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MIDI Forum

Eddie Lotter
Eddie Lotter
Reputable Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2016
Last seen: Oct 19, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 289

The parameters are 7-bit, which means they can only have 128 unique values, not 256. Please give an example of a key signature that is not represen...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14749]Does it mean a first track chunk must contain only tempo map? Or other events allowed there, but tempo map for the first chunk onl...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14651]Does channel 16 have something to do with percussion?[/quotePost] That depends on the device receiving the MIDI messages. Having ...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14641]Yes, but I'm asking to see if I have to check all the tracks to know what the current program is or can I just trust what the curr...

3 years ago

Very sad indeed. One of my all-time favourite composers. 🙁

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14638]If I have two tracks with the same instrument and the same channel, do they usually send a program change event for each track?[/q...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=14626] I'd be curious to hear some of these MT-32 files[/quotePost] You can hear them converted to MP3 on sites like this one.

3 years ago

They are referring to what the Standard MIDI Files Specification calls a "format." There are three formats of MIDI 1.0 files, numbered 0, 1 and 2.

3 years ago

See section D.3.3 in the official Universal MIDI Packet (UMP) Format and MIDI 2.0 Protocol specification for a good explanation of how to convert a MI...

3 years ago

[quotePost id=13904]The SC-88 works fine when connecting to a PC and running Finale. [/quotePost] By this do you mean that Finale can accept input fr...

3 years ago

Does the Yamaha keyboard have regular MIDI Din connectors or only a USB connector? (Hence the need for a USB host.) If not, then do you have any othe...

3 years ago

I have discovered that if you hover your mouse over a category in the thread list, the pop-up has a button to create a new post in that category. I...

3 years ago

I agree with Clemens. You will have no way of knowing what the device did, so it's best to reflect that.

3 years ago

[quotePost id=13254]I'm sorry for the delay as I came down sick and just now looking back at this. I will report back with my findings.[/quotePost] N...

3 years ago
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