I'm trying to get back into midi but my midi editing software won't run on Windows 10. I had been using MIDI MAXPAK software on Windows 98 with a USB interface to a MOTU 5 port mico lite interface which I then connect to my instruments with a midi DIN connector.
So what is a good choice for editing software for windows 10 that will let me assign ports using the MOTU interface, and let me play into it using a midi keyboard? I'd like to try something that has a demo version to make sure it works before investing in higher end.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Daniel,
I too have a Micro Lite and find it a very useful device for connecting a keyboard and a couple of sound modules.
I'm still on Windoze 7 but as many of the programs I use don't work that well on 10.
Hoewever, a couple of free programs you could try are Anvil Studio and Sekaiju.
They can both see the Micro Lite as 5 input and 5 ouput MIDI ports.
They might be enough if it's just some simple MID editing you need to do.
The other, fully fledged DAWs have a very steep learning curve IMO.
Otherwise try the other free DAW Cakewalk by BandLab.