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I need write Midi code with timer for My DJ Setup Light dancing effect. :/

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Hello Guys. I am new here.

I've never written midi code before. And I don't have much of an opinion on this subject. But I can code to be electronic. like chip programming.

I have a device and when certain keys are pressed on my device there is a light show of about 4 seconds. I want this light show to continue. I talked to the technical service of the device and he told me that I could do this by "writing midi codes with a timer".

Active for 4 seconds for light dancing;
Deck A (Pitch Bend Minus + Pitch Bend Plus) + Deck B (Pitch Bend Minus + Pitch Bend Plus)

and i dont have a video for the light dance but i can record if you need.

My device is Hercules RMX2

and technic services answer;

If the developper who wrote the firmware of DJConsole Rmx2 could not isolate the MIDI sequence of the vegas mode, I am sure you cannot do more with the compiled firmware, and we cannot send you the source code as our licence agreement for the USB audio core does not give us the right to disclose the source code.

But on the other hand, writing a MIDI sequence to light on the LEDs is not very difficult, it just takes time.
https://ts.hercules.com/download/sound/manuals/Rmx2/RMX2_MIDI_Commands .pdf
you can read the MIDI commands to light on the keys (as the MIDI in and MIDI out commands are the same : for example, if Play deck A sends the MIDI command 9x 21, then sending 9x 21 7F lights on the Play key, 9x 21 00 lights off the Play key.

So.. It would be nice if there was at least a ".bat" file and a constant light dance when we ran it. But I don't know how to do it. I would be glad if you help me. 🙁

Posted : 13/10/2022 12:47 pm
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 325

To send individual messages, use a tool like SendMIDI.
Bit it might be easier to record the entire light show as a .mid file, and play it with a tool like playsmf.

Posted : 13/10/2022 10:10 pm
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[quotePost id=16245]To send individual messages, use a tool like SendMIDI.
Bit it might be easier to record the entire light show as a .mid file, and play it with a tool like playsmf.[/quotePost]

Thank you very much for your reply. I downloaded both tools you mentioned. but I couldn't get both of them to work. "sendmidi" is already directly in "exe" format.
When I turn it on it turns on and off immediately. And the other has a lot of bat stuff in it, it's very mixed. Apart from these,
I found a program called "Pocket MIDI". and I sent a midi code (90 01 40) to the device and only managed to turn on the light of one key.
But I'm still a long way from my goal, and I won't be able to do that at this rate. 🙁

Posted : 14/10/2022 2:53 pm
Posts: 1049
Noble Member

I guess that the problem is that both utilities require something after the command name.

Otherwise, they do nothing.

The instructions for SENDMIDI gives various examples, and a full listing of the options. A simple example would be SENDMIDI xx xx xx where the three xx values are the midi mumbers to send a specific NOTE ON.

PLAYSMF will, I'm sure, need a filename - the midi file that you wish to play. For example, PLAYSMF CANYON.MID.


Posted : 14/10/2022 3:21 pm
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 325

These tools can be called from a .bat file (or better, a .cmd file). But you still have to write that file.

To get a .mid file, record the MIDI command with any MIDI sequencer.

Posted : 14/10/2022 9:52 pm
Posts: 3
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the simplest way for me is something like a .bat file that makes it press these 4 keys with the same name at 4 second intervals. But I can not. can you write this for me?

I wrote 4 midi codes with the PockedtMIDI program and the light dance does not start when I send it. Because this program seems to send each command in turn. But all 4 commands must be active in the same way.

90 2C 40 Pitch Bend Minus Deck A
90 2D 40 Pitch Bend Plus Deck A
90 3D 40 Pitch Bend Minus Deck B
90 3E 40 Pitch Bend Plus Deck B

Posted : 17/10/2022 11:03 am