KMI K-Board Pro 4 with a Bitwig Studio 8-Track Bundle Makes MPE Easy

The KMI K-Board Pro 4
The KMI K-Board Pro 4 started off as Kickstarter campaign in 2016 and quickly got to its funding goal of $50.000. What sets the Pro 4 apart from other controllers is KMI’s patented Smart Sensor Fabric technology which is a unique and proprietary conductive material that changes resistance as it is compressed.
KBP4 has Smart Fabric Sensors under each key bringing five dimensions of expressivity to your playing
KBP4 is configured like a traditional keyboard, giving you a familiar playing surface so you can start expressing yourself immediately.
The KBP4 Editor Software works with Mac, Windows, or in a web browser to fully customize every element of the KBP4 playing experience
K-Board Pro 4 Editor
Every K-Board Pro 4 ships with a free license for Bitwig Studio 8-Track
Bitwig Studio 8-Track, the trim and effective digital audio workstation to start producing, performing, and designing sounds like a pro. 8-Track includes a large selection of Bitwig devices for use on up to eight project tracks with audio or MIDI. Plug in your controller, record your instrument, produce simple arrangements, design new sounds, or just jam.
Bitwig Studio 8-Track is the sketch pad for your musical ideas featuring the acclaimed workflow of Bitwig Studio.
Bitwig Studio 8-Track is available exclusively through bundles with selected partners.
K-Board Pro 4 , BitWig and MPE Expressions
KMI put together a tutorial to show how to setup the K-Board with Bitwig to take advantage of MPE’s advance MIDI expression capabilities,