The MIDI Association member companies that develop plugin formats – Apple (Audio Units), Avid (AAX), Bitwig (CLAP) and Steinberg (VST) are working together to develop open-source software that will enable plugin developers to quickly and easily interface with external MIDI gear without the need for any in depth knowledge of MIDI 2.0 or MIDI-CI. Another MIDI Association member supporting this effort is JUCE – the most widely used framework for audio application and plug-in development.
The MIDI Association DAW working group is creating open source software that will look at MIDI 2.0 messages from external devices, extract the information the plugin needs to support Profiles like the Orchestral Articulation, MPE and Piano profiles and translate those MIDI messages into the native plug formats that plugins already understand.
By utilizing this open source software, plugin companies can start supporting MIDI 2.0 external devices with minimal development costs.
Before Super Booth in May of 2024, The MIDI Association hosted the first meeting of the DAW working group at the Native Instruments office in Berlin, where the companies agreed to work together to develop open-source software available under a permissive MIT license to bridge the gap between external MIDI Devices, Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), and plugins. That cooperative project is ongoing in the MIDI Association’s DAW Working Group.
The DAW Working Group is also working on a DAW Control Profile which would supersede proprietary control protocols like Mackie Control and Logic control with a true industry standard for controlling DAWs via external hardware and software.
The MIDI Association and its members provided updates on the latest developments in the major operating systems at Winter NAMM 2025.
Microsoft announced updates to both MIDI and Audio at the Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit 2024 including better APIs which support MIDI, including MIDI 2.0 and full support for low-latency, high-channel-count audio, using standards already accepted by the industry.
Apple, Google and Linux are all continuing their MIDI 2.0 updates to support new MIDI Association specifications.
If you are a developer of MIDI products, this is a presentation you won’t want to to miss.
Pete Brown also provide more details about the Windows Customer Preview available in this article.
In our NAMM wrap up , we reported on all the exciting things that are happening in the world of MIDI 2.0.
Today is a major step in the adoption of MIDI 2.0 as Microsoft has just announced release of their first public version of their new Windows MIDI Services.
Today, we’re releasing the latest version of Windows MIDI Services to the Windows Insider Canary Channel, fully enabled for anyone to evaluate. We recommend this for technical users (as with any Canary release) and not for production use because we will have bugs.
The Windows Insider blog post details what’s in this release and in the associated Windows MIDI Services App SDK. Here are some more details.
The Windows Insider Canary Channel is provided for testing and evaluation on non-production PCs. Please see the Windows Insider blog post for additional information about the Canary Channel.
What’s in the box? This Windows Insider release includes our new MIDI 2.0 and MIDI 1.0 class driver (kindly funded by AMEI and developed by AmeNote in partnership with Microsoft), the WinMM (MME) redirection driver and code, and the new Windows Service and its transport and transform plugins. It includes everything you need to be able to try existing MIDI 1.0 apps and devices, and to verify that they work as expected. It’s representative of how we’ll ship in mainstream Windows later this year.
MIDI 1.0 benefits with this release: Every MIDI device is now multi-client, even for existing applications and devices. You do not need vendor drivers to enable more than one application to use a MIDI device. MIDI Port names are now better. We’ve surveyed many MIDI devices in market and come up with algorithms which provide better port and endpoint names for these devices. But there will always be exceptions. If you see those, please report them to us on GitHub (developers) or on our Discord Server (everyone else) Devices using the new USB MIDI 2.0 Class driver have faster data transfer. The USB MIDI 2.0 class driver uses faster data transfer mechanisms even for MIDI 1.0 devices. (If your MIDI 1.0 device is not picked up by the new driver, and is class-compliant, you can manually assign usbmidi2.sys to the device. We’ll post instructions for this in the future) The new features are backwards compatible with your existing apps and devices USB MIDI 2.0 devices and USB MIDI 1.0 devices are both usable from the WinMM (MME) APIs in a MIDI 1.0 capacity.
Everything here works on Intel/AMD x64 as well as Arm64 devices
Here’s the WinMM backwards-compatibility in practice. Most apps you have today using WinMM MIDI 1.0 will work with the new service. If you find apps which do not, please do let us know (see how to report bugs/info below)
Pete Brown
Microsoft and MIDI Association Executive Board Chair
Special thanks to Microsoft, Amenote and AMEI (the Japanese MIDI Association) for their ongoing support of our efforts to improve the way musicians make music digitally.
User Datagram Protocol for Universal MIDI Packets (aka Network MIDI 2.0) defines a standard way to connect MIDI devices (MIDI 1.0 and MIDI 2.0 protocol) via Ethernet and wireless LAN. The initial version was ratified by the MIDI Association and AMEI in November 2024.
Ethernet and wireless LAN are suitable transports for MIDI. They complement, and can sometimes replace, established MIDI transports like 5-Pin DIN and USB MIDI.
Long distance
Ethernet cables can transmit data up to 100 meters (330ft) without any signal loss or degradation.
Wireless can reach up to 45m (150ft) with direct line of sight (actual distance depends on a number of factors)
Low latency
Typical latency on Ethernet is under 1ms. Wireless LAN latency depends on connection quality and technology, but typically under 5ms.
