Hi everybody!
I am working on an online MusicXML editor at https://jazz-soft.com/musicxml
and looking for some good MusicXML files to test the corner cases.
Do any test sets already exist? Any advices?
Thanks a lot!
I was going to suggest checking with Sema before I saw who wrote the question 😆
The musicxml website has a large collection of links to sites with musicxml files. I'm sure you can find something there that will help out.
Hi there!
MuseScore Test Files: MuseScore, one of the most popular notation editors, has a set of test files for MusicXML. You can find them in the MuseScore repository on GitHub or within their community.
W3C MusicXML Samples: The official W3C MusicXML website (MusicXML Community) provides sample files covering various aspects of the standard.
LilyPond Examples: Although LilyPond uses its own format, it also supports export/import to MusicXML. Their files may contain unique nuances worth testing.
Work as a Hausarbeit schreiben lassen Jura, here to help.
Thanks a lot!
Most of those links require paid subscription, but there were a few free ones.
Will see what I can get from there...