The manual for the U220 (if you don't already have one) is available on Roland's web site. Page 113 shows how to set the MIDI receive channel for a p...
If you use a high impedance microphone with a 1/4" plug, the Sonuus Guitar-to-MIDI Converter should work.
I wouldn't be surprised if some early manufacturers only recognized the most significant byte of the command. Controlling pitch with 14-bit precision ...
Has that always been true? I'm writing for some late-80s synths (Roland U-110 and D-110).
I'm writing code for a 1988 synth, so the "best practices" from the 1995 version of the spec work well for me.
Here's a scan PDF of it. You can't search because it's just images of the pages, but it's still useful. [Ed: This URL has been removed because the...