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MIDI Keyboard isn't...
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MIDI Keyboard isn't performing

6 Posts
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Posts: 3
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Hi everyone.

So i have a MIDI Keyboard, plugged in my MIDI to USB cable in the correct ports etc. then when I go to play a key through FL, it's very intermittent. Like hit and miss with what key I play. I have used MIDI-OX to pick up what's being pressed and it's the same story. But, when I change style on the keyboard, it picks up every single change straight away.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it's very difficult to explain but hopefully you understand.

Posted : 28/04/2020 7:06 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

This COULD be due to the midi USB interface, certain types are seriously problematic.

See recent thread 'Midi keys only sending two on signals', note the midi-ox data shown there, note the pic of the interface used there, and come back.

The problem with the interface is fairly complicated, and might be within the chip. Some devices seem to work OK, some have occasional problem, some are fine in certain circumstances and fail in others.. The problems are not consistent.

If you can 'record' the midi data, with problems' into a midi file and post the data as per the thread noted above we can soon spot any problems.


Posted : 28/04/2020 7:32 am
Posts: 3
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Hi Geoff,

Thanks for getting back. WHere can I find that thread? I can't seem to see it.

Posted : 28/04/2020 7:42 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member


It's just a few items down the list from the top.

This is the link if you still don't see it.



Posted : 28/04/2020 7:46 am
Posts: 3
Active Member
Topic starter

Thanks again Geoff,

I have that programme now, and it is not recording "off" when I release a key. Some don't play but they do if I keep hitting the key.

How shall I recod it for you? I can press every note once going up

Posted : 28/04/2020 8:39 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member


Midi-ox should allow saving data to a midi file. Just put a block of data there, try playing something similar to what you did when you first noticed the ptroblem. With a mix of fast and slow playing.

Then post (attach) the midi file, note that you'll need to ZIP the file, as I don't think the forum system will accept a .mid file extension. Yes, that's daft for a midi forum! Also note that there might be a problem with .ZIP, but .zip is OK (or was that another forum ??).

As for there just being note ON data, many systems send Note off as a Note on instruction but with velocity as 0. I'm not sure how MIDI-OX shows this. The example in the earlier thread does show these as 'Note Off' with Velocity as 0, the faulty ones though have a velocity as C0 (hex) which counts as Note On when this data should be 00.

As long as data has a couple of examples of 'missing' Off instructions it'll be a big help.


Posted : 28/04/2020 9:01 am