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MIDI Forum

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Joined: Jan 17, 2016
Topics: 0 / Replies: 25

The spec is not incorrect. The values of "tt" can only be 0-127 because "tt" is a hexidecimal number. But the spec is not referring to the value of "...

6 years ago

Hello Forum, FYI, the "MPE" specification is now available for download in the "Specs" section. Specifically, the link is on the "Complete MIDI 1....

7 years ago

Hi Forum, The MIDI Capability Inquiry message specification is now available for download in the "Specs" section. Specifically, the link is on th...

7 years ago

MOTU makes a 5x5 MIDI interface (Micro Lite) which seems like it would do what you need. That will allow you to have all 4 MIDI In and Out ports acces...

7 years ago

Hi Sema, >>> I need to have a small icon on the MIDI settings button that would unambiguously show the button's action and I thought the small "M...

7 years ago

Hi Sema, The stylized treatment of "MIDI" (the logo) is owned by the MMA and may be used only as defined by MMA. Typically we use that to identify ...

7 years ago

Bob, the picture I found online of the Hose USM-422 interface looks just like the picture of the cheap Chinese interfaces that don't work correctly......

7 years ago

Jomarx, You might want to try a friend's keyboard, as you suggested earlier, to confirm whether the problem is in the MIDI interface instead of the...

7 years ago

Here's a link to a page from the KS Rack owners manual that explains how it responds to MIDI messages in performance mode and how to use the MIDI Bank...

7 years ago

What kind (brand) of MIDI interface are you using? Because if it is one of the cheap ones from China they are notorious for being unable to handle Sys...

7 years ago

Maybe I can help reduce some of the confusion in this thread... >>> “The MPEWG home page, containing the most recent specification, is available t...

8 years ago
Re: MIDI Troubleshooting

From your description it sounds like the problem only occurs when sending data from Ableton to the JX-3P, which means either Ableton is sending incomp...

8 years ago
Re: Chords in SMF?

There is no MIDI Standard for how to store chord names in an SMF, but some products (Band in a Box, for example) do it, so if you are interested in co...

9 years ago
Re: Record button cc message?

The correct CC message (or SysEx message) depends on your DAW. You need to know which specification (MMC, HUI, Logic Control, Mackie Control, etc.) th...

9 years ago
Re: Midi.org link dead

Hello, We have now changed all of the links and are not seeing this problem anymore... please check again. But you need to go back to the page that...

9 years ago
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