High bandwidth
100MBit/s or more on Ethernet, 1MBit/s or more on wireless LAN
One cable/wireless link is enough for many logical connections
Ground isolation
On Ethernet, connections are electrically isolated, reducing the chances of electrical grounding noise issues.
Can select devices to connect by name
Off-the-shelf parts and infrastructure
Standard cables (Cat5, Cat6, etc.), routers, switches, and components are readily available and cost effective
Many transports for audio already use Ethernet or IP-based protocols. Some of those are open standards (i.e. AES67) and some are proprietary. Being able to run MIDI 2.0 as a control protocol over the same links that run audio can greatly expand the use of MIDI 2.0.
Wireless MIDI 2.0 using Wireless LAN
The same protocol can be used on wired connections via Ethernet, and wireless connections on wireless LAN, also in mixed environments.
Logical connection setup (Session Management)
The user has full control over which device is able to send/receive MIDI with which other device (or application)
Connections can be changed without having to move physical cables.
Many MIDI streams (sessions) can be configured on the same cable
Simple security mechanisms available in Network MIDI 2.0 help prevent unauthorized access
Peer to peer connection is possible without the need to route data through a computer.
Software implementations do not require OS support
Example of a networked MIDI studio:
Who can take Advantage of Network MIDI 2.0?
Every MIDI user can benefit of Network MIDI 2.0: it provides a bridge between MIDI 1.0 and MIDI 2.0 devices.
Although Network MIDI 2.0 is particularly well suited as a MIDI transport, other transports like USB-MIDI 2.0, and the good old MIDI 5-pin DIN, have their own merits. Therefore, Network MIDI 2.0 is just one more transport for MIDI.
Who’s In? Network MIDI 2.0 at NAMM 2025
The first products which use this specification are starting to be released and will be featured at The MIDI Association booth 10302 at the front of Hall A at the 2025 NAMM show.
Examples for announced or available products with Network MIDI 2.0:
Which Devices and Applications can use Network MIDI 2.0?
To add Network MIDI 2.0 in support to your device, the requirements are reasonably simple. First, there are the physical components (connector, transformer, …). Secondly, the software implementation needs to provide IP and UDP functionality, plus the implementation of the Network MIDI 2.0 protocol itself. The standard is designed with the goal that even systems with little memory will be able to implement the minimum required set of Network MIDI 2.0 features.
Software applications can implement the Network MIDI 2.0 standard using OS provided APIs for IP and UDP functionality. However, we expect availability of general-purpose Network MIDI 2.0 connector applications, and OS components and APIs, so that most applications do not need to implement the Network MIDI 2.0 standard on their own. Remote MIDI devices may be used the same as locally connected MIDI devices.
Version 1.0: Simplicity
The first version of Network MIDI 2.0 was developed with the goal of providing an easy to use and easy to implement solution. Only essential features are specified. The specification is limited to Local Area Networks using wired Ethernet and wireless LAN. Data transfer uses UDP as the underlying protocol.
However, the standard is extensible, so we may see updated specification versions with additional, backwards compatible, functionality.
Three Sections
The standard is divided into three sections:
Section 1: Discovery
Who’s out there?
Section 2: Session
Connection setup and tear down
Section 3: Data I/O
Send and receive UMP
Let’s start with a description of the first section.
Section 1: Discovery
The discovery allows a device (or application) to find other Network MIDI 2.0 devices (hardware or software applications) which are reachable via the network.
User Friendly
Discovery allows users to select MIDI device(s) to connect to by name. Imagine a keyboard with a display, where you have a list of synthesizers in your studio, and you just select the one you want to play… done!
Using Established Standards
Network MIDI 2.0 discovery uses the established standard mDNS with DNS-SD. This standard is also known as “ZeroConf networking” and as “Apple Bonjour”. This allows devices to advertise their MIDI 2.0 services using the publicly registered service type: “midi2”. This discovery allows mDNS/DNS-SD devices to get the following information about a Network MIDI 2.0 device:
IP Address
UDP Port
UMP Endpoint Name*
Product Instance Id*
*These properties are defined by MIDI specifications.
Operating System Support
Common operating systems already provide mDNS services for use by applications, so it is simple to add Network MIDI 2.0 Discovery to your implementation.
Network MIDI 2.0 Discovery is optional. But we highly recommend implementing it in your device. Otherwise, your users won’t be able to select your device by name!
Some special devices may not need Discovery. For example, in some systems a device will need to be hard wired somehow (using a fixed IP address), where such auto-discovery wouldn’t make much sense.
Section 2: Session
The Session section is all about (logical) connections of Network MIDI 2.0 devices. The term Session is used here, because the word “connection” could mean many other things, too.
The Session functionality is required for all Network MIDI 2.0 devices, because plugging an Ethernet cable into a network does not tell the device with which other MIDI device you want to be “MIDI connected”.
Client and Host
In Network MIDI 2.0 terminology, a Client starts a Session with a Host. A typical scenario is that the Hosts advertise their Network MIDI 2.0 services via Discovery, and the Client selects a Host, then starts the session with it. Of course, a single device can assume both Client and Host roles for different Sessions. In fact, we expect that most devices and applications will be both Host and Client (i.e. they’re discoverable, and they can initiate a Session).
Session Commands
The Network MIDI 2.0 Session specifies different Session Commands for starting a Session (Client), accepting a Session (Host), and terminating a running Session (both Client and Host).
