That file explicitly selects the SC-88 map for most of its instruments.
I've also changed it to use the newest sounds. For this file, this means SC-8...
To get a MIDI output that can properly provide power, get (or build) a MIDI Thru box with its own power supply (some want to be powered from their inp...
Normal USB/3.5mm adapters will not work; USB audio and USB MIDI are different protocols. As far as I can see, the RC5 does not support MIDI over USB, ...
[quotePost id=11933]If I understand it correctly, a type 2 MIDI file would play like an album if played in a normal player, one segment after another[...
MIDI files can specify the port for following events with the "Device/Port name" meta event (FF 09) or the "Port number" meta event (FF 21). (Neither ...