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Here is a collection of articles about different kinds of MIDI Hardware.  There are MIDI instruments that digitally reproduce almost every kind of acoustic instruments from recorders, to bagpipes to drums, guitars and more.

CCRMA and the Culture of Invention This paper attributes contemporary Wave Sequencing to CCRMA composer Bill Schottstaedt’s 1987 work Leviathan, which radically extended musique concrète techniques by computing over 15,000 […]
The MIDI Association has made significant progress this year in developing two Profiles focused on electronic drums and drum machines.  The Default Drum Map Profile  defines a MIDI-CI Profile for […]
I’m Alana Balagot, maker of The MIDICard. I’ve always been excited about music and technology. My piano teacher set up a simple MIDI studio in the 90’s, with a Dell […]
Playtronica makes playing with MIDI easy We have always been a big fan of Berlin-based Playtronica. They have done MIDI installations for Hermes and Issey Miyake. A real laboratory became alive in the […]
You can make Johan Von Konow’s new modular synth for about $6! “I have designed a keyboard, drum pad, chord keyboard, arpeggiator and a step sequencer. One special feature is that […]
Respiro is a new generation software synthesizer able to reproduce the sound and behavior similar to wind-instruments.
Sometimes you just need to relax and do something cool. So on Labor day weekend 2020 we shared this video from MEZERG enjoying some cool watermelon, some bright sun and a dip […]
Hi everyone! In this article I will teach you how to build your own Arduino powered MIDI controller. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and it is a protocol that allows […]
On its mission of creating the right MIDI device for those who feel more comfortable with 6 strings than with 25 keys, Jammy Instruments is launching a compact stringed MIDI […]
Elk releases open source version of award winning Audio Operating System and Development Kit for Raspberry Pi.   We’ve covered ELK innovations on the site before. Check out these articles on Steinberg […]
The KMI K-Board Pro 4  The KMI K-Board Pro 4 started off as Kickstarter campaign in 2016 and quickly got to its funding goal of $50.000. What sets the Pro 4 apart from […]
Creative Console is a MIDI controller and much, much more  Creative Console integrates with all your typical DAW software Logic Pro X Cubase Ableton Live FL Studio Reaper But it also features […]
Tristan is an acoustic musician and a coder so he combined his skills in this musical performance.   What worked and what didn’t  Tristan tried a number of different types of motors […]
 re.corder gives you three different ways to play.  Play acoustically, with or without the application running. It’s a regular recorder.  Play digitally (you can mute it with the supplied mute-plug) silently […]
There are lots of websites that offer information on DAWs and music production.  Audio Assemble takes a unique approach by offering articles, videos, reviews, interviews and information on schools that […]
Genki Instruments announced that they were shipping Wave, the ring that lets you control sound with motion. With three easy-to-use buttons, Wave allows musicians to easily change sounds, parameters and effects using gestures. Since being funded on […]
Hello everyone, my name is Diego Leroux. I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I would like to share with the community a new product I’ve been developing for the past […]
MMA Member Blokas releases a USB to MIDI router with built-in MIDI processing  Midihub has 4 MIDI DIN inputs, 4 MIDI DIN output ports and a USB port for power supply and/or communicating with the PC and […]
Ólafur Arnalds didn’t start out playing keyboards. He started out as a drummer in hard rock bands. He is not alone. Yoshiki from the legendary Japanese hard rock band X Japan comes to mind. Many people […]
The newest Jamstik, the Studio, is a full-size, MIDI-capable electric guitar allowing producer-guitarists to create seamlessly in DAWs and music apps. Guitarists and piano players have an equal appetite for […]
British mega band MUSE is currently on tour promoting their latest album Simulation Theory performing in sold out stadiums all over the world. Each night frontman and guitarist Matt Bellamy […]
