Last seen: Jan 6, 2025
Steve, MPE can be done over RTP (MacOS’s UDP MIDI), as it is just MIDI 1.0 MIDI messges. The new Network MIDI 2.0 spec transmits UMP messages. UMP m...
Yes this is possible 🙂 I would recommend looking at Floyd Steinberg's channel on Youtube - he does a bunch of this kind projects
Edward - thanks for the pipe organ suggestion.Just a couple of questions for my own benefit. Are you working on a a Pipe Organ Product? Or is this j...
Thanks - I have started the process to get this fixed
Good spot! I'll bring this up at the next TSB meeting.
Jim. my ban hammer gets a little overwhelmed with the amount of spam - genuinely sorry. There are so many bots.As to the Windows build I need to remov...
Yes I would like to supply a Windows executable that is downloadable :)Once the new Windows MIDI Services is released then I will go back to creating ...
A large part of the design for UMP was to ensure backwards compatibility, hence keeping with some of the same limitations. The MIDI 2.0 Protocol (m...
I'm not sure I understand this question - you can have multiple Function Blocks on a group - each representing a MIDI 1.0 port?
Correct 🙂
Is this in relation to translation?
The Stream Configuration Request is stating what you want the set-up to be, and then the notification is a way to confirm that request. On the other h...
> No need for video, audio, excel and powerpoint files in a container file IMHO Then the MIDI Clip file should then be enough for this kind of s...
Hi Lukas. Not sure what you mean by the current state of development?The MIDI Clip Specification was release a little while ago, and now it is up to t...
I have now fixed the link. Please let me know if there are any issues. Thanks