Under the hood, the Session Commands are plain UDP messages with a short, simple header which specifies which MIDI-specific Session Command is being sent.
The two-step Session setup allows devices (in Host role) to ask the user to acknowledge an incoming Session request. This is useful for devices with public access, or where you don’t want random people to play your synth via the network.
Additionally, the Session specification also provides mechanisms to secure a Session with a password or PIN for a successful Session initiation, or to provide a valid user+password combination.
Note that the Authentication mechanisms currently provided in Network MIDI 2.0 only provide simple security and do not use any encryption. But they are simple to implement, and do provide a minimum level of security.
These Authentication mechanisms are optional. But keep in mind that a Host may require Authentication: in that case, your Client will only be able to connect if it can provide the Host with a matching password or username + password. In general, though, we recommend that a Host can be configured to require Authentication or not.
The Network MIDI 2.0 standard allows very flexible session configurations. Examples:
One Client can connect to multiple Hosts
One Host can accept Sessions from multiple Clients
A device can use multiple Client instances for multiple Sessions to the same Host
A device can also have multiple Hosts, e.g. for separate logical units (although, because we’re sending UMP, separate Groups can be used for that).
Handling Command Packet Loss
Because UDP does not guarantee packet delivery, the Session protocol is designed to gracefully handle a lost Session Command. Most Session Commands (like the Invitation Command to request the start a Session) are repeated until a reply is received. During that time, the Command is pending, and can be terminated by the user, or if a time-out occurs (depending on the implementation).
To further check that a remote Host is still alive, the Ping Command can be used. The remote Host will reply with the Ping Reply Command if it is still powered on and connected to the network.
Section 3: Data Transmission
The third section of the Network MIDI 2.0 specification is all about sending and receiving MIDI messages in the Universal MIDI Packet data format (UMP). As you know, UMP can contain messages in MIDI 1.0 protocol and in MIDI 2.0 protocol.
Session Established: Can Send and Receive UMP
Once the Session is established, both Host and Client can send and receive UMP, where the full UMP feature set is available. The Network MIDI 2.0 layer is agnostic to the UMP contents: any UMP packet will be transmitted. The Network MIDI 2.0 layer never creates or consumes UMP messages, and there is no need for the (deep) inspection of the UMP data.
Multiple Commands per UDP
For sending UMP, the UMP Data Command is used. Because it uses the same header as Session Commands, you can mix and match Session Commands with UMP Data Commands in one UDP packet for efficient transmission. The flexible Command allows multiple UMPs in one UMP Data Command, and multiple UMP Data Commands per UDP packet.
Data Integrity: Sequence Number
Every UMP Data command has a sequence number. It allows receivers to detect:
out-of order packets
missing packets
duplicate packets
Data Integrity: FEC
Forward Error Correction (FEC) is a simple mechanism to recover from occasional loss of a packet. Remember, UDP does not guarantee delivery of packets…
The idea of FEC is that when a sender sends UMP data in a UDP packet, it routinely includes the two most recent UMP Data Commands in the same UDP packet. So from the point of view of the receiver, if one UDP packet gets lost, the receiver will get the missing UMP with the next UDP packet. Receivers, on the other hand, always discard UMP Data Commands with a sequence number they have already processed. Because the FEC Data Commands have previous sequence numbers, receivers will usually ignore the additional FEC Data Commands.
Because FEC has very low requirements for both senders and receivers, it is highly recommended that all devices implement FEC.
FEC can also be combined with the following mechanism for even higher data integrity.
Data Integrity: Retransmit
If the local device discovers a missing packet (and FEC does not fix it), a Retransmit can be requested from the remote device. If the remote device keeps a Retransmit buffer, it can resend the missing packet. Otherwise, it notifies the local device via a Retransmit Error Command that the buffer does not contain the missing packet.
Retransmit functionality is optional for both sending and receiving side. If a device does not keep a retransmit buffer at all, it will respond with a NAK Command when it receives a Retransmit request. That’ll let the other device know that there is no point in further trying Retransmit.
Ethernet Packet Format for Network MIDI 2.0
Possible Future Plans
The MIDI Association has tried to keep the standard simple. To better clarify the scope of the current version, here are a few features that are not in the initial version but might be added in future expansions of the specification.
Network MIDI 2.0 does not provide any encryption of the UMP data (or of the Session Commands). If encryption is required, it can be configured on a lower layer, for example with a VPN or an encrypted tunnel. This is currently outside the scope of the Network MIDI 2.0 standard.
Clock or Synchronization
In the first version, the Network MIDI 2.0 standard does not define any mechanism for time synchronization. Clock and synchronization mechanisms are available on the UMP layer, e.g. JR Timestamps or MIDI 1.0 clock.
Remote Session Management
Version 1.0 of the Network MIDI 1.0 standard defines Session management between pairs of devices (“device A with device B”). Remote Session management would allow device A to tell device B to initiate a Session with device C. Such functionality would be useful for central studio and stage management.
There is no defined method to do this at this time, but the MIDI Association sees a lot of value in remote Session management and may add it to the standard in a future revision.
Interested in adding Network MIDI 2.0 to your products
We’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in adding Network MIDI 2.0 to your product, or if you have any comments!