MIDI Controller/Audio Interface for mobile musician The iRIg Keys I/O comes in two version a a 25-key MIDI controller version and a 49-key MIDI controller version.  Both feature built-in audio interfaces with 24-bit/96kHz sound quality, […]
Bluetooth LE MIDI Pedalboard for controlling iOS and Mac apps The IK Multimedia Blue Board uses the new BTLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) MIDI specification so you can control your music apps […]
As one of the inventors the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, Roland has continued to push the boundaries of the now 36-year old protocol(!) by continuously developing MIDI-based applications which bring […]
 At SXSW 2019, Moritz Simon Geist performed and presented several workshops on using robots and MIDI.  His new EP is created completely with MIDI controllers controlling robots he created himself.  A […]
DrumSpider Indiegogo Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/drumspider-play-the-drums-in-5-minutes/x/19050349?fbclid=IwAR2aP4hc6K_kHtt-R9dYbChTI0SKM3YoBFBtJFFZyoxi2yRE8L09XPktSow#/           Group of passion electronics and musicians created DrumSpider – the device to learn how to play the drums in 5 minutes. They […]
Geert Bevins’ watch app lets you wear your MIDI controller on your wrist Geert Bevin (who was one of the main people who developed MIDI Polyphonic Expression)  recently released MIDIWrist.  MIDIWrist […]
World’s First Alexa Controlled Digital Piano Translates Alexa Skills to MIDI Commands At CES 2019, Roland announced the first MIDI digital musical instrument able to be controlled by the Amazon Alexa.  Like […]
If you want to use MIDI with either pre-MIDI analog synths or with modular Eurorack analog synth systems, you need to convert digital MIDI signals into analog voltages.  Fortunately, there are lots of options.  […]
Main Features VST 32/64BIT & STANDALONE WINDOWS ONLY CONTROLLER    Officially supports Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and Aimpad controllers Standalone and VSTi in 32 and 64 bitsRun it Standalone or […]
pandaMidi Solutions announces midiBeam v2   This two-box system connects any controller having a standard 5-pin MIDI Out socket to any of the following devices: any synthesizer, sound generator, effect […]
After seeing the energetic guitar playing of Muse’s Matt Bellamy, I wanted to give electronic musicians a tool to achieve similar playing style with high visual impact. Easily, without years of training. And make […]
It always amazes us that you can find a MIDI version of almost any instrument. So we decided to look at what’s available for MIDI bagpipes. There are actually a good […]
 New MIDI Manufacturer Association member RnD64 funded their development of the Jammy MIDI controller via Indiegogo and raised $218,872.  Jammy is a super portable steel string digital guitar that fits in your […]
Kickstarter has been a place where some of our favorite MIDI controllers started whether it’s Mogees or the Artiphon (one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns of all time).  Our […]
I created the Plastic Pitch Plus (PPP) to experiment with microtonality.  My primary design goal was to create a physical interface that gives immediate and independent control of pitches in […]
GRIDI is a large scale physical midi sequencer    Gridi is a large scale physical midi sequencer (2.80 X 1.65 Meters) with embedded LEDs. Itwas created by music producer Yuval Gerstein […]
SoulPedal® (SP) is a wearable controller that slips inside your shoe (as an insole) and wirelessly controls effects for musicians. In this YouTube demo, local Beta Tester and Musician, Kody […]
The Tirare is a custom performance interface. In Italian, Tirare means: (to) throw, (to) to pull. The name refers to the primary performative action employed in order to generate sound. Initially, […]
Introduction We have started our project to find a way how to build full-featured organ console out of available MIDI instruments. One of our project goals was to extend the coverage […]
XT Synth-The expression of a violin, the playability of a guitar, with the power of a MIDI controller that shines.  “The XT Synth is a mix of guitar, violin and […]
This custom-built instrument is called Curve, and is named after the shape and contour of the interface itself. I wanted to create something that had a myriad of different sensors […]
