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MIDI Software
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Obsolete API
New section has been added to documentation site: Obsolete. This section contains the list of methods and classes that are obsolete and thus will be removed by a next release.
The current list of obsolete API:
- OBS1: WritingSettings.CompressionPolicy
- OBS2: ReaderSettings.BufferingPolicy = BufferingPolicy.BufferAllData
- OBS3: TempoMap.TimeSignature
- OBS4: TempoMap.Tempo
New features and improvements
- Added ReaderSettings.BufferingPolicy property.
- Increased speed of MidiFile.Read method.
- Increased speed of MidiFile.Write method.
- Implemented buffered MIDI file writing (see WriterSettings.UseBuffering).
- Decreased memory usage of MidiWriter.Write3ByteDword and MidiWriter.WriteVlqNumber.
- Reduced memory usage for ChannelEvent.
- Added ReadingSettings.ZeroLengthDataPolicy property.
- Added RPN classes (see RegisteredParameter).
- Added TempoMap.GetTimeSignatureChanges and TempoMap.GetTimeSignatureAtTime methods.
- Added WritingSettings.WriteHeaderChunk property (#94).
- Added GS standard percussion API (#93).
- Added SliceMidiFileSettings.Markers property (#99).
- Non-SMF events will be filtered out on saving to MIDI file or track chunk (#103).
Small changes and bug fixes
- Added value validation in setters of some MIDI events classes properties.
- Edge Note Off events will always be put to current part on MIDI file splitting (#99).
- Fixed: Events transferred incorrectly between parts on MIDI file splitting (#99).
- Fixed: SmpteOffsetEvent writes in wrong way.
- Fixed: SmpteOffsetEvent equality check is wrong.
- Fixed: Failed to use devices API in UWP app (#95).
Posted : 21/11/2020 6:05 am