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MDLscore MIDI file generator

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A new approach to creating MIDI files


Posted : 28/02/2019 5:17 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Very interesting.

This could be a very useful tool, in a number of areas. My immediate thoughts relate to using software to generate pattern based music, and specifically rythmic music.


Is there some reason why the application for download is specifically Windows 10? I'd need maybe to download the source and try to recompile with something else so that I could use under XP or maybe W7.

Even more wierd, the notes refer to midi files generated by the system working under W8.2 and 10? Why only those systems? If the process is generating correct/valid midi files, then they should work under any software or system that will play SMF, even under my various DOS systems. Which play SMF perfectly fine.

Or am I misunderstanding something?


Posted : 28/02/2019 6:26 am
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

Hi @Geoff,

Looks like the program is built with .NET Framework 4.5.2, so you would be able to run it on any platform where the run-time is installed:
Minimum system requirement is Windows 7 SP1. It would not be possible to run it on Windows XP without rebuilding with an older NET Framework SDK (which would be possible if the source code were available).


Why a Windows Forms application to implement this functionality? The program is a simple converter from MusicXML to MDL (text file), and from MDL to MIDI.
I would simply made two command line programs:
[code type=markup]
$ musicxml2mdl input.xml > output.mdl
[code type=markup]
$ mdl2mid input.mdl [output.mid]
perhaps allowing to combine both programs with a pipe:
[code type=markup]
$ musicxml2mdl input.xml | mdl2mid - output.mid

Anyway, It reminded me another program: Musical MIDI Accompaniment. MMA (like the big brothers!) 😀
It is a command line program converting its own text format to MIDI, focused in generating accompaniment, like a sort of Band-In-A-Box. It is written in Python and GPL licensed. It also produces MIDI karaoke songs, for instance this example:
here is the rendition: https://youtu.be/ZLHpD9OoOIk


Posted : 01/03/2019 7:17 am
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Hello Pedro,

Thanks for the info.

I've got a W7 laptop, although I don't use it that much, mainly as a sort of toy plus to do some work things. But maybe I do have something I could use this system on?

I've got MuseScore on the XP machine, although I've not done much with it. Don't see any reference to xml files in the version I have.

A lot of my midi stuff is still DOS based (running thru the Roland LAPC-I card on an old Pentium 75, which still has the necessary ISA slots).

On the basis of what you way, YES, it would be better for me to get the code for this system, convert the C# to straight C and compile up as a couple of console applics, much more convenient for me. Sounds like the Windoze stuff isn't really doing much. No problems to convert the data to midi, and send out via the Roland card to play either the MT32 sounds, or via the card's MPU to attached Yamaha MU90r or Kork NS5r (or a couple of other boxes I might attach instead).

For what it's worth, I've got a very old DOS version of Band-in-a Box, which I used quite a bit years ago. handy for entering the TAB chord data from printed music, them getting the system to generate the accomp, then adding the melody on top. Works OK. Not so useful if I want to play with things like Jarre, Vangelis or other synth things.


Posted : 01/03/2019 3:55 pm
Posts: 1050
Noble Member

Just for information, I've found references in MuseScore to MusicXML. Maybe the system has been updated to a newer version.

It appears that MuseScore will import midi or XML, and export either, so in effect MuseScore will already do what mdlscore will do (I guess ?). Also, I understand that MuseScore has a console mode, which would suit me fine. I'd think that the xml file could be created as .txt, and edited, however, the xml file contains a mass of data, and data regarding the score (i.e. the appearance of the music) as well as the notes (the sound of the music) and of course midi involves only the latter.

The benefit of mdlscore would be that the intermediate (mdl file) stage will be easier to edit than the xml, and I assume that new codes or data (not present in the xml) can be introduced for the benefit of midi. I assume that MuseScore will not be able to cope with such specifically midi elements?

There seems to be a lot of material available as xml that may not be already available as midi?

Need to follow this through in more detail?


Posted : 03/03/2019 10:51 am
Posts: 3
Active Member
Topic starter

Hi Pedro and Geof,

Thanks for your replies to my initial post. that I discover on my return from a trip.

The reason for converting from XML to MDL is that you can edit MDL inserting specific keywords to directly modify the object MIDI file.

If developers are interested in the concept, MDLscore is now availlable as free software and source files can be downloaded from the web site..

The software so far has been downloaded a few hundred times and i have no return as to the real useability and interest..of the concept.

I would welcome developers who would be willing to adapt or enhance the softawre.

See the new version of the web site (mdlscore.com)

Your comments are welcome


Posted : 05/03/2019 8:34 am