MIDI is used in so many different ways to create music and art in the studio and on stage.
Here is a collection of tips and tricks to make the most out of MIDI.

Lemonaide: The World’s First Fairly Trained AI MIDI Plugin
Lemonaide is a state of the art AI Company that creates MIDI and audio plugins that generate inspirational ideas (such as melodies and chord progressions in any key). They are […]

How I Made The MIDICard
I’m Alana Balagot, maker of The MIDICard. I’ve always been excited about music and technology. My piano teacher set up a simple MIDI studio in the 90’s, with a Dell […]

Ethics of AI MIDI
The ethics of AI music became a heated topic at industry panels in 2024, sparking debates around the notion of “fair use”. AI music tech companies have admitted to training […]

Anthony Marinelli and the Arp 2600 at the MIDI Association Booth NAMM 2024
Reflections on the Arp 2600 and Alvin Lucier Before we get into Anthony’s presentation at NAMM 2024, I wanted to give a bit of insight about why what he did […]

ShowMIDI: effortlessly visualize MIDI activity
ShowMIDI is a multi-platform GUI application to effortlessly visualize MIDI activity, filling a void in the available MIDI monitoring solutions. Instead of wading through logs of MIDI messages to correlate relevant […]

Microsoft Adds MIDI 2.0, Researches AI Text-to-MIDI in 2023
The MIDI Association has enjoyed an ongoing partnership with Microsoft, collaborating to ensure that MIDI software and hardware play nicely with the Windows operating system. All of the major operating […]

What Musicians & Artists need to know about MIDI 2.0
This article is to explain the benefits of MIDI 2.0 to people who use MIDI. If you are a MIDI developer looking for the technical details about MIDI 2.0, go […]

AudioCipher V3: The Word-to-MIDI Melody and Chord Progression Generator
MIDI Association partner AudioCipher Technologies has just published Version 3.0 of their melody and chord progression generator plugin. Type in a word or phrase and AudioCipher will automatically generate MIDI […]

In praise of MIDI, tech’s hidden gift to humanity
The Register posted an article today about Firefox supporting Web MIDI. MIDI was created by a small group of American and Japanese synthesiser makers. Before it, you could hook synths, drum […]

An Interview with GLASYS: Tugging on my Heartchips
GLASYS (Gil Assayas) was a winner of the MIDI Association’s 2022 Innovation Awards for artistic installations. He’s a keyboard player, composer, sound designer, and video content creator who currently performs live […]

Hans Zimmer says ““MIDI saved my life”
Hans Zimmer is one of the most famous and prolific film composer in the world. He has composed music for over 150 films including blockbusters like The Lion King, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, the Pirates […]

3 Best AI Music Generators for MIDI Creation
A new generation of AI MIDI software has emerged over the past 5 years. Google, OpenAI, and Spotify have each published a free MIDI application powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence. The […]

What is MIDI Art and MIDI Drawing?
MIDI art is a fun, emerging technique that’s taking the internet by storm. This unusual approach to songwriting centers around creating 2-D art from colored MIDI notes in the piano roll of […]

MIDI used to complete Beethoven’s 10th symphony
MIDI Association contributor Walter Werzowa was featured on CNN today (Dec 26, 2021) One of the best things about the MIDI Association is the great people we get to meet and associate with. […]

Alan Parsons pioneers MIDI recording back in 1985
There’s a lot of excitement in the air – MIDI 2.0, VR/AR, spatial audio, flying taxis and Facebook’s own flight of fancy, Metaspace (it took me three goes to stop this being called Meatspace; perhaps […]

A MIDI Controller has a MIDI Controller that sends MIDI Controllers
MIDI Controllers (Products, Physical Controls, and Messages) Unfortunately the word controller is overburdened in the MIDI lexicon and probably the most overused word in the world of MIDI. It can refer to […]

AR Pianist combines MIDI and AI to create virtual piano performances in your home
Massive Technologies releases major update to AR Pianist with new MIDI and Audio features Massive Technologies (MT) newest AR Pianist update shows the unique power of combining MIDI Data with AI and VR technologies and is an incredibly engaging […]

Solve Problems with MIDI Plug-Ins
A DAW’s MIDI Plug-Ins Can Provide Solutions to Common Problems In a world obsessed with audio plug-ins, MIDI plug-ins may not seem sexy—but with MIDI’s continued vitality, they remain very […]

How to Create Polyrhythmic MIDI Echoes
There’s more to life than audio echo – like MIDI echo Although the concept of MIDI echo has been around for years, early virtual instruments often didn’t have enough voices […]

YamahaSynth Tech Talks- Behind the Synth with Nick Semrad and Matt Johnson
YamahaSynth Tech Talks on Tuesday, May 11 at 1:00 PM PST/10:00 PM GST Join Blake Angelos, Matt Johnson and special guest Nick Semrad from Jamiroquai Tech Talk Season Two began with a […]

