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MIDI Forum

Yannick Duchêne
Yannick Duchêne
Active Member
Joined: Feb 26, 2016
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
Re: So where are the REAL specifications for MIDI?

So, best wishes (I don't know how English people would say, we would say « bon courage », in French).

8 years ago
Re: The MIDI Association forums

I believe there is a typo error in. The page says “for fine and course tuning” … pretty sure “coarse” was intended.

9 years ago
Re: MIDI HD Protocol

[…] per-note controllers. […] I wish there will be per‑note pitch‑wheel 🙂 Is it planned? This would greatly simplifies some stuffs I like to experim...

9 years ago
Re: So where are the REAL specifications for MIDI?

[…] [Ed: The MIDI Specification is not a single document, but dozens of different documents, some that modify earlier documents, some that add to the...

9 years ago
Re: No decent midi sequencers free of bloatware?

brandon wrote: I have been using midi for many years and I am one of many who really miss the Atari for its ease of use ,as a result of its basic b...

9 years ago
Re: So where are the REAL specifications for MIDI?

After some web pages, in the past, it use to be as low as $2 in the late 80's, so I believe the $60 was more likely for funding the MIDI association t...

9 years ago
Re: I need to play midi files on my site of online music teaching

Unless you need more than playing a MIDI file, the HTML5 audio element should be enough. There is no need to use JavaScript to play MIDI, and the 90's...

9 years ago
Re: Ignoring MIDI events int SMF

[…] When you encounter an invalid event, such as F4, the best you can do is to abort parsing and return an error. There are five of these (as far as ...

9 years ago
Re: Ignoring MIDI events int SMF

If I understand the question correctly, I would say you can't ignore any event, you can just ignore events by not interpreting it. To parse a Standard...

9 years ago
Re: SMPTE Offset Meta Event (SMF)

Hi, I have a related question. MTC message specifies to ignore unused bits on frame-rate/hour, minutes, seconds and frames. However, in SMPTE Offse...

9 years ago