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Is there a way to easily convert the USB MIDI connection on a keyboard to a conventional MIDI OUT?

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jesus valseca
Posts: 11
Active Member
Posted : 10/05/2016 12:26 pm
jesus valseca
Posts: 11
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Posts: 9
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raspberry pi can act as a low cost usb host too btw

Posted : 04/06/2016 4:38 am
Posts: 1
New Member

É possive utilizar esse conversor para conectar um teclado Arturia Mibilab no teclado sintetizador Korg x 50?
Minha ideia é conectar o Arturia ao X50 para poder utilizar os timbres do Korg X50 no Arturia Minilab.
Porém o Arturia só tem saida Usb.

Fico no aguardo de seu retorno!
Desde já agradeço
Saudações do Brasil!

Posted : 28/07/2016 7:47 pm
Posts: 3
Active Member

You need to be very careful before buying the Kenton, USB MIDI HOST. I bought one on the basis that it would act as a MIDI host and send MIDI messages to my Yamaha, PSR S-670 keyboard which also has only a USB connector to communicate MIDI signals. Although the KENTON will send MIDI signals to the Yamaha it changes the voice, making it useless. To make things worse, the Tech. Support from Kenton was abysmal, telling me that I did not understand the problem. Surely this is exactly why I would contact them?

Posted : 03/04/2018 7:58 pm
Florian Bomers
Posts: 3
Admin Registered

for completeness, the BomeBox is also a USB host and can route from/to MIDI-DIN, Ethernet, and WiFi. The USB host port can power USB-MIDI devices, and supports USB hubs.

Posted : 09/04/2018 4:43 am
Posts: 4
Active Member

I have not tried my device yet on a USB MIDI port on my Casio XW-G1 but it has worked with mutliple USB MIDI devices to control a Korg volca fm. I used an iRig Keys (older version), an iRig Keys Mini, an Oxygen 49 (2nd version), and an Akai LPD8, all at one time.

The parts needed to use one keyboard to control one other MIDI device are:
Arduino Uno,
USB Host Shield (Circuits@Home made the original but you can also buy them from eBay, I used a Keyes version), and
a MIDI DIN socket.

If you want to connect multiple controllers to control multiple MIDI devices use:
Arduino Uno or Arduino Mega (depends on whether you want to use other serial communications),
USB Host Shield,
powered USB hub,
MIDI DIN sockets, and
a buffer IC to provide mutliple MIDI Outs. A 74HC14 should work.

I am in the process of prototyping this device so, I have not breadboarded the latest version yet so it is not confirmed.

Plug the USB Host Shield into the Arduino. Connect your MIDI Out socket as shown here:

Download and install the library called USB Host Shield Library 2.0 as found on the Circutis@Home site. Use this sketch:
File > Examples > USB Host Shield Library 2.0 > USBH_MIDI > USB_MIDI_converter_multi

You can use the single device sketch if you want. Multiple synths can be controlled by copying and pasting parts of the sketch and editing a little.

You might be wondering how hard this would be to put together. It could be a little daunting if you have never built and electronic device before. But, Arduino is a good place to start and there are many resources online to use to get orientated. I was very surprised how easy it was for me. It only took about an hour to put my first prototype together.

Here is my blog:

There will be a post on this topic soon. I also like the Instructables website and plan on posting an Instructable on there soon on the same project.

Posted : 14/04/2018 4:35 pm
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