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How to setup Midi configuration so I can switch patches for four synths (using foot pedal) simultaneously?

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My questions is 2 fold and deals with live performance and Midi.

1) I have four synths (two Korg Kronos, One Motif and a Korg M3) that I want to be able to switch patches on simultaneously with a foot pedal so all keyboards correspond to their respective patches I need for each song I perform. How is this done? My goal is to minimize downtime and not having to select the needed patches on each board manually.

2) Secondly, I want each keyboard to act independently in terms of it's sound patches, meaning I want no layering of other synths on any of the keyboards. I use each keyboard separately for the various patches of a given song. So if for instance, if I used the Motif as the master, I don't want to hear any sound from the slave keyboards on the Motif, I just want to hear the Motif and so on.Not sure if this is the way I would configure my MIDI set up anyway to achieve the results I'm looking for (from Out to In and then Thru to the others?).

So the bottom line is - I really just want to use MIDI for switching patches on each keyboard simultaneously but using each keyboard's sound patches independently.

Can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance.

Posted : 13/11/2019 6:17 am
Posts: 1049
Noble Member


Your suggester 'Out to In and then THRU to the others' will probably be OK for the physical connection, but the more important question will relate to the midi channel configuration. You need to be able to configure each of the playing devices to RECEIVE midi data on certain channels ONLY, so that no channel is supplying data to more than one device. If you're using all 16 channels, and 4 devices, then each device could be receiving on up to 4 channels.

The sending (controlling) device could then send PC (Program Change) etc data on ALL channels, but certain sections would be destined for certain devices depending on the channel assigned.

You would need to check the specs for the devices you have, and work out how channels could be assigned between them. Some devices may be more flexible than others. Older keyboards for example may be very limited, more modern tone modules might be much more flexible.


Posted : 13/11/2019 9:52 am
Posts: 2
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Topic starter

Thanks your response. This helps!

Posted : 13/11/2019 7:33 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Hi Hugh,
Did you get this working? I have almost the exact same dilemma. Been playing keys for several years,but very inexperienced with midi routing boards together.. I've been hitting all kinds of buttons on several synths and a hardware sequencer before every song live, but now want to have my Kronos send program change to my Deepmind and Moog sub37 without hearing those sounds on the Kronos itself.
Been looking a little into setlist maker app and imidi patchbay app, but wondering if I'm able to do this just within the master controller itself (Kronos) before purchasing more gear.

Just wondering how you made out? Thanks!

Posted : 25/12/2019 6:48 am