Respiro from ImoxPlus turns your breath into an expressive instrument
Respiro is a new generation software synthesizer using physical modelling that contains a “state of the art” sound engine able to reproduce the sound and behaviour similar to wind-instruments. It has sonic capabilities of woodwinds and can also create ‘never heard before’ sounds. It turns your breath and/or touch into a unique experience, providing amazing musical vibrations!
by imoxplus
Respiro is available as Standalone, AU and VST3 64-bit plugin for macOS and Windows.
It is designed to work with MIDI controllers that can send Pressure (Breath) via AT, CC02, CC11 etc… and note on/off including:
Aodyo Sylphyo
Emeo digital practice sax
Odisei Music TravelSax
Akai EWI
Berglund NuEvi
Lekholm DM48
Roland Aerophone
Cantux eCorder
Hornberg MIDI breath station ID;001 breath controller
coming up – Photon intelligent mouthpiece
It also works also with any keyboard especially when combined with a breath controller such as the TEControl.
- Latest version has 150 instruments + variations.
- Automation & MIDI CC mapping.
- Easy to use interface.
- Pure physical-modelling synthesis for maximum expression and timbre variations.
- Wavetable synthesis.
- No pre-recorded samples used, fast loading.
- Designed for wind, breath and MPE MIDI controllers.
- Highly responsive to tonguing and breath pressure.
- Easy to shift and morph timbres by using automation or CC mapping.
- MPE (single channel) support.
- Hi-Resolution pressure input.
- Load your own Impulse Response reverb.
- Microtuning support (keyswitches or CC102-113).