All my midi files are in the MFF file format, which I now find is essentially unknown to modern computing! I desperately need some way to transfer them to a usable current format. I am freaking out! It's 20 years work. Please help! Can't find a file converter online. I dropped a few files into Garage Band some years back, but that was no help because Garage Band wouldn't export midi.
Tom Landis
Never heard of that.
Check if it works if you rename the files from .mff to .mid.
If not, where did you get those files from? Which software generated them? Do you have an example?
There has to be some kind of file converter online, with the risk of sounding like a total jerk, have you tried several different search engines to find one? You could also turn those files into mp3 or something and convert them from there.
Good Luck
Chris Seddio
I'm pretty sure that .MFF and .SMF and .MID are all the same format. Try renaming it with a .MID extension.
The main differences are Type 0 and Type 1. Type 1 readers can read Type 0 files - Type 1 is an extension of Type 0.
All my midi files are in the MFF file format, which I now find is essentially unknown to modern computing! I desperately need some way to transfer them to a usable current format. I am freaking out! It's 20 years work. Please help! Can't find a file converter online. I dropped a few files into Garage Band some years back, but that was no help because Garage Band wouldn't export midi.
Tom Landis
Hi, could you please upload an example of your MFF-file?