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No e-flat being triggered!!!

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Logic Pro X is not recognising the e-flat above c-4. Both of my midi controllers are affected. Both, however, do sound e-flat above c-4 in Garage Band and Pigments as a stand alone program. Pigments as a plug-in sounds no e-flat above c-4. So, sounds like the problem is with Logic. How can I fix this. Thank you.

Posted : 25/04/2020 9:09 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member


Just to clarify things you do not say.

I believe Logic Pro X is a DAW, software running on a computer (?). The midi controllers are connected to the computer - how? Using midi cable, or usb, or what exactly?

You say the problem is with the note e-flat above c4 - do you know which midi note number that is? I assume from your question that ALL other notes, above and below that note, work fine. Just calculated that the note in question may be #63 (3F in hex).

When you use GarageBand and Pigments, how is that connected into your system, and when using P alone I assume that's just software within or connected to Logic?

Sounds initially like something to do with the connection/interface, if one is involved?

Do you have MIDI-OX, or some other software to run on the computer that will monitor the stream of midi data and display the numbers, and record the numbers? Another very recent question has done just that, and shows some corrucped data (from the cable).

See posting re 'midi sending two ON signals'.

Basically, does problem happen when you're using a connecting cable, and things are OK otherwise? Is cable anything like the one pictured in post noted above?


Posted : 25/04/2020 10:02 am
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Hi Geoff. Thanks for replying. I’ll try to answer your questions and add some additional info.

Logic Pro X is a DAW from Apple, and is being run on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014).

One keyboard is an old E-MU Xboard49 that was connected vis its original usb cable. Some years ago, the key in question was one of a cluster of four keys that became sticky due to a spill. I eventually had to disassemble the keyboard and clean away the stickiness, after which everything was fine. Much later, that key stopped working and I assumed it had to do with the spill problem and decided to just live with it. Then, many months later, I used the octave shift and discovered that that very key played the pitch one octave higher just fine! However, the pitch (D#4) which is assigned midi #63 was shifted down one octave on the keyboard and that key now triggered no sound.
A month ago, I bought an Arturia Minilab Mk II keyboard. It is connected to same computer by its usb cable. Having only 25 keys, the octave shift key is used often. No problem was noticed until about three weeks in. Same midi signal (#63), same pitch (d#4) no matter where on the keyboard that pitch is located due to octave pitch shift.
The above is the problem. This is what I have discovered and done so far.
In Logic X, in the piano roll editor, there is a virtual keyboard that shows a dot on any key being played. This is how I know the key is d#4. Dots on all keys when pressed except d#4. No dot. Also, when you mouse click on any key a dot appears and the pitch sounds. Clicking on d#4 shows a dot and the tone sounds. Same thing if you use the computers typing keyboard. This proves Logic can produce that note, but not via midi signal.

So, is the problem with the computer signal prior to reaching Logic. No. I opened both Garage band and the synth program Pigments. Both midi controllers trigger all notes. Pigments can be used as a stand alone program, as above, or it can be used as a plug in within Logic. When played as a Logic plugin, no d#4. Sounds pretty conclusive that the problem is with Logic.

So, I read that deleting the preference files might cure such problems. Did that, no fix. I read that deleting old midi drivers might work. Found one,(EmagicUSBMIDIDRIVER.plugin). Deleted it, no fix. Next I deleted the entire Logic program, emptied the trash, and reinstalled the program. Guess what, No Fix. I have also watched this video about midi path in Logic.

Hope this is enough info. Thanks again.

Posted : 27/04/2020 9:44 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Thanks for the extra information.

The wierd thing is that both keyboards have the same problem. There may have been some damage to the older kb, but why does the new kb show the same problem?

Back to something I asked before, we could do with a prog like MIDI-OX, but I don't know if there is a mac version, or something similar. This is a prog that will monitor the midi input that comes into the computer, and show the data on the screen, esp the note number, velocity, etc. Need to know what data is getting there. Is something getting thru? Something maybe, but out of range. If NOTHING shows at all, then there's a problem with both kb, or the cable. If something does come(see data in the posting I referred to earlier) then the problem is how Logic deals with the data. Could be that if the data is totally out of range, i.e. it's a note ## that Logic cannot handle, then Logic just disregards it, but maybe Logic can be set to do something with it.

You might check: https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/, although I've never used this.

The intercept prog will also tell us if both kb do EXACTLY the same thing, i.e. info for key #63, or the same damaged data for key #63.

Maybe Garage Band has better rules for handling damaged data, so it can cope with the damage?

I don't know EXACTLY how your kbs work, but when you press a key that will create some sort of signal in the kb hardware/software, and in due course this will be converted into a note, or a midi key ##. hence how the octave shift works, etc. It is NOT an immediate - Press Key --> Midi Note generated.

The exact data that gets to the computer could help!


Posted : 28/04/2020 4:03 am