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MIDI Forum

Active Member
Joined: Mar 16, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 8

Taken from 'Multi-Track Recording - Brent Hurtig, 1988': ‘SMPTE-to-MIDI translators allow you to convert a given amount of time to a MIDI tempo or ...

2 years ago

After reading the following description on page 12 of the manual... SLOW: When SLOW is used together with CHASE or PHASE, the synchronizer overrides ...

2 years ago

Sorry about that. It took me a while to work it out! Here is the MIDIizer MTS 1000 manual split into two Adobe parts, compressed in Winzip.

2 years ago

Unfortunately this pdf file is already compressed to the maximum. I tried 7-Zip, Adobe and Winzip but to no avail. Perhaps I can send it by person...

2 years ago

By editing a tempo map, the MIDIizer can slow or accelerate the audio playback and record. SMPTE to MIDI translators allow a given amount of time to b...

2 years ago

Yes, I understand that. I was wrong to say the tape is slowed down, it just appears that way when, as in my example, five minutes of audio have now be...

2 years ago

Sema, I am analysing tapes containing speech. They do not contain musical notes. There are additionally silent pauses in between exchanges yet MIDI cl...

2 years ago

Thanks Jason for responding. What I am really trying to find out is how frequencies are maintained when MIDI clocks slow or quicken a tempo. Fo...

2 years ago