The MIDI Association is working on a series of articles for assisting you with the implementation of the Network MIDI 2.0 standard into your product. You can sign up to receive notifications here:
Developer Design Options for Devices based on MIDI-CI v1.2
by Andrew Mee and Mike Kent
MIDI-CI defines how a device can use a bidirectional connection to discover details of another device. In some cases a device might be connected to more than 1 other device which also uses MIDI-CI.
This article discusses device design strategies for handling MIDI-CI functions when the current connections are more than one to one. For this purpose we present two terms which are not defined by MIDI-CI but used only to explain design strategies in this article.
Session: A binding between 2 devices created by ongoing communication of MIDI-CI Transactions. Generally established while using a Profile, a PE Resource, or a Process Inquiry.
MIDI-CI Instance: Inside a MIDI device, a set of information stored about another connected MIDI-CI device, with the MUID of the connected device as the core property.
A Session often requires a MIDI-CI Instance in the Initiator and sometimes in the Responder.
MIDI-CI defines that a Transaction is an inquiry sent by one MIDI Device and a reply returned by a second MIDI Device. Single Transactions do not establish any kind of Session. Therefore, and in most cases, the following Transactions do not require a MIDI-CI Instance in a device.
Profile Inquiry
Inquiry: Property Exchange Capability
Inquiry: Process Inquiry Capability
Some MIDI-CI mechanisms rely on an ongoing set of Transactions. These mechanisms probably require a device to consider those mechanisms as establishing a kind of Session between two devices. One or both devices might require an internal MIDI-CI Instance. Such mechanisms are:
When 2 Devices agree to use Process Inquiry, the Initiator usually creates a MIDI-CI Instance. The Responder may not need a MIDI-CI Instance.
When two Devices agree to use a Profile, the Initiator usually creates a MIDI-CI Instance. The Responder may not need a MIDI-CI Instance.
When 2 Devices agree to use a Property Exchange Resource, the Initiator usually creates a MIDI-CI Instance. The Responder usually only needs a MIDI-CI Instance if it agrees to serve subscriptions.
Do Not Create a MIDI-CI Instance Unless Necessary
Note: Devices should send the associated reply to these inquiries, even if the Device cannot create a new MIDI-CI Instance:
Discovery -> Reply to Discovery
Profile Inquiry -> Reply to Profile Inquiry
Inquiry: Property Exchange Capabilities -> Reply to Property Exchange Capabilities
Inquiry: Process Inquiry Capabilities -> Reply to Process Inquiry Capabilities
Inability to create a new MIDI-CI Instance should not cause sending a NAK. (There may be other reasons to reply with a NAK.)
Sending a reply to these inquiries only requires the Responder to store information about the inquiry, including the MUID address of the Initiator, until the Responder has sent a reply.
Example Implementation Scenarios for Devices with Limited Resources
Some devices have limitations of memory and processing power. Typically, hardware devices have more limitations than software applications running on a computer. Following are 2 examples of potential issues, each with several proposed solutions. Some of the solutions provided are for normal MIDI-CI mechanisms, but some are provided to deal with error cases such as a device which becomes disconnected without sending an Invalidate MUID message.
Example 1: Responder Device Restricted to Supporting Single MUID
In this example, a limited hardware device which acts only as a Responder is connected to a computer with the potential for multiple MIDI-CI Initiators. The Responder only has enough memory to store a single MIDI-CI Instance.
There are potential issues which could occur:
If the Responder creates a MIDI-CI Instance for the first Initiator which requests a connection, that could “lock” the Responder against other MIDI-CI Instances. The Responder might NAK other Initiators. The Responder may not be able to determine that a different Initiator is preferred.
If an Initiator “goes away” without sending invalidate MUID, Responder is unable to see that Initiator no longer exists. i.e. no clean-up
Responder has limited methods to verify Initiator still exists.
Responder Solution 1: Device Does Not Create a MIDI-CI Instance to Store Initiator MUID/Info
A simple MIDI-CI Device (with restricted memory), acting as a Responder, probably does not need to store the Initiator MUID and associated information. Instead, Responder might:
Respond to request from the Initiator using the Source MUID from the request as the Destination MUID in the reply. Then forget the MUID of Initiator.
Only Send out Notifications using the Broadcast MUID. e.g. Profile Enable Message.
Responders using this method do not need to track active status of Initiators. No MIDI-CI Instance has been created so no “clean-up” needed.
Note: This solution is not applicable in a few cases (because in these cases the Responder probably needs to create a MIDI-CI Instance):
The Responder wants to accept Property Exchange Subscriptions requests.
An active Profile requires the Responder to send notifications to an Initiator using a non-Broadcast address.
The Responder is expected to make a Profile Details Inquiry of the Initiator more than once after a Profile is enabled.
More than 512 bytes of Sysex data is needed to be sent on any given MIDI-CI message.
However, many Responders will work well without any of the mechanisms listed above.
Responder Solution 2: Device Only Stores Minimal Initiator Information When Absolutely Needed
Responder should only store the data which is absolutely needed for each MIDI-CI Instance. There is a lot of data provided in MIDI-CI messages, much can be “thrown away”. Some examples of data which might not need to be stored:
Manufacturer, Family, Model Id’s, and Version are often not needed.
Devices that are only working with Profiles do not need to store PE data.
Max Sysex only important if you are going to use messages greater than 512 bytes
A clean-up mechanism to remove inactive MIDI-CI Instances should be considered when this solution is used.
