First of all, it doesn't really matter where you place your SysEx commands as they aren't channel messages, but the convention is to put them in the f...
Just to add to the conversation so far, if you look at page 10 of the owners' manual (TD-1_eng02_W.pdf) you will see in the second (right hand) column...
According to the MIDI specification, if no Program Change (preceded by Bank Select messages if necessary) is issued to change the 'instrument' used, t...
As Geoff has said, the XF specification is a Yamaha extension to General MIDI.
The SysEx messages are used to create styles for modern Yamaha keyboar...
If you download the GM2 specification and look at Appendix B "Percussion Sound Set", on page 32, you can see which Note Number is used for each percus...
The standard version (free) of Anvil Studio, I'm pretty sure, will let you do Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB, Program Changes and add them to a MIDI...