Sadly, the new forums never got properly ported from the old. Attachments never made the transition. Current settings in the new forum do not allow pictures or more than one attachment. Links to other posts in any of the pre-transition posts do not lead anywhere valid. Notifications for new posts do not appear regularly. The forum index does not show the most recent reply date, just the original post date. Read/unread posts are saved in a cookie rather than in the user account, so when looking at the forum on my phone, I get different unread/new post listings than when I go on my laptop. It's not easy to tell when you have been logged out, and then when logging back in, you are not returned to the page you were on. The overall user experience, though it looks better, feels much less functional, and as such, it seems the interaction on the forums has essentially dried up.
I check the forum every day, yet it was more than a week before I saw a new reply on an older post. I also am just now seeing someone else's new post from a week ago. And my new posts, which previously would have been answered within a day or two, sit for weeks without a peep.