Hi all!
I have a MIDI controller (Arturia Key step) that I sometimes connect to my computer to use as a synth, but most of the time sits idle.
It'd be nice to be able to use it as a quick "piano" keyboard next to my desk, whether my computer is nearby or not. I'm thinking something like this:
Raspberry Pi + Timidity (for basic GM piano sound) + sound card (maybe PiDAC) + mini-speakers.
Is that something people do? Is there a more straightforward way? Ideally even a consumer-grade product 🙂? I couldn't find any but then again, I'm not sure what term to use for searching.
Any tips welcome!
Yes this is possible 🙂
I would recommend looking at Floyd Steinberg's channel on Youtube - he does a bunch of this kind projects
Thanks! I find it strange that it's not so common that something plug-and-play already exist actually.