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Question about CC55 output on synth

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I have an Analogue Solutions Fusebox synth. The one thing that the manual doesn't cover is what the CC55 output does. It's a 3.5mm output jack on the MIDI CV section of the synth. I've tried searching the internet to no avail. The other output jacks on the synth in the MIDI CV section are pretty straightforward and easy to use and understand (pitch, accent, M. clock, gate, velocity). But then there's the cc55.

Any help clearing this up would be most appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Posted : 28/12/2017 6:59 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Basically, I don't know.

In midi, anything CCxx usually means a Control Change, i.e. one of the controllers.

However, CC55 is not a usual controller in it's own right. There are a block of 'Continuous Controllers' which are 'undefined' as far as midi is concerned, which usually means that they are available for use by specific devices as defined by said specific device. However, 55 is for the least significant part of CC23, and therefore would be unlikely to be used apart from CC23.

However, as these controllers are 'undefined', there may be certain devices that do use them for their own purposes. If, as you say, these connectors are outputs, there may be something that can use a CC55 input (but if so, what about CC23 ??). Maybe something else in the Analogue Solutions range can make use of this?

I'd suggest that you don't worry about it unless you have something that can use it?


Posted : 29/12/2017 1:32 pm
Steve Caldwell
Posts: 9
Active Member

CC55 is a general purpose controller. My guess is that it is just set up so that you you send control value on CC55, it will control the output voltage of the jack for whatever you want to use the jack for. Of course what ever you have connected to the jack would need to take that voltage and convert it to whatever function the device that you connect provides. As an example an analog expression pedal typically puts out a voltage which is variable depending on the position of the pedal. A keyboard would recognize this input as a change of volume depending on the input voltage. It appears the manufacturer arbitrarily decided which CC# to use for this particular output jack.

Independent Bome Programming Specialist
Bome Q&A moderator

PS. Maybe my example was not a good one. I think in case of expression pedal, the instrument actually puts out the voltage and the pedal just changes the resistance applied. Be careful you know what you are doing before applying and output voltage to anything!

Posted : 29/12/2017 2:18 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Oooh, I think I should be a bit pedantic here, I'm sure for the benefit of others.

Midi has nothing to do with control voltages. So going back to the OP, I'm not sure that 'MIDI CV' is all about, and I should have asked that question at the start. Midi is just numbers, numeric data, which may well be converted into control voltages by the receiving hardware. The precise conversion will be dependant of various midi settings, so the +127 to -128 in one instance will not necessarily have the same degree of change as in another instance. So, we should NOT mention CV in the same breath as midi. IF the connector being discussed is actually relating to a Midi Controller, then is should be midi data, and NOT CV (which is NOT midi).

We still need forther comment/input from OP


Posted : 07/01/2018 3:43 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

This is a bump since I had the same query and came across the topic, having just purchased one of these units.
In the event that anyone else is still wondering, in the July 2018 Sound on Sound review of the Fusebox, Simon Sherbourne says the following:

The MIDI section goes beyond these bread‑and‑butter connections, though. It has a highly useful velocity to CV translator, and an Accent output that’s triggered by MIDI Notes over velocity 100. There is also a dedicated CV output that converts from MIDI CC55, providing an arbitrary modulation source from any programmable controller or a DAW track.

Posted : 19/04/2020 12:33 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Thanks, a useful 'bump'.

So, it does relate to a CV - control voltage - although in this case the CV is under some degree of midi control via CC55, which is interesting.

I'm sure there are still older style synths, and related devices, is use that do still work with control voltages and are not midi. This synth could be able to control such older devices, and if this synth has midi IN then other things could use it to control the older non-midi device via midi.


Posted : 19/04/2020 1:05 pm