The Korg SQ64 Polyphonic Sequencer- Step up your Connectivity and Control
Just like MIDI itself, the Korg SQ64 hardware sequencer focuses on connectivity and control The SQ-64 is unique in its ability to drive MIDI and modular synths letting you create music with all your […]

Mixing with Virtual Instruments: The Basics
DAW software, like Ableton Live, Logic, Pro Tools, Studio One, etc. isn’t just about audio. Virtual instruments that are driven by MIDI data produce sounds in real time, in sync […]

Explore MIDI Effects in Live – free workshop 27th April
This workshop is part of a series of monthly free live events about MIDI organised by the Music Hackspace Date & Time: Tuesday 27th April 6pm UK / 7pm Berlin / 1pm […]

Happy New Year 2021 from Jacob Collier
Jacon Collier plays in the New Year with MIDI 2020 was a pretty tough year and everyone was affected by the events that shaped the world. But 2020 had its […]

Ableton-May is MIDI Month Platinum Sponsor
We make Live, Push and Link — unique software and hardware for music creation and performance. With these products, our community of users creates amazing things.Ableton was founded in 1999 […]

Watermelons, Summer and MIDI from MEZERG
Sometimes you just need to relax and do something cool. So on Labor day weekend 2020 we shared this video from MEZERG enjoying some cool watermelon, some bright sun and a dip […]

The best new way to learn piano. Learning with flowkey is easy and fun. Practice notes and chords interactively and receive instant feedback. The idea behind flowkey is simple: “learn […]

Ik Multimedia Hammond B-3X Update 1.3
New presets from Jordan Rudess and more for Mac/PC and iOS. Jordan Rudess recently took the stage with Deep Purple for a festival performance in Mexico City using Hammond B-3X […]

Check Out Audio Modeling SWAM Solo Brass
Audio Modeling has been coming out with more and more physical modeled instruments that add incredible realism and expressiveness. Recently they released the Solo Brass Bundle. You can buy either individual […]

Ableton-May is MIDI Month 2020 Gold Sponsor
We make Live, Push and Link — unique software and hardware for music creation and performance. With these products, our community of users creates amazing things. Ableton was founded in 1999 […]

Process and Translate MIDI with the BomeBox
We have actively participated in creating the MIDI 2.0 specifications in the MIDI Manufacturers Association for many years. This year, some specifications will be finalized, and the Bome products will learn […]

First MIDI 2.0 Functionality in the BomeBox
We have actively participated in creating the MIDI 2.0 specifications in the MIDI Manufacturers Association for many years. This year, some specifications will be finalized, and the Bome products will learn […]

Yamaha and Camelot Pro make playing live easier
LIVE PERFORMING IS NOW MORE FUN AND EASY CROSS PLATFORM LIVE PERFORMANCE APPLICATION Wondering how to connect and control your hardware and software instruments in one place? Want to remotely […]

If you have Cubase/Nuendo, take advantage of the special 50% off promotion that Steinberg is running until June 30 on VST Connect Pro. If you are a musician who works with producers who […]

IK Multimedia Releases Safe Spacer™ wearable social distance monitor
Safe Spacer™ is a new, lightweight wearable device that helps workers and visitors maintain safe social distancing, enabling MI and other industries to safely re-open and operate with peace of […]

IK Multimedia-May is MIDI Month 2020 Platinum Sponsor
Way back in 1996 — around the time electricity was discovered and cell phones were the size of your average 4-slot toaster — two Italian engineers got together to solve […]

Synthesis Fundamentals from the Bob Moog Foundation, Ableton’s Learning Synths, and Chrome Music Lab
The Bob Moog Foundation and the MIDI Association The Bob Moog Foundation and the MIDI Association have had a close working relationship for many years. When we talked to Michelle Moog-Koussa, […]

Sweetwater-May is MIDI Month 2020 Platinum Sponsor
Since 1979, we’ve helped music makers all across the world build their dreams. We are a team of gear heads who are committed to doing the right thing for our […]

Moog-May is MIDI Month 2020 Platinum Sponsor
Moog Music is the leading producer of analog synthesizers in the world. The employee-owned company and its customers carry on the legacy of its founder, electronic musical instrument pioneer, Dr. […]

Melodics- Using MIDI to Learn Music
Melodics is modern learning for modern instruments Melodics is modern learning for modern instruments, supporting MIDI Keyboards, Pad Controllers, and electronic drum kits. It’s structured learning for solid progress. Melodics takes the […]

KMI K-Board Pro 4 with a Bitwig Studio 8-Track Bundle Makes MPE Easy
The KMI K-Board Pro 4 The KMI K-Board Pro 4 started off as Kickstarter campaign in 2016 and quickly got to its funding goal of $50.000. What sets the Pro 4 apart from […]

