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MIDI to Muons

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I have 2 home built Muon detectors and I have 3 outputs

I have built myself some Muon detectors and as a result I have 3 outputs

Detector 1 - 3.3v for 20 to 40 mS
Detector 2 - 3.3v for 20 to 40 mS
Coincidence 3 - 3.3v for 20 to 40 mS
Each output currently lights an Led and clicks on a Piezo Electric Speaker

From my understanding I may be able to feed these inputs into a MIDI interface and then via software have each output produce a different sound

Putting aside which interface and software am i on the right track ?

Last thought, in addition to producing a sounds can a MIDI also produce an accompanying screen image

Kind Regards
John B

Posted : 27/11/2021 9:01 am
Eddie Lotter
Posts: 295
Reputable Member

That is certainly one way of doing it.
Are you intending to write the software on the receiving side as well? If so, you can make it do whatever you want, but to be clear, MIDI isn't designed for transferring images, although it can be done with SysEx messages.

Posted : 27/11/2021 9:40 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Hello from a complete NOOOOOB. Hope I don't waste people's time on this forum. MUONS ? Having a background in experimental Quantum Physics ( Quantum Entanglements based on THE GRAND UNIFIED FIELD HYPOTHESIS ), are you talking about quantum level particles? Am also interested in PHONONS ( Chlandi ), and CHRONOTONS ( Quantized Time ). Pawn Shopped a FOCUSRITE SCARLETT 4i4 and need to get uo to speed so I can Compose/Create Music for my Music Tesla Coil ( https://onetesla.com/products/oneteslats.html ) to be broadcast through my FCC Part 15 AM Radio Station . Not even sure where ( wear ? ) to begin. Just downloaded REAPER for WIN 10 ( DELL i7 notebook ) now need ANDROID software for my SAMSUNG GALAXY TABLET. If I put sensors into my clothes, want to create dance tracks to mix with my THEREMINI output ( https://www.moogmusic.com/products/etherwave-theremins/theremini ).

Posted : 01/07/2022 9:44 pm