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MIDI Forum

Active Member
Joined: Aug 25, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5

the theoretical limit of the operating system and DAW or editor software will in all case be futile, because the bottleneck is usually the number of c...

5 years ago

i believe the most used formats are the "normal" sound file formats such as AIFC, WAVE, and sounddesigner. you would combines the audio files with ...

5 years ago

the lowest octave represents a freqeuncy range of 8-16 Hz, so it is often not used at all in a real lilfe situation. within my software for me note...

5 years ago

hm, using italic makes the board think the message is spam.

5 years ago

the specs pdf doesnt really eplain what i am after. however, it seems there is no difference between the MPE voices messages and what i am doing al...

5 years ago