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Issue sending/receiving MIDI over multiple channels

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Hi MIDI.org!

I recently bought an Elektron Digitakt which is in part a sequencer designed to send parameter and note info via MIDI across 8 discrete channels (A-H). I've done a bit of troubleshooting with a MIDI monitor both over USB and a Thunderbolt Audio/MIDI interface.

My Digitakt is seemingly only able to send MIDI over Ch1 from track A.

Ch2 data is not showing up on the monitor despite track B being set up to send on Ch2. Even when all MIDI channels are set to “OFF” - the monitor still shows a stream of Ch1 data from track A when “Play” is pressed on the unit.

Also, just as a test I set my Keylab 49 MKii keyboard to send on Ch2 as per the manual’s instructions and in the monitor the data keeps coming in on Ch1. It seems like something is filtering / channeling data in a strange way.

I have only ever “plugged and played” with MIDI in the simplest terms so I am probably just lacking understanding with multi-channel use.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

FYI I'm using a 2015 Macbook Pro with a Focusrite Clarett 8Pre - attempting to control VST Synths in Logic Pro X.


Posted : 28/07/2019 1:18 am
Posts: 14
Active Member

I've had similar issues at times messing with VSTs and this program: MidiPipe by Subtlesoft (Mac only) solves everything for me. I can't link it because the forum censors it but a quick google search will show the site. This program basically unlocks your Midi Controller and allows you to have full control over what messages you send.

At the very least, it will show you what Midi Messages you are sending through the A List plugin.

For a quick tutorial, just put a Midi In at top and a Midi Out at bottom. Set the Midi In to be one of the recognized Midi devices and set the Midi Out to be one of the MidiPipe Output # (1-8) for one of your controllers.

Now put the A List plugin in between the Midi In and Midi Out and click it and watch what messages you are sending. You can then put a Key Mapper plugin above the A List and choose for all the notes to be mapped to a specific channel or a certain group of notes to be mapped to a specific channel. Then you can watch the A List to see what happens.

Pretty much when all else fails with my Midi Controller to DAW scenario I just hook up the MidiPipe and "force" the issue in a way.

Quick tip: you can open up Terminal and you can execute this command >>>>> open -n /Applications/MidiPipe.app

This will open a new instance of MidiPipe where you can plug into it as many Midi Controllers as you want. With MidiPipe you can use the Key Mapper plugin to make a single controller send on multiple channels, so this may not be necessary depending on what you need.

Posted : 28/07/2019 8:49 am