuation of Intro to MaxMSP, a three part workshop I’m teaching at Women’s Audio Mission here in San Francisco.This Instructable build upon the topics discussed in Intro to MaxMSP and introduces some ways to work with audio in Max. Part 3 of the workshop focuses on how to get Max to talk to hardware.; First off, here are some examples of the types of things you can do with audio in Max: Fornant synthesis – using filters to recreate human vocal sounds Audio to MIDI, Granular Synthesis- cutting up a sample into tiny grains and pieces the grains together to make new sounds



Draw your own musical keyboard with pencil on paper, using Arduino and capacitance sensing. Here is a demo and explanation of a finished project: More on this project (and paper circuits in general) can be seen here at the Science of Music blog. 


Laser Midi Controller – (Laser Triggered Midi Keyboard)

Project goal:Construct a laser triggered midi controller, using standard electric components and a recycled midi keyboard.
;Step 1.Find a recycled midi keyboard / controller.
Step 2.Construct a laser triggered switch.
Step 3.Connect midi device, measure components (shorts), and test device.
You can now play instruments, beats, loops and samples by interrupting the laser.- have fun


Arduino MIDI Controller

A MIDI controller is any piece of equipment that generates and transmits MIDI data to MIDI-enabled devices. In short, if you have buttons on your MIDI controller, you can program those buttons to any sound you want through musical software (ex.: Ableton, Garage Band, etc.). You can also program potentiometers to control effects, volumes, etc..This instructable will show you how to create your own MIDI Controller using Arduino. With a MIDI controller, you are rarely limited with what you can do. There is endless possibilities and endless fun.


Musical Melodyian MIDI Robot

Greetings Earth! This Instructable will show you how to build your very own Melodyian – an Arduino-based, 3D-printable robot that can move around, light up, and make music! It’s also a MIDI robot, and can be wirelessly controlled via MIDI over Bluetooth.This robot is part of a larger transmedia production called The Musical Melodyians. The Melodyians are musical aliens who eat music and travel through space to save the universe’s musics. Visit our webular portal to watch videos featuring these Melodyian robots, listen to Melodyian music, read our graphic novel, and more! NOTE: This project is suited for makers with at least an intermediate amount of experience with Arduinos, soldering, general electronics, and at least a basic familiarity with MIDI. 


Flame Controlled MIDI Controller

One huge issue in the world of digital music production is keeping that analog warmth (that resonated from reel-to-reel systems and tubes) in modern day digital music. Many swear that analog systems have a sound that can never be replicated by bits, and hope is lost for digital music to match that analog quality. Virtual Studio Technologies (VSTs) have tried to replicate the authentic analog sound, but they (being entirely digital) cannot give you the true sound. In this instructable, I’ll share with you how we can bridge the gap between digital and analog music production by creating a Flame Controlled MIDI Controller using an Arduino micro-controller.Fire is awesome. Flames sway, crackle, and waver which makes them a perfect medium to capture a room’s atmosphere, and ultimately to create a great analog signal. These characteristics are optimal because even when the signal is converted into digital MIDI signals, it will …


Sugarcube MIDI Controller

This project is a portable, Arduino-powered, grid-based MIDI controller that boots up into a variety of apps to do lots of things with sound. It has 16 backlit buttons, used as both inputs and outputs to give the controller some visual feedback. 2 potentiometers give analog control, depending on the app the pots are assigned to tempo, MIDI velocity, pitch, and scrolling (making the avaible grid space larger than 4×4). An x/y accelerometer and an x/y gyroscope add some playful, gestural control to the device; most of the apps implement a “shake to erase” control and several respond to tilt in various ways. It boots up into 7 different apps (described below), though it has the potential to boot up into 16 total. This device is primarily a MIDI controller, but I’ve also written an app that allows you to pull the button and analog data into MaxMSP and to …


13 Note MIDI Laser Harp

The laser harp is an electronic instrument that is played by blocking laser beams. Several laser beams are produced, and a note is played when one of the beams is blocked by the player, similar to plucking a stick on a real harp. The device must therefore produce a laser beam for each note and also have a sensor for determining when a beam is blocked.I constructed a MIDI laser harp controlled with an Arduino for Spectra, an optics group at Washington University in Saint Louis. This instructable goes over the commercial parts used, design of electronics, mounting parts that were 3D printed, and the frame. This project is also listed on my website with other projects


Build MIDI Bass Pedals for About $150

MIDI bass pedals, similar to pedals organists use to play bass notes, but instead used to play a MIDI synthesizer or sound module, have been popular for the last few decades. In addition to keyboard players, many electric bass players, such as Geddy Lee of Rush, have used them to expand the palette of bass sounds they use. But they can be quite expensive.These were my main costs for building a set of bass pedals:$35 Bass pedals from a Conn organ bought on eBay$35 Shipping for the bass pedals$44 Arduino Mega 2650 R3 controller board$20 Sparkfun MIDI Shield$7 9V 1000 mA AC adapter for Arduino boards_______________________________________________$141 TOTALIn addition to these I used some miscellaneous stuff like wire, solder, contact cleaner, tie wraps and cables I already had. A good place to to get the Arduino components and the MIDI Shield is the Robot Shop.


Antique Light Bulb Organ – MIDI/OSC Controlled

Create your own antique light bulb organ to add nostalgic ambiance to any midi instrument! 12 light bulbs correspond to the 12 notes in an octave (minus the octave note). The rectangular box unfolds to position the light bulbs vertically for display, while at the same time providing a platform for the keyboard in use. Playing a note on the keyboard directly via midi, or through the usb port illuminates the light bulb for a particular key. Releasing the note, releases the key. Pedal presses are also recognized and keep the bulb maintained. The bulbs can be controlled without a computer by using the front mounted midi port, or via computer which allows for remote control via midi or osc messages. More about that later… The light organ was built for and is currently in use by the band Future Dancing , see the video below to see it in action! 


