it is a small Midi-Delphi-Project. May be somebody can use parts of it:
Interesting, but ?? Not sure what this is about.
As far as MIDI is concerned, there is no such thing as a treble or a bass track. A track is just a track. You can define a key, but that's it. You could use a text item and note that a track should be a treble or bass (or alto ?) stave, but if the midi file is imported into software that shows staves then this software will have it's own rules as to how it imports/displays data and it may take no notice of your marking.
Maybe you could clarify what you were hoping to achieve?
Hi Geoff,
of course you are right. Any midi program can't do anything with it only special programs.
You can use this software for preparation for special instruments. This instruments have a trebel and a bass side. I use it as a first step to prepare to generate printed sheet music for the "Steirische" harmonica:
For each voice I select one or more channels and save them in midi files. In the next step I prepare it for "Griffschrift". This is specific to diatonic instruments. In the third step I generate a ".mscx"-File in order to generate printed sheet music (in "Griffschrift") with MuseScore.
For the two last steps I use my own programm, my "Midi-Sequenzer":
Windows: Delphi and Lazarus projects
Linux: Lazarus project