Ólafur Arnalds’ MIDI Generative effects and Pianos that go Bleep Bloop
Ólafur Arnalds didn’t start out playing keyboards. He started out as a drummer in hard rock bands. He is not alone. Yoshiki from the legendary Japanese hard rock band X Japan comes to mind. Many people […]

SHARC MIDI and Audio Module from Analog Devices
Do you want to develop MIDI hardware products? The SHARC® Audio Module is an expandable hardware/software platform enabling project prototyping, development and deployment of audio applications including effects processors; multi-channel […]

How Fishman, Arturia and MIND Music Labs Followed their MUSE to a State of the Art Synth Guitar in 30 Days
British mega band MUSE is currently on tour promoting their latest album Simulation Theory performing in sold out stadiums all over the world. Each night frontman and guitarist Matt Bellamy […]

Projucer: Deliver music apps for desktop and mobile, with the same code
You may not know it, but a lot of the software you use may be made by the same system, JUCE. JUCE is used for the development of desktop and mobile applications. […]

Melodics- the best way to build your musical skills.
Melodics™ is a desktop app that teaches you to play MIDI keyboards, pad controllers, and drums. Melodics works with any MIDI capable keyboard, pad controller, or drum kit. It has plug […]

Use MIDI to Control Your Vocal Pitch, Harmonies and More!
Though Roland co-invented the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) well over three decades ago, it’s still an integral part of new products and is as useful to musicians as ever. […]

6 Tips for Programming More Realistic Sounding Drums
We’re in a golden age of sampled instruments; these days, you can find realistic-sounding samples of everything, including drums. Back in the day, programmed drums sounded artificial and mechanical. Today, […]

May 01 Hum a Few Bars, and I’ll Fake It
Celemony Melodyne has one foot in audio, but the other in MIDI because the analysis that it runs on audio ends up being easily converted to MIDI data. If you […]

Moritz Simon Geist aka “Sonic Robots” creates Techno Music Robots!
At SXSW 2019, Moritz Simon Geist performed and presented several workshops on using robots and MIDI. His new EP is created completely with MIDI controllers controlling robots he created himself. A […]

Frank Zappa and the Synclavier.
In 1986 Frank Zappa released his final studio album in his lifetime; for the remaining seven years of his life, he would only release live concert albums.Jazz from Hell is an […]

May 31-And the Tips Keep Coming!
We hope you enjoyed these daily tips during MIDI Month—but that’s not the end of it, because there will be plenty more tips to come when you join the The […]

May 30-Hands-On Fader Control
In the tip for May 22, we covered how to control effects and virtual instrument parameters with a footpedal hooked into a synthesizer or other controller. But what if you […]

May 29-Rendering MIDI to Audio
MIDI has lasted over 30 years, so the MIDI data you entered in a sequencer back in the 80s can still drive today’s virtual instruments (which is pretty amazing, come […]

May 28-Manual Vibrato for Keyboards
The way most keyboard players add vibrato is to turn up the mod wheel, and inject some LFO to change the oscillator pitch periodically. That’s fine, but consider guitar players—they […]

May 27-Polyrhythmic MIDI Echoes
There’s more to life than audio echo—like MIDI echo. Although the concept of MIDI echo has been around for years, early virtual instruments often didn’t have enough voices to play […]

May 26-Why ReWire Is Very Cool
ReWire is a software protocol that allows two (or sometimes more) software applications to work together as one integrated program. For example, suppose you wish your DAW of choice had […]

May 25-“Proofing” MIDI Sequences
Sometimes you hit notes you don’t want to hit, particularly if you’re playing MIDI guitar or some other alternate controller (although this tip is most relevant to MIDI guitar, even […]

May 24-Tempo Track Tweaks
In the days before click tracks, tempos varied because musicians are humans, not crystal-controlled clocks. However, these changes were far from random. While researching an article for Sweetwater’s inSync web […]

May 23-Don’t Get Tripped Up by Local Control
Sometimes you don’t need an external, dedicated MIDI controller—the one on your favorite synth may be all you need, and the synth even has built-in sounds. The keyboard usually feeds […]

May 22-Parameter Control with Footpedals
Some virtual instrument and effects parameters just cry out for footpedal control—too bad you don’t have a pedal that outputs MIDI data…or do you? If you have a keyboard synthesizer […]

May 21-Leading and Lagging the Beat for Feel
You can “humanize” sequences that have been quantized too rigidly by tweaking the start times for individual notes or phrases. Ignore any menu item called “humanization,” because this usually just […]

May 20- All Rexed Up
REX files chop digital audio into “slices,” each of which is associated with a MIDI note. Playing a MIDI note triggers its associated slice, which is why REX files can […]

