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Pics for MIDI 2?

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It strikes me that the average user is thinking, "MIDI 2" So what!". Boy are they wrong! Here is my suggestion if its not too late. There is a lot of talk about MIDI profiles and they seem great, load up your instruments and they talk to your controllers for example, but I think MIDI profiles also need to swap Jpegs. Why? Well, Imagine your loading in your sequencer with a track from your synth, would it not be good to have a photo of the synth, or perhaps even a photo of the preset to associate with it? Modern sequencers like cubase support pics, I get very fed up with continually loading up pictures of Cello's, flutes, etc. though I do like the pics in my mixture. If the manufacturers identified their presets and tracks with a gif or jpeg, these would make MIDI 2 even better. The process works the other way to of course, the best controllers can support "ribbons" i.e. pictures associated with each track. Sure at the moment, this is a somewhat limited market, but the price of the tiny vdu's is sure to come down. MIDI 2 needs to be ready for this.


Posted : 22/12/2020 4:27 am
Posts: 55

Interesting that you raise this. While not going into specifics of upcoming work in the MIDI 2 specifications, there is discussion about some similar concepts.
However the concept of an image for each track could be worthwhile.

Thanks for the input


Posted : 22/12/2020 3:34 pm
Posts: 228

Thus potentially massively increasing the size of a MIDI file?

I thought the whole idea behind MIDI was that it was as lean as possible?

Why not go the whole hog and add a four hour movie to each channel? [/sarcasm]

Just my two cents.

Posted : 23/12/2020 3:56 am
Eddie Lotter
Posts: 295

@JohnG, Steve is talking about "MIDI profiles" not "MIDI files" and as such the art work would be made available on request and not mandatory.

Posted : 23/12/2020 5:11 pm