I have 6 Nord keyboards. Piano 3. Organ C2. Electro 5, Stage 2, Wave, and Lead2x.. none have a midi thru. I have a controller (Numa Nano) sending individual channels that I assign to each keyboard Thru a T8 thru box. but everything plays like they are all on channel 1. In the old days keys would have poly mode. Is there an equivalent on the Nords that I don’t see.
I have 16 seperate keyboards. I want to have each on its own midi channel and be able to play back all unique parts at the same time. Pro tools DAW.
I have a Nord Wave and a Nord Lead - both allow me to set the channels - i.e. I have the Nord Lead (1) set to channel 7,8,9,10 (A,B,C,D) and the Wave set to Channel to 13,14
I imagine that this is also available on the other Nords - Double check the manuals perhaps?