Arcade style DJ MIDI controller

&gt;&gt;&gt;This isn’t quite finished yet as I cocked a bit of the circuit up. I’ll update the instructable and upload a video when it’s sorted&lt;&lt;&lt; I’ve been DJing for about 10 years now, and for the last couple I’ve swapped good old fashioned vinyl for virtual vinyl in the form of Serato. This allows me control mp3’s using timecode vinyl on the turntables. However, like a lot of DJ’s, this led me down the dark path of spending gigs staring at my laptop – aka – Serato Face. I needed to find an interface that would keep my eyes off the screen, but all the ones in my price range weren’t laid out in a way that worked for me. Having seen some great Instructables from other people that made their own arcade style MIDI controllers, a bespoke controller became something I needed to add to my DJ arsenal. However, …


Converting a rescued toy into a MIDI controller

In this Instructable, I will walk you through the process of converting a rescued noise-making children’s toy into an actually useful musical instrument using MIDI! Take a moment to just glance over the titles of the steps in this Instructable and familiarize yourself with the general process, so you know what to expect when you’re complete, and whether or not this Instructable is what you’re looking for. I’ll help you pick out a good toy to rescue, and then guide you through the process I used to successfully hack all of the buttons and switches to make something really cool and useful. We’ll rip out the old, useless guts of the toy and replace it with a cheap microcontroller that is capable of sending and receiving MIDI messages to a PC, which will do the actual sound synthesis for us. I’ll discuss the ins and outs of how to do …


Dub Cadet: Holographic MIDI & LED Controller for Arduino – Part 1

I believe holographic musical instruments will be commonplace in the future, showing up everywhere from schools (for education), to homes (for fun), to media offices (for creativity), and in music studios (for production). The reason is simple: The holographic musical instrument takes a complex process and radically simplifies it: see another demo video here. I’m using the term ‘holographic music’ to mean multidimensional musical structures mapped to 3d surfaces to be decoded through rotational motion. Just as optical holograms modulate light based on the 3D viewing angle, we can modulate sounds based on the relative 3D orientation of an object. This is Part 1 of a 3-part series on a technology that I am calling the Dub Cadet: a holographic musical instrument. Part 1 will discuss theory and technical strategy, Part 2 will provide an arduino-based hardware solution, and Part 3 will explain the programming code that makes it work. …

MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components

Companies and products listed here do not imply any recommendation or endorsement by the MIDI Manufacturers Association.

MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components

These are just examples of such products — we make no warranty re: suitability (or anything else, for that matter) — use at your own risk. If you are a manufacturer and would like to be listed here, please use our Contact Form to let us know.

MIDI Processing Devices and DIY Hardware

Programming Tools

DLS and XMF Development Tools

  • Nokia Audio Suite 2.0 enables authoring of SP-MIDI, Mobile DLS, and Mobile XMF content, as well as modeling the sound as played by Nokia terminals.
  • Crimson’s DLS Tools is a professional editor for DLS Level-1, DLS Level-2, and Mobile DLS/XMF. It is useful for 3GPP (Mobile DLS) content authoring, MIDI sound module IC development, etc.
  • Eye and I Productions (Voice Crystal®) specializes in General MIDI & custom wavetable design and offers a wide range of GM wavetable sizes; 32KB thru 128KB for Mobile DLS1 & DLS2 applications up to 32MB for professional products. Also provides technical advice on synth functionality, testing & verification..
  • PolyPhontics is a full-featured DLS and SoundFont® compatible authoring tool for Mac OSX.
  • FMJ Software’s Awave edits and creates DLS files.
  • Audio Compositor is a MIDI-to-WAV file renderer, multitimbral realtime software wavetable synth and patch editor for DLS (and other) files.
  • Moderati mXMFTool (press release)

Imogen Heap Exclusive Interview

  • Tell us about yourself briefly-

I write, sing, play various instruments, program drums etc, edit, mix and produce my own work in my home studio or wherever a project takes me.

I’m now fully independent, with no management, publishing or label! It feels amazing to be completely untethered.

Over the last 5 years I’ve been developing with a team of now 8 people, a gestural performance system around wireless gloves. We call the system Mi.Mu. To reach inside the technology of the computer and sculpt music. Changing the way creatively we think about sound both at the writing and performance end of the spectrum and closer engagement with the audience.

I tend to make things where i find gaps in my life, workflow or business. Songs, gloves and recently imagining a Fair Trade Music industry i call Mycelia.

  • What was your first encounter with MIDI?

A sound module in the cupboard at the music school I went to. In there was an Atari with Notator and the sounds I played were off of this device… but I actually have no idea what it was but it was hooked up via midi! I was 12, this was back in 1990.

  • How do you use MIDI today?

I use it mainly when mapping my gloves into Ableton live. Choosing the midi channel and note or cc, I can automate anything within the program, wirelessly and fluidly. For example, simply panning a sound from left to right, by moving my arm left to right.

Or gaining the length of a reverb by One Finger Point, to the top right ‘corner’ of the space before me.

  • How has MIDI allowed you to do what you do?

The standard is one of the few, where because of it’s elegance and simplicity, has been adopted across the industry and so making it possible to try out all manner of weird and wonderful applications. It just works. We just need someone to sort out wireless a bit better now so we don’t have to have all those darned midi cables!

  • Anything else you’d like to add?

Just thank you!