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Retrieving and undesrtanding SysEx messages from a Novation LaunchControlXL

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So I'm trying to retrieve the MIDI "Conversation" in between my DAW and my MIDI Controller , to read the "Sysex" messages. For that I'm using MIDI-OX.exe in Windows10
My DAW is Ableton Live 10 (I don't think is relevant), and my MIDI Controller is a "Novation LaunchControlXL".
So first issue is that I'm not really able to retrieve the Conversation at all as If I try to hook up the Monitor-Input and Monitor-Output of MIDI-OX.exe after having setted up the MIDI Ports in Ableton (so the Controller is effectively Controlling the DAW) , it gives me an error such as "There is not enough Buffer memory available to perform this" , but that changes if I "disconnect" the Controller from the DAW.

So I'm trying to see how the "Sysex" messages work for this MIDI Controller, I have hooked it up by itself (no DAW now), and in MIDI-OX both input and output, and I press the corresponding buttons in my Controller (To switch the UserTemplate) and I see 4 SysEx messages of 9 bytes each (4 for Input, 4 for output), but If I go to SysEx retriever (the actual window which parses the Sysex communication) and I perform the same action I only receive this time 2 messages of 9 Bytesin the Input-Monitor (nothing in the output monitor).

Anyways , I go and read this messages which are in the form of
User Template 1 : F0 00 29 02 11 77 00 F7
User Template 2 : F0 00 29 02 11 77 01 F7
(...) (etc...)
it only changes the second last byte .

So considering this I go and send the same message from MIDI-OX.exe to the Controller, hopping that it will make it change the template, but it doesn't.

Ok I got so many questions from this little lab experimentation:

- Why I'm not able to properly configure MIDI-OX.exe as packet retriever (mere analizer) without having to actually end the MIDI communication when sniffing the "SysEx" messages? .
- Is it actually impossible to listen to the DAW's conversation with your MIDI Controller from within the same computer? (I've tweaked the Buffer Settings and had no luck at all).
- Does anyone know what is the typology of this messages? I would like to be able to switch the template from the Computer by sending "Sysex" , but I'm not sure if this "SysEx" message is just letting the rest of the MIDI devices know that ("Hey , look I've changed my template") instead of ("Requesting a template change").

This is the programmers reference for the Controller https://resource.novationmusic.com/sites/default/files/novation/downloads/9922/launch-control-xl-programmers-reference-guide.pdf

It looks actually quite an approachable Device to be controlled remotely, so please any ideas on anything would be really appreciated.

Posted : 21/03/2021 12:33 pm
Posts: 269
Reputable Member

MIDI ports can usually only be used by one program at a time. When you try to open the same port in a second program it will fail. The error message might say something like "There is not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again." But this really just means you can only open the port in one program at a time.

If you want to use MIDI-OX to see the MIDI communications between your controller and DAW, you will need to connect your controller to MIDI-OX, then use "virtual MIDI loopback cable" ports to connect MIDI-OX to your DAW:

For example, I installed loopMIDI and set up two virtual MIDI loopback ports.

Note: By default, MIDI-OX connects everything to everything else. Go to the "Port Routings" window (View menu, Port Routings), right-click and select "Disconnect All", then drag lines to make one route for the incoming flow, and one route for the outgoing flow:

The PDF file you linked to says the Novation Launch Control XL uses the same System Exclusive message for a template change both when it sends a message to the computer or gets a message from the computer:

F0 00 20 29 02 11 77 template F7

(Section 3 "Computer-to-Device Messages", subsection "Change current template" on page 7.)
(Section 4 "Device-to-Computer messages", subsection "Template changed" on page 8.)

In your post, you say you saw 9-byte messages, but I noticed the examples you posted only have 8 bytes, they're missing the third byte -- "20":

User Template 1 : F0 00 29 02 11 77 00 F7
User Template 2 : F0 00 29 02 11 77 01 F7

Posted : 21/03/2021 5:50 pm
Posts: 4
Active Member
Topic starter

Bavi_H many many Thanks for your explanation, you just cleared out a rock in my MIDI protocol learning process.

I'm still analizing the Device, and see what are the findings I still got. I will get to you back if still in doubt or close the thread.

Thanks again really 🙂 😀

Posted : 22/03/2021 5:53 am