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MIDI Forum

Eddie Lotter
Eddie Lotter
Reputable Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2016
Last seen: Jul 8, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 289

Unfortunately my experience is with Roland devices, I am not familiar with Yamaha devices. What might be helpful to you is on page 192, where it says...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=12661]Please note that I may be wrong, but I'd like a sanity check to make sure I'm right. The variable-length quantity method of storin...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=12519]I don't actually Log In - and I doubt that Posts Unread would work properly if I've not logged in?[/quotePost] Correct, if you do...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=12515]I'm going in and out of the forum a number of times every day, and I've never seen anything like this.[/quotePost] @Geoff, you're...

3 years ago

I see the same thing in Microsoft Edge. I hit F5 to refresh the cache and it goes away for a few days before I see it again.

3 years ago

That is certainly one way of doing it. Are you intending to write the software on the receiving side as well? If so, you can make it do whatever you ...

3 years ago

You need the manufacturer's SysEx ID to talk to a MIDI device via SysEx. This is not a change from MIDI 1.0 which works the same way. You only need t...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=12222]My understanding is there is only one official meta event defined in specs for specifying a port, the Device Name meta event.[/quo...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=12221]Can i ask what happen if the track port that is suggested in file is not found?[/quotePost] If the port specified in MIDI file is...

3 years ago

The MIDI file specification has two event types that can be used to specify a port for a track. Have a look at the spec for details.

3 years ago

[quotePost id=11892]The SC8850 is 22 years old[/quotePost] To my knowledge, the SC-8850 was the last GS device produced. GS has not changed since. ...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=11803]What does 'sum' mean in the specification below:[/quotePost] You can have a look at my tutorial to understand how the checksum wo...

3 years ago

There usually is a "Delete" menu item just below the "Ban post owner" menu item. Which thread did it not appear on?

3 years ago

The Roland Sound Canvas supports portamento and works as expected. The Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth does not respond to portamento settings.

3 years ago

Create a MIDI file that uses the portamento effect the way you want it to work and I will test it to see if it works the same way on the Microsoft GS ...

3 years ago
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