Example Device: The MIDI Association developed a prototype to test and demonstrate Property Exchange. The device has a total memory of only 96Kb. The device only creates a MIDI-CI Instance when a Subscription is requested. When a change occurs, the device looks through the list of MIDI-CI Instances to find current subscription(s), and sends out the Property Exchange Subscription notification. If Property Exchange Subscription Notification is sent and no Reply to Subscription Message is received, a clean-up process is initiated for that MIDI-CI Instance.
This method keeps memory use to a minimum. This prototype can manage 25 unique Subscriptions in fixed memory, using less than 256 bytes.
Responder Methods of “Clean-up”:
Do Not Create MIDI-CI Instance – no need for clean-up (suitable for many devices but not in all situations, see Responder Solution 1)
Use MIDI-CI Messages sent directly to Initiator (not Broadcast) and check for Reply. If there is no reply then it can be considered inactive and removed from memory.
Resend Discovery. If an existing Initiator does not respond it can be considered inactive and removed from memory.
Receive Invalidate MUID message containing Initiator MUID.
Example 2: Initiator Device Discovers many Responders available for Communication
In this example, a limited hardware device which acts as an Initiator is connected to a computer with the potential for multiple MIDI-CI Responders. The Initiator has limited memory for MIDI-CI Instances.
There are potential issues which could occur after the Discovery Transaction:
The Responder may already have a MIDI-CI Instance for another Initiator (this may include inactive Initiators) and may NAK a new Session.
The Initiator may have “choice paralysis”, as such the Initiator may have difficulty automatically deciding which Initiator is best for the user.
The Initiator may be unaware if a Responder disappears in the future.
Solution: Initiator and Responder Implementations
Should support multiple Initiators. As Responder is on a computer, memory for multiple MIDI-CI Instances is not an issue.
Offer a choice to the user for selecting which Responder to communicate with.
Use Clean-up methods (below) to remove inactive Responders.
Initiator Methods of “Clean-up”:
If the device receives an Invalidate MUID message containing Responder MUID, then remove the MIDI-CI Instance.
Resend Discovery to confirm that the Responder is still active. If a prior existing Responder no longer replies, the Responder can be considered inactive and removed from memory.
A Session and MIDI-CI Instance are usually needed to work with a Responder for one of 3 “P”s: Profile Configuration, Property Exchange, or Process Inquiry. Send a Profile Inquiry, PE Capabilities, or Process Inquiry Capabilities message periodically as a “Ping” to confirm that the Responder is still active.
Note: There is usually no need to create a MIDI-CI Instance for any device which does not support one of the 3 “P”s.
Synthogy has released Ivory 3 American Concert D, the 2nd virtual piano for its Ivory 3 platform. Ivory 3 American Concert D features their legendary recordings of a vintage New York Steinway D Concert Grand, now fully realized through the power of the Ivory 3 engine.
This 1951 New York Steinway D (CD 121) was handpicked by Steinway & Sons Concert & Artist department for artist promotion. The instrument has received praise over the years from some of the world’s greatest concert artists, with the signatures of masters like Glenn Gould and Rudolph Serkin gracing its plate.
Powered by Ivory 3’s RGB engine, the Continuous Velocity feature provides smooth, seamless velocity-to-timbre on every piano strike. This technology, unique to Synthogy, behaves like modeling yet maintains the complex, rich and realistic sound of real-world instruments. It is the foundation of a new generation of expressive capabilities in Ivory 3.
The Ivory 3 American Concert D instrument also features 4 stereo microphone positions. Multiple close and ambient choices are instantly available for detailed presence and depth of field. The on-board Ivory 3 mixer enables fine levels of control over the sound.
In addition, the Ivory 3 engine is MIDI 2.0 ready for support of MIDI 2.0 high resolution velocity. 65,536 velocity-to-timbre levels are manifested by the RGB engine, opening the door to new possibilities of musical expression with myriad degrees of tone color.
Ivory 3 American Concert D is available now for Windows and Mac, as a digital download purchase direct from Synthogy’s on-line web store, or from any of its authorized resellers.
Upgrades are available for Ivory II American Concert D owners.
Ivory 3 American Concert D MSRP $249 USD Ivory 3 American Concert D Upgrade (from Ivory II American Concert D) MSRP $139 USD
Pete Brown is both the MIDI Association Exec Board Chair and a Principal Software Engineer in the Windows Developer Platform team at Microsoft. He focuses on client-side dev on Windows, apps and technology for musicians, music app developers, and music hardware developers, and the Windows developer community.
For musicians, there are two key enabling technologies for making music – MIDI and Audio. Microsoft announced updates to both are coming soon to Windows.
Microsoft announced updates to both MIDI and Audio at the Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit 2024.
What did we announce today for musicians and other audio professionals?
Musician Software coming to Arm64 Steinberg Cubase and Nuendo in preview this week Cockos Reaper in preview today Reason Studios Reason in preview in early 2025
Audio Hardware coming to Arm64 Vendor-specific USB Audio / ASIO driver preview from Focusrite early in 2025 Vendor-specific USB Audio / ASIO driver preview from Steinberg/Yamaha in 2025
In-Box Support coming to Arm64 ASIO and low-latency USB Audio Class 2 driver previews mid 2025, in-box in Windows when complete MIDI 2.0 (Windows MIDI Services) previews in Windows Insider builds this November, in-box in retail Windows early next year.