We recently sent out a MIDI Message newsletter and asked people to describe their favorite MIDI project.  Harry Williamson from the Federation Bells in Melbourne, Australia sent us this message.  Favorite […]
MIDI Stylophone Business Card Last Sunday we were looking at bookmarks we had made while searching the Internet for blog topics.  We had booked marked Mixtela.com a few months ago because of […]
The Original Dubreq Stylophone The Dubreq Stylophone was invented in 1968 by Brian Jarvis.  It was originally designed as a toy, but the fact that it was portable and easy […]
Nick Demopoulos started out as a jazz musician and played with legends like Chico Hamilton.  But then he began exploring the possibilities of using MIDI and that led him to […]
When we saw this YouTube video of Daði Freyr using the Genki wave MIDI controller, we knew we had to post it right away.  The Wave MIDI controller from Genki has been …. […]
At SXSW, we got a chance to check out the Cabor MIDI cahon.  Cabot is a project of UTSUWA, Inc., a Kyoto, Japan based tech start-up.  The Cabot percussion robot was conceived […]
Air DJ displays new MIDI Controller at SXSW There were some interesting new MIDI products introduced at SXSW.  One of them was the wireless BTLE MIDI controller for DMET Product Corporation.  […]
MIDI Bling with wireless rings There are a number of MIDI rings on the market. IK Multimedia makes one and so does Enhancia. Here are links to articles on those.  […]
For the past several years a MIDI product has always been in the Best of CES product list including the Roli Seaboard and the Zivix JamStick.  It seems that MIDI […]
​We got several entrees for suggested content from the December 2017 MIDI Association newsletter.  One was for an article on CTRLCap from Edwin Joassart. We did a little more research and decided to do […]
Tech company OWOW just launched a new wireless motion controlled instrument for singers. Named the Wiggle Kit, it consists of a mobile App and a small white remote controller which turns gestures into vocal effects. By twisting and […]
What if you could control MIDI with your brain? Does that sound like science fiction? Actually there are lots of people who have been exploring how to connect brain waves Electroencephalography […]
Pens and stylus’ have been employed as computer interaction devices for quite some time now. Most commonly they were used along with peripheral graphics tablets to give a more natural […]
This is an article that was originally posted on the Cakewalk blog and they kindly gave us permission to excerpt it here on MIDI.org.  Greetings! My name is Mike Green, Music […]
Dave Battino wrote an article which was a  roundup of ultra-compact keyboard and pad MIDI controllers in the December 2013 issue of keyboard.  He shared the video he created to show these […]
Hand-Held Controllers Electronic MIDI controllers that you hold in your hands and shake or move about to make music date back to 1986. That was the year Palmtree Instruments introduced […]
Hand-Held Controllers Electronic controllers that you hold in your hands and shake or move about to make music date back to 1986. That was the year Palmtree Instruments introduced Airdrums, […]
Touch Controllers (continued) Another beautiful and powerful touch controller, this one featuring 150 rectangular walnut keys arranged in a five-row by 30-column matrix laid within a 29″ by 8″ by […]
Alternative Controllers A keyboard isn’t the only means of playing a synthesizer. Synthesist/multi-instrumentalist/composer Kevin Fortune (http://www.kevinbrahenyfortune.com) is one of many who enjoy using alternative controllers. He believes the kind of […]
Touch Controllers (continued) Although it isn’t a dedicated controller, Teenage Engineering’s OP-1 — a tiny (11.1″ x 4.02″ x 0.53″, 1 lb. 4.4 oz.), battery-powered workstation packed with a variety of […]
Touch Controllers (continued) If you’d prefer a surface that’s stretched much further, consider the Haken Continuum Fingerboard (http://www.hakenaudio.com/Continuum). Its control surface feels like silk and looks like a wide ribbon […]
“Manipulate the state of your mind” using Light Scape sequences. Enjoy the psychedelic color experience that the eLSD is inducing. It gently pulses light and color in front of your […]
“What is MIDI and How Can I Use It” (Seymour Duncan website). What is MIDI and How Can I Use It? | Seymour Duncan http://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/the-tone-garage/what-is-midi-and-how-can-i-use-it