Last seen: Dec 11, 2024
I was going to suggest checking with Sema before I saw who wrote the question 😆 The musicxml website has a large collection of links to sit...
I recently discovered the "Recent Posts" button, and at least that shows all correct date information, and easily sorts the recent posts for viewing.
I went with 120 for this soundtrack, and had 1 spot of clipping in my final recording, so I have to reduce the volume in all my files. I realize the ...
And even further, I forgot I had asked about this previously in this thread so now I'm just going to delete them all and let the SYSEX resets han...
Annnnnd, it puts them after all the other control changes, like setting pan and volume :/ So I also have to go back through all the files again and m...
Well, a slow technique I figured out is to load with Sekaiju, only show CC 121, 123, 127, select all of those that Cakewalk put in measure 2, ...
Sekaiju is free, and the method seems to work well. Give that a shot. It's more complicated to do in Cakewalk. I *think* the changes in tempo would ...
Or, alternately, a .sal script for Sekaiju that can move those offending events back to the beginning?
If you have the option to adjust playback speed, you can also try playing it slower to see if it still happens, like 50 or 25 percent speed. That can ...
Hmm, well, seems like my player freaked out. I played the non-working file just now, and it's working. 🤩 Sometimes it doesn't like skipping f...