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MIDI Forum

Active Member
Joined: Jul 18, 2019
Topics: 2 / Replies: 12

Just to be clear. A potentiometer based control whether it be a slider or a pedal doesn't mean it is called "expression". The Expression Midi message ...

6 years ago

I found this:

6 years ago

This sort of thing can happen if the SysEx Messages that Snoize is using doesn't align itself with the SysEx Messages of the Ensoniq. Wild effects and...

6 years ago

Well remember that if you need to send the Expression Midi message with your hand, then you can do so without the pedal. But the rest of the pedal eff...

6 years ago

Ok, so now you are saying the sliders are not the Expression Midi message but they are Program Change sliders that change the patches that you have wh...

6 years ago

Ok, so there are two routes I'm seeing here. Either connect all the pedals to the MC6 so that those pedals are the controllers for the Midi messages t...

6 years ago

MidiOx would be exactly the equivalent of MidiPipe. That's a good find. It can do custom mappings as well and it will show the Midi Input messages tha...

6 years ago

It's hard to say how your iPad and Windows will interface together but if you have that taken care of with your software of choice then the computer s...

6 years ago

So it comes with the functionality out of the box. That's cool. I took a look and I'd have to read through the manual of the MC6 to know how to do it ...

6 years ago

Try the program MidiPipe by Subtlesoft (Mac only) or some Windows equivalent software. A midi pipe type of program will take whatever controller you h...

6 years ago

I'm trying to understand what you need here. You have the ubiquitous MC6 controller. It can do anything you need it to do. You can put it up where you...

6 years ago

I've had similar issues at times messing with VSTs and this program: MidiPipe by Subtlesoft (Mac only) solves everything for me. I can't link it becau...

6 years ago