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MIDI Forum

Steve Caldwell
Steve Caldwell
Active Member
Joined: Nov 16, 2016
Last seen: Aug 26, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 9

Hi, I've used Bome MIDI Translator and the manual to convert Sysex to MIDI CC. If interested take a look at the user forum at www.bome.com/support...

7 years ago

It looks like it will likely do what you want. Note that if your grandkids do something extreme like remapping MIDI input channels on your keyboards, ...

7 years ago

I use Bome MIDI Translator Pro for all my MIDI mapping needs. br />

7 years ago

If you MIDI pad send MIDI you should be able to send to any instrument. If you need to convert MIDI to different messages, channels etc. You might nee...

7 years ago

MIDI is an 8 asynchronus. Never heard of it using any parity so indeed it would be 10 bits if you take into account the start bit and end bit required...

7 years ago

Wow that is a tough one. There are many many pieces of software out there that can do this type of thing. In general they are called DAWs (Digital A...

7 years ago

I would recommend you get a MIDI keyboard with USB capabilities that has some additional buttons and knobs for controlling other MIDI functions besid...

7 years ago

CC55 is a general purpose controller. My guess is that it is just set up so that you you send control value on CC55, it will control the output voltag...

7 years ago

Hi, keep in mind that MIDI does not send any sound. It just sends binary messages that the receiving device needs to interpret and convert to sounds o...

7 years ago