Thanks Yannick, Your posts on several topics have been very helpful and we really appreciate your attention to detail in your responses.
FYI, The MIDI Association is working with to have MIDI Association articles translated into Spanish and they will create a blog area on their site sp...
Hi, We were hoping that perhaps someone more familiar with that specific software would answer. We aren't familiar with that particular piece of ...
There are already a number of USB to MIDI 5 pin DIN cables on the market including cables from iConnectivity (MIO) , (Roland (UM-One), and Yamaha (UX1...
It's great to see the community responding and offering suggestions. Well done!
We discussed it very briefly in a recent Technical Standards Board meeting. Can you describe how MIDI over Dante might simply your setup?
RPNs GM defines several Registered Parameters, which act like Controllers but are addressed in a different way. In MIDI, every Registered Parameter i...
Hi, You didn't include all of the information we need to give you a complete answer, but are some tips. You didn't describe exactly how you phys...
Hi Josh, You are right the core MIDI 1.0 spec is not up in the site yet. We wanted to get the site up before NAMM , but we knew it wasn't 100% ...
Walt Turner wrote: This should be interesting. I'm brand spanking new to MIDI and hope to learn how it works and how to incorporate it into my futu...
Eddie Lotter wrote: The head section of the MIDI News page has a typo on it: "relaases" instead of "releases" :p Thanks , Eddie. It's fixed now....
Thanks, and nice catch. We rebuilt the contact page and didn't change the link. You can post your comments here or email directly....
Yes, The spec section is still under construction. We are planning on doing some more work on it tomorrow and try to get as much as possible ready fo...