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Steve Horowitz-IASIG Chair


The Interactive Audio Special Interest Group of the MIDI Association is the longest running SIG in the organization.

IASIG is an organization in partnership with the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) and the MIDI Association (TMA) that brings together experts to share their knowledge and help improve the state of the art in audio for games, websites, VR content, and other interactive mediums. Our members share tips and techniques, study trends, and create reports and recommendations that game developers, tool makers, and platform owners use to create better products.

IASIG was born out of the Audio Town Meeting at the Computer Game Developers conference in April of 1994. The group first met in June of 1994 to discuss a means for improving audio development tools and upgrading multimedia audio performance. Initially called the AIAMP (Association of Interactive Audio and Music Professionals), the MIDI Association (TMA) assumed responsibility for the group in August of 1994.

IASIG is a partner of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) and the MIDI Association (TMA).

IASIG operates as an official Special Interest Group of the IGDA, & under the auspices of the MIDI Association, with its own Advisory Board, Steering Committee and Working Groups. The majority of activity is in discussion of various topics of interest to the members, which is conducted via private internet mailing lists. Every participant is free to choose their own level of contribution, and all are encouraged to define issues and establish solutions with assistance from the greater community.

Working Groups are the foundation of the IASIG, which operate as explained in the IASIG Working Group Process. Working Groups are supervised by the IASIG Steering Committee. The Steering Committee ultimately serves the General Membership of the IASIG.

In addition, IASIG may convene an Advisory Board. Advisory Board members are not involved in the day to day management of the organization. As the name suggests, they serve to advise the Steering Committee in areas of specialized expertise, and as ambassadors for the IASIG to specific industry segments.

The process, in general, is geared towards gaining consensus, and the wider SIG membership is given ample opportunity to comment on the progress of each Working Group through reports given at regular physical meetings as well as via e-mail, internet chat rooms, or regular mail (as the case may be). IASIG recommendations will be forwarded to the IGDA, the MIDI Association, and all other interactive audio industry groups as needed to complete the IASIG mission to positively influence the development of interactive audio hardware and software.

Steve Horowitz-IASIG Chair

Steve Horowitz is not only a criticially acclaimed composer and the Chair of the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group, he is also the executive director of Technology and Applied Composition (TAC) program at SFCM, a position he took over in January, 2024.

Horowitz comes to SFCM after 23 years as Audio Director at Nickelodeon where he worked on scoring hundreds of video games.

Horowitz is also the author of The Essential Guide to Game Audio: The Theory and Practice of Sound for Games on Focal press, and newest book The Theory And Practice Of Music For Games, published January 2024.

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