May 19-Programming Synths for MIDI Guitar
Part of making MIDI guitar feel “right” when triggering synths has nothing to do with the guitar and its tracking, but with editing the synth presets so that they’re guitar-friendly […]

May 18-Processing Audio with MIDI Control
Some MIDI instruments, particularly those from Arturia, include an external input for processing audio signals through the synthesizer’s filter, VCA, and effects modules. That’s cool enough, but of course, what’s […]

May 17 Non-Rigid Quantization
One of the complaints about “MIDI music” is that quantizing everything to the beat sucks the life out of a song by eliminating the kind of timing variations humans make. […]

May 16-The Advantages of Starting Songs with MIDI
When you’re songwriting, you want nothing to get in the way of your creativity, and you want as fast a workflow as humanly possible—so for those reasons, you’re better off […]

May 15-Arpeggiation Meets Percussion
Most people of think of arpeggiation solely in melodic terms, but arpeggiation has additional uses. General MIDI instruments include drum kits where the top notes are percussion sounds, and many […]

May 14-Why MIDI Plug-Ins Are Cool
When audio plug-ins entered the mainstream, MIDI plug-ins took somewhat of a backseat because they weren’t the “shiny new toy” in town. However with MIDI’s resurgence, companies are paying more […]

May 13-Why You Need a Controller with More Octaves
If you think of a keyboard as playing only notes, four or five octaves may be sufficient. However, many virtual instruments (e.g., FXpansion Geist, Native Instruments Kontakt, EastWest’s Play engine, […]

May 08 How to Use Jamstik+ as MIDI Guitar
Jamstik+ from Zivix is an interesting solution for guitarists who want to play MIDI instruments. While it’s not a guitar, it feels mostly like a guitar because it has real […]

Yamaha-May is MIDI Month Platinum Sponsor
Yamaha has been intimately involved with the development of MIDI since the very beginning. We pioneered groundbreaking technology by making the first all digital FM synthesizer, the epoch making DX7. Yamaha synths […]

Game Design Angles: How To Become A Designer
Game design is an incredibly exciting creative industry that ties together many different disciplines, including graphical design, audio engineering and coding. Audio specialists in particular have one of the more […]


We collected up links to the top MIDI educational resources from around the web. Links are embedded in the logos, the pictures and the text in blue. Clicking on a […]

Here are links to some of the best MIDI film scoring resources. Any text in blue is a link. Of course, we have some great resources right on our site […]

HERE ARE LINKS TO SONGWRITING RESOURCES ON THE WEB. We collected up links to the top songwriting resources from around the web. Links are embedded in the logos, the […]

The People Who Created the DIY MIDI Revolution
Do It Yourself MIDI With the boom in open-source electronics platform like Arduino and the growth of 3-D printers, it’s become easier and easier to create your own MIDI controller. We […]

MIDI and the Surface Pen
Pens and stylus’ have been employed as computer interaction devices for quite some time now. Most commonly they were used along with peripheral graphics tablets to give a more natural […]

BLE-MIDI, Sonar and Zivix Jam Stick- A New Way to Enter MIDI into your DAW
This is an article that was originally posted on the Cakewalk blog and they kindly gave us permission to excerpt it here on Greetings! My name is Mike Green, Music […]

Ikutaro Kakehashi, the driving force behind MIDI
Ikutaro Kakehashi was certainly one of the most influential figures in electronic music in the 20th century. He influenced music and technology throughout his lifetime. He overcame many challenges in his […]

Now THAT’s a Horn Solo
Music is a visual language, too. Composer Andrew Huang used the piano roll editor in his MIDI sequencer to create sound from a picture of a unicorn. Each dot and line outlining the mythical creature triggers a MIDi note. To […]

5 MIDI Quantization Tips
Make quantization work for you, not against you Quantization is the process of moving MIDI data (usually notes, but also potentially other data) that’s out of time to a rhythmic […]

A curated list of MIDI DIY projects on Instructables
Instructables is a site which hosts DIY projects and is a platform for people to share what they make through words, photos, video and files. We have gone through the many MIDI DIY projects and […]

How to Find MIDI Sequencer “Gotchas”
Fix those little “gotchas” before they make it into the final mix by Craig Anderton MIDI sequencing is wonderful, but it’s not perfect—and sometimes, you’ll be sandbagged by problems like […]

MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components
Companies and products listed here do not imply any recommendation or endorsement by the MIDI Manufacturers Association. MIDI Processing, Programming, and Do It Yourself (DIY) Components These are just examples of […]

Animusic-MIDI-Driven Computer Animation
Animusic produces innovative music animation by leveraging MIDI data in creating “virtual concerts”. The animation of graphical instrument elements is generated using proprietary software called MIDImotionTM. The technique is analytical, […]

For Guitarists: What is MIDI and How Can I Use It? | Seymour Duncan
What is MIDI and How Can I Use It? | Seymour Duncan