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MIDI Forum

Jan Kučera
Jan Kučera
Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 27, 2016
Topics: 3 / Replies: 14

For Windows, I have always been happy with Voyetras' Digital Orchestrator (formerly Midi Orchestrator). It wasn't free, but it was a professionally de...

8 years ago

Maybe it would help to note that the MIDI is just a serial bus/UART. You can build UART with 74xx (see e.g.but I agree if you have Arduino in, just co...

8 years ago
Re: Help with Connections

You cannot convert jack to MIDI cable as jack is analog sound and MIDI is digital note numbers, to put it easily. You would need to convert the USB...

8 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 15511
Re: Extracting practical data from a midi file

Well this is a standard MIDI file, you would need to open it rather as binary. See the "Standard MIDI File" section of the complete MIDI specification...

9 years ago
Re: Using SysEx to control synth parameters.

(the order of bytes might also be 0x0C 0x0D 0x0A 0x0B, that is not specified in the picture you posted)

9 years ago
Re: Using SysEx to control synth parameters.

Hi! Yes I think the second column is actuallly the one that answers your question. Every row is a byte split into 8 bits. '0' is for bits which are a...

9 years ago
Re: How to find the Instrument Name with Sysex code ?

I might be wrong but I don't think instrument names are transferred (unless your device has a special sysex command for that). You can find the name o...

9 years ago
Re: MSB/LSB and 14 Bit Bank Select

I am only guessing, but MSB * 128 + LSB?

9 years ago
Re: When is a midi merge unit not a midi merge unit? When it's hooked up to a PC! Midiman 2x2 problem needing a solution.

Interesting question. I am currently away from my set-up but I believe I have wrriten my own tool because it is really easy (at least on Windows). I d...

9 years ago
Re: When is a midi merge unit not a midi merge unit? When it's hooked up to a PC! Midiman 2x2 problem needing a solution.

I have the same 2x2 unit for MIDI merge - I was looking for a standalone unit and the fact that it does different thing when connected to a computer w...

9 years ago
Re: Why are all Status bytes > 0x80

Don't. 🙂 The first byte of MIDI message is always a status byte, and it is the only one that has the highest bit set (i.e. is >=0x80). That way yo...

9 years ago
Re: So where are the REAL specifications for MIDI?

Is there any update on the progress of making the specs available?

9 years ago
Re: The MIDI Association forums

Two other technical things: when logging in, it takes you to the members page, instead of leaving you where you were (e.g.in a forum) when you ...

9 years ago
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