From my own use and from working with others in the music industry, I know we need to have support for two major features on Windows for musicians to have a great experience:
Better APIs which support MIDI, including MIDI 2.0, with backwards compatibility with MIDI 1.0 APIs and devices. Our older MIDI stack hasn’t kept up with current needs, and needed replacing so that we can grow and innovate.
Full support for low-latency, high-channel-count audio, using standards already accepted by the industry
Pete Brown-Microsoft
Windows MIDI Services: The New Windows MIDI Stack
Windows MIDI Services supports MIDI 1.0 as well as the MIDI 2.0 Universal MIDI Packet (UMP) standard. Together this provides compatibility with existing MIDI devices as well as the new MIDI 2.0 devices already in-market or coming soon (I have several MIDI 2.0 devices here in my studio).
MIDI CI, which bridges the gap between MIDI 1.0 and MIDI 2.0 UMP, is supported through normal SysEx support, and we recommend the use of open source cross-platform libraries which help with creating and parsing those messages.
Pete Brown-Microsoft
Backwards compatibility with the WinMM MIDI 1.0 API
The Association of Musical Electronics Industries (AMEI), the organization that oversees the MIDI specification in Japan, committed to funding the development of an open-source USB MIDI 2.0 Host Driver for Windows Operating Systems under a memorandum of understanding between AMEI, AmeNote Inc, and Microsoft.
AMEI is underwriting the cost and has engaged AmeNote Inc. to develop the driver because of AmeNote’s extensive experience in MIDI 2.0 and USB development. In addition, concurrent to this, Microsoft has also agreed to start development of a Windows standard open-source MIDI 2.0 API.
The driver and API will be developed in accordance with Microsoft’s quality control standards, and will be managed as a permissively licensed (MIT license) Microsoft open-source project. As a result, anyone can participate in the development as an open-source contributor in the future, or use the code in their own devices or operating systems. Because of this open source arrangement, continuous and timely improvements and enhancements to the USB MIDI 2.0 Host driver and MIDI 2.0 API are expected.
Here is a list of the AMEI companies supporting this work.
l AlphaTheta Corporation
l INTERNET Co., Ltd.
l Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
l Educational Corporation Shobi Gakuen
l SyncPower Corporation
l Yamaha Corporation
l Yamaha Music Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
l Roland Corporation
l Analog Devices, K.K.
For the full blog from Pete on the New Windows MIDI Stack, please click on the link below.
We’ve recently kicked off a project with Qualcomm and Yamaha to create a brand new USB Audio Class 2 Driver in Windows, with both WaveRT (our internal audio) and ASIO interfaces, following the latest standards for Windows driver development using the ACX framework.
The new driver will support the devices that our current USB Audio Class 2 driver supports, but will increase support for high-IO-count interfaces with an option for low-latency for musician scenarios.
It will have an ASIO interface so all the existing DAWs on Windows can use it, and it will support the interface being used by Windows and the DAW application at the same time, like a few ASIO drivers do today. And, of course, it will handle power management events on the new CPUs.
This driver will work with USB Audio Class 2 devices, so you can plug in your device, and get right to making music.
Finally, we’ll make the class driver source available to others on GitHub, just like we have with MIDI, so that any company creating their own USB Audio Class 2 drivers will be able to learn from how we handled events and also give us suggestions for how we could do better. It’s a two-way conversation.
Pete Brown-Microsoft
Announcing: Hardware-optimized USB Audio drivers on Arm64
Our new in-box driver needs to work well for all compliant USB Audio Class 2 devices. But some hardware developers are expert driver authors, and for years have known that if they write their own optimized drivers for their USB Audio Interfaces, even on other platforms with built-in drivers and low-latency APIs, they can achieve even better round-trip latency at the same levels of stability. Every millisecond counts!
Pete Brown-Microsoft
Focusrite – Native on Arm64
“Focusrite is targeting releasing native Arm64 drivers for all of its supported USB audio interface products in early 2025, bringing compatibility with all ASIO and non-ASIO applications running on the platform.”
Tim Carroll, CEO Focusrite Group
CEO Focusrite Group, President of The MIDI Association
Yamaha – Native on Arm64
Yamaha creates the Steinberg-branded USB audio interfaces, which are fantastic performers on Windows and loved by their customers. In addition to working on the in-box class driver for Arm64, they are going to release optimized device-family versions of their audio interface drivers for Windows on Arm, giving users of their devices the best of both worlds. We’re excited to see these drivers coming out for Arm64 in 2025!
Pete Brown- Microsoft
Announcing: New Musician-focused apps coming to Arm64
With the new MIDI stack and in-box ASIO, these three killer DAW apps, and two families of audio interfaces with optimized drivers for Arm64, we’re set up to help make the experience of creating music amazing on Windows. I am beyond excited for so many of these efforts to come together at this point in time. A huge thanks to all our hardware and software partners who have stepped up to help musicians and other audio creators on Windows.
Pete Brown-Microsoft
Cubase x Snapdragon: Redefining mobile music production
For the full blog from Pete on Make Great Music with Windows on Arm, please click on the link below.
