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MIDI Forum

Michael Vogel
Michael Vogel
Active Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2016
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

You know that both Akai and Yamaha make MIDI wind controllers. Perhaps get some specs from them.

7 years ago

Blootooth midi is new but Windows now makes provision for it in Win 10. Also wireless midi has been around for a while.

7 years ago

Let's see, twisted pair for midi, what for power? You'd have to make a whole new standard and composition of cable and break all the rules of keepi...

7 years ago

Woops. I can't find a way too edit my previous post to correct a typo. ie. should read Byte not bit.

8 years ago

Here is a link to a very basic understanding of Most and Least Significan Bit. br /> Google is your friend as just entering MSB LSB will return q...

8 years ago