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Active event note on when losing connection

5 Posts
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Posts: 86
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I am developing a midi program and I have a question. When you disconnect a midi device before you receive the note off, does the sound always turn off? Because I have a casio organ and it turns off, is it standard?

I also found that with the midi event Bn 7B 00 it turns off all the notes that were sounding on channel 'n'. Is it equivalent to sending a noteoff for each note? Is it standard for all? Is there a general turn off for all channels?
Thanks 😀

Posted : 14/02/2022 5:40 pm
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
Posts: 154
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1. See: https://www.midi.org/midi-articles/about-midi-part-3-midi-messages

The Active Sensing signal is used to help eliminate "stuck notes" which may occur if a MIDI cable is disconnected during playback of a MIDI sequence. Without Active Sensing, if a cable is disconnected during playback, then some notes may be left playing indefinitely because they have been activated by a Note On message, but the corresponding Note Off message will never be received.

2. CC 123 (hex 7B) is the Control Change message "All Notes Off", defined by the MIDI 1.0 specification. See:

The MIDI 1.0 standard document is available for download:

Posted : 15/02/2022 12:46 am
Posts: 86
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According to what I read Active Sensing signal is not implemented in all devices, so should my program when recovering the connection take care of turning off the notes that were playing or just ignore it and assume that the user has already taken care of the problem?

Is there any way to know which features work on 100% of all midi organs, for example Local Control On/Off (7A) doesn't work on my organ.

Posted : 15/02/2022 5:19 am
Clemens Ladisch
Posts: 327

That depends on circumstances. When you're playing live and a note-off message might get lost, it can make sense to have a big red button to turn off all notes.

For a DIN MIDI cable, you cannot reliably detect when it is re-plugged.

The MIDI specification says that device manuals should have a MIDI implementation chart.

Posted : 15/02/2022 10:51 pm
Posts: 86
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So you can't tell with a MIDI DIN if it was reconnected. Are there usb-midi organs that keep playing when they lose connection?

Posted : 16/02/2022 10:49 am