With the help of Geoffery Ge from Medeli and Yitian Zhao from CME Pro, Music China arranged for a MIDI Forum with experts from all over the world. The setup was actually quite amazing. There was a very nice AV setup, but most impressive was the simultaneous translation.
When MIDI Association members were speaking English, Chinese people were provided translations into Chinese and when Chinese MIDI Association members spoke Chinese, the English speakers were provided English translations. This was not just for the panel participants, but for the entire audience which consisted of over a 100 people. Even Miura-san from AMEI had translation as Music China had arranged for a brand ambassador from Shanghai Conservatory of Music who spoke fluent Japanese. It was impressive and really underscored that MIDI is the universal digital language of music. People on the panels spoke different languages, but they all spoke MIDI!
Future Music Technology and International MIDI Technology Development Forum. Forum time 14:00-17:00 p.m., October 12, 2024
Organizer China Musical Instrument Association, Shanghai Intex Exhibition and Convention Center Co., Ltd.
Facilitator Future Music Technology Committee of China Musical Instrument Association and Sound and Music Technical Committee of China Electronic Audio Industry Association
Co-Facilitator The MIDI Association
Shanghai Pudong New Area Advanced Audio and Video Technology Association
Forum content:
Panel Discussion: Progress in the Global Application of MIDI 2.0 Technology
Zhao Yitian, The founder and CEO of CME, Member of the Executive Board of the MIDI Association
1) Athan Billias- Member of the Executive Board of the MIDI Association.
2) Daisuke Miura-Chairman of the MIDI Standards Committee of the Japan AMEI Association
3) Mike Kent-Chairman, MIDI 2.0 Working Group, Chief Strategy Officer, AmeNote Inc.
4) Joe Zhang-Director of R&D Technology of Medeli Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Member of the Technical Standard Board of the MIDI Association
First, Athan Billias, MIDI Association board member explained some basics about The MIDI Association.
Daisuke Miura from AMEI, the Japanese MIDI organization explained about AMEI’s role in the world of MIDI.
Then Mike Kent (Exec Board member and chair of the MIDI 2.0 Working Group) explained the current state of the technical specifications with an emphasis on the new Windows MIDI 2.0 open source driver that his company is developing with the support of AMEI.
After Mike, it was Joe Zhang from Medeli’s turn to explain the state of MIDI 2.0.
Joe is on the Technical Standards Board of The MIDI Association and gets up at 3 am in the morning to attend this meeting every 2 weeks. With members in Europe, the United States, Australia and China, there is no perfect (or even good) time to schedule a meeting for everyone. But Joe has been getting up at 3 am for 6 years now so maybe it is time to shift and pick a time that’s more convenient for him.
2.Keynote Speech: Review and Prospect – The Convergence of Music Technology
Guest: Yu Yang- Dean and Professor, Department of Music Engineering, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Doctoral supervisor and famous composer
3.Dialogue between two people: Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Everything?
1) TamiX Tang Nan- Buchla modular synthesizer artist, visual artist, and the founder of
2) L+R Wang Lu- Sound artist, electronic music producer, arranger, sound interaction producer, independent radioanchor
4.Keynote Speech: Automatic Music Transcription: A Bridge to the Symbolic Representation of Music in the Future
Guest: Wu Yulun- Ph.D., School of Computer Science and Technology, Fudan University
5.Keynote Speech: Jam with Things: Music Geeks’ Improvisational InstrumentModification
Guest:Robin Zhang
Founder of Digishow – digital performing arts open-source project
We are going to do a separate article on Digishow and Robin because we got a chance to visit him on Sunday night at what was once the Lester Institute and were blown away by the creative things he and his team were doing.
6.Roundtable Discussion: Discussion on the development of future musical instruments and music technology in China
Ge Xinghua- General Manager of Deli Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
1) Zhao Yitian- The founder and CEO of CME
2) Chen Guobin- Deputy General Manager of Ringway Electronics (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
3) Huang Jianheng,- Director of Longjoin Group, CTO, Co-founder of MIDIPLUS brand, CEO of MIDIPLUS
4) Zhang Guangzhong- Director of R&D Technology of Medeli Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
5) Cao Qiang- Deputy General Manager and CTO of Changsha Hotone Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
We hope this gives you a bit of feel of how much there is going on in China with MIDI 2.0. There is a tremendous energy there. During the roundtable with the Chinese members, Joe Zhang said that China hadn’t been able to participate in MIDI 1.0’s development because the technical level in China wasn’t ready at the time. But he said that with MIDI 2.0, it was the time for Chinese companies to not just participate, but lead in MIDI 2.0 development.
Looking at the technical level of all our Chinese members and their openness to new ways of using tools like AI, it’s clear that Joe Zhang was right.
To see Music China’s coverage of Music X and the MIDI forum, click the link below.
From Master Card to Mister Mayor all the Waze to MIDI
Pentagram , the global multi-disciplinary, independently-owned design studio with offices in Austin, Berlin, New York and London has done some of the most original design work on the planet. They do more than logo design although they have done that for clients like MasterCard, Mister Mayor and Waze.
Pentagram was commissioned to head up MIDI’s brand identity design to maximise exposure and adoption of MIDI 2.0.
Taking centre stage in the identity, the trademark is inspired by musical forms, such as the Stuttgart pitch, which is an oscilloscope reading of sine waves at a frequency of 440 Hz. The Stuttgart pitch serves as a tuning standard for the musical note of A above middle C, or A4 in scientific pitch notation. A440 has been widely adopted as a reference frequency to calibrate acoustic equipment and to tune various musical instruments.
The wordmarque design also references the shape of Lissajous curves, which are graphs of a system of parametric equations used to describe complex harmonic motion. The finalised design represents a modulation shape between 440 Hz – 880 Hz which is globally recognised as a tone for tuning instruments.
The sonic logo complements the wordmarque design, creating a mirror between sound and vision. The pitch starts out at 440 Hz and then rises to 880 Hz, with subtle wave shape and stereo modulation. There is an anticipatory feeling to the sonic identity, similar to that of an orchestra tuning to 440 Hz or Strauss’ ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra’. The simplicity and power of these pitches can create a Pavlovian response. Minimal orchestral strings complement the sine waves.
MIDI’s new identity feeds on the interplay between the visual and sonic, creating a suitably iconic logo for the next generation of music makers and music lovers. The MIDI 2.0 visual campaign is based on the heard and unheard, a synesthesia of sorts that visualises sound and vice versa. Sound is sentimental and can be imagined even in the absence of audible clues with unheard outputs such as imagery and motion giving way to soundscapes trained by synaptic communication in our brains that create memories.
MIDI is instantly recognisable to anyone who makes, edits or plays music, and is used every day around the world by musicians, DJs, producers, educators, artists and hobbyists to create, perform, learn and share music and artistic works.
Since 1981, MIDI has dramatically changed the way musical instruments communicate, connecting electronic music instruments, computers and other audio devices. For the first time ever, products from different manufacturers were able to seamlessly interact with one another, stimulating computer music sequencing programmes to take form and become the backbone of modern day music-making.
The MIDI Association released the first makeover of the product in 2020 and branded it as MIDI 2.0, which was the most significant update in 35 years. MIDI 2.0 is a future-proof upgrade which introduces novel features and added functionality as MIDI’s use has grown to include computers, tablets and smartphones. One of the main attributes of MIDI 2.0 is bi-directionality, which enables MIDI 2.0 devices to communicate in both directions.
The final result is a timeless logo that captures the essence of MIDI 2.0
Pentagram is the world’s largest independent design consultancy. The firm is owned and run by 24 partners, each of whom are leaders in their individual fields.
From Master Card to Mister Mayor all the Waze to MIDI
Pentagram , the global multi-disciplinary, independently-owned design studio with offices in Austin, Berlin, New York and London has done some of the most original design work on the planet. They do more than logo design although they have done that for clients like Master Card, Mister Mayor and Waze.
Pentagram does graphics and identity, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, advertising and communications, sound and motion.
Pentagram was commissioned to head up MIDI’s brand identity design to maximise exposure and adoption of MIDI 2.0. Taking centre stage in the identity, the trademark is inspired by musical forms, such as the Stuttgart pitch, which is an oscilloscope reading of sine waves at a frequency of 440 Hz. The Stuttgart pitch serves as a tuning standard for the musical note of A above middle C, or A4 in scientific pitch notation. A440 has been widely adopted as a reference frequency to calibrate acoustic equipment and to tune various musical instruments.
The wordmarque design also references the shape of Lissajous curves, which are graphs of a system of parametric equations used to describe complex harmonic motion. The finalised design represents a modulation shape between 440 Hz – 880 Hz which is globally recognised as a tone for tuning instruments.
The sonic logo complements the wordmarque design, creating a mirror between sound and vision. The pitch starts out at 440 Hz and then rises to 880 Hz, with subtle wave shape and stereo modulation. There is an anticipatory feeling to the sonic identity, similar to that of an orchestra tuning to 440 Hz or Strauss’ ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra’. The simplicity and power of these pitches can create a Pavlovian response. Minimal orchestral strings complement the sine waves.
MIDI’s new identity feeds on the interplay between the visual and sonic, creating a suitably iconic logo for the next generation of music makers and music lovers. The MIDI 2.0 visual campaign is based on the heard and unheard, a synesthesia of sorts that visualises sound and vice versa. Sound is sentimental and can be imagined even in the absence of audible clues with unheard outputs such as imagery and motion giving way to soundscapes trained by synaptic communication in our brains that create memories.
MIDI is instantly recognisable to anyone who makes, edits or plays music, and is used every day around the world by musicians, DJs, producers, educators, artists and hobbyists to create, perform, learn and share music and artistic works. Since 1981, MIDI has dramatically changed the way musical instruments communicate, connecting electronic music instruments, computers and other audio devices. For the first time ever, products from different manufacturers were able to seamlessly interact with one another, stimulating computer music sequencing programmes to take form and become the backbone of modern day music-making.
The MIDI Association released the first makeover of the product in 2020 and branded it as MIDI 2.0, which was the most significant update in 35 years. MIDI 2.0 is a future-proof upgrade which introduces novel features and added functionality as MIDI’s use has grown to include computers, tablets and smartphones. One of the main attributes of MIDI 2.0 is bi-directionality, which enables MIDI 2.0 devices to communicate in both directions.
by Pentagram
The final result is this timeless logo that captures the essence of MIDI 2.0
Pentagram is the world’s largest independent design consultancy. The firm is owned and run by 24 partners, each of whom are leaders in their individual fields.