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Recording in a Yamaha psr sx600, sx900 midi sequencer.

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Geoff thank you. There is one way to record the entire composition from beginning to end without stopping. But this stone Age. I do this because it is impossible to use the sequencer normally.

Posted : 08/11/2022 12:16 pm
Posts: 1052
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If you do manage to record the whole piece as one 'take', I assume that works OK?

If you then use the normal editing - via Events List or Piano Roll - to fix any errors, does such editing retain all the CC84 events correctly?

Yes, one of the points of using a sequencer/modern tech IS to do just the sort of thing you're trying to do. It is somewhat daft that something is stopping this.


Posted : 08/11/2022 12:45 pm
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When I contacted the Yamaha service about the sx 600, they said that everything was fine with them, but they did not show proof of this and told me to hand it over for repair.Now I have purchased an sx900 and checked for this defect before buying, everything was fine, I started working on it and this defect appeared on it literally immediately. I have a Roland Fantom G6, I checked it on it and there CC84 for one tick are not deleted when recording. Yamaha ignores this problem.

Posted : 08/11/2022 1:02 pm
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I know many users who have the same problem, but they don't complain to anyone, basically everyone just plays, few people write to the sx900, sx600.

Posted : 08/11/2022 1:16 pm
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(Note about Portamento Control: I originally thought the CC84 messages in Andrey's MIDI files were being used for their standard "Portamento Control" purpose. But later I noticed the chords that use CC84 in "Test 1.mid" mostly have notes that are very short in duration -- most of them are less than 0.1 second long. I now suspect the CC84 messages and these short chords are maybe being used to encode some kind of chord information and not intended to be actual protamentos? Whatever effect they actually have on the Yamaha PSR-SX900, I guess Andrey still wants them to be preserved.)

Posted : 08/11/2022 1:31 pm
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Bavi_H, If CC84 is erased, the guitar will start to stumble and sound incorrect. CC84 is used to make the guitar performance sound more real. So they are absolutely necessary.

Posted : 08/11/2022 1:42 pm
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Why did the Yamaha engineers program all the styles with CC84, so that their sequencer would delete it all later??? Is this error fixable or not?

Posted : 08/11/2022 5:22 pm
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Here is the answer to my problem: Speaking on the Nikkei CNBC TV channel, Yamaha president Takuya Nakata said that the global shortage of chips also affected the company's division specializing in the production of electronic musical instruments: some components managed to be replaced, but the effect was negative for a number of products.

Posted : 17/11/2022 3:07 pm
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Здравствуйте Андрей! Мы с Вами уже разбирали эту проблему. В файлах стиля CC84 используется крайне редко. Там он работает без проблем по своему прямому назначению. При записи миди файла Новый аккорд задается с помощью Yamaha XFMeta Event или Yamaha SysEx . CC84 появляются в миди файле только в позиции Смена Аккорда!! В исходном стиле CC84 нет!!! Yamaha вписывает CC84 в миди файл "на живо" сама, в одну позицию на всех 6 мелодических треках стиля. Для этого есть все основания.

Hello Andrei! We have already dealt with this problem. CC84 is rarely used in style files. There he works without problems for his intended purpose. When recording a midi file, a new chord is specified using the Yamaha XFMeta Event or Yamaha SysEx. CC84s only appear in the midi file in Chord Change position!! In the original CC84 style, no!!! Yamaha inserts the CC84 live into the midi file by itself, in one position on all 6 melodic tracks of the style. There is every reason for this.

При дописывании второго фрагмента Yamaha производит проверку первой записи, находит и удаляет ЛЮБЫЕ одинаковые конроллеры стоящие в одной позиции, оставляя только один последний. Это полезная работа ! Но при этом удаляются и CC84 которые она сама вставляла в одну позицию!?
Так происходит уже более 25 лет на всех инструментах класса Yamaha PSR .
Есть простое решение - удалить CC84 из списка "Зачистка Контроллеров" Нужно только подсказать это Yamaha.

When adding the second fragment, Yamaha checks the first record, finds and removes ANY identical controllers in the same position, leaving only the last one. This is useful work! But at the same time, the CC84s that she herself inserted into one position are also deleted!?
This has been the case for over 25 years on all Yamaha PSR class instruments.
There is a simple solution - to remove the CC84 from the list of "Controller Purge" You only need to suggest it to Yamaha.

Эта проблема решается если для записи второго фрагмента использовать обще распространенный в технике аудио и миди записи, способ
[ Punch IN AT - Punh Out AT ]. Подробнее смотри на моей страничке https://www.facebook.com/PetrowichPSR публикация от 30 ноября 2021г

This problem is solved if, to record the second fragment, use the commonly used audio and midi recording technique, the method
[Punch IN AT - Punh Out AT]. See more on my page https://www.facebook.com/PetrowichPSR publication dated November 30, 2021

Posted : 12/05/2023 1:17 pm
Posts: 270
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[quotePost id=18571]This problem is solved if, to record the second fragment, use the commonly used audio and midi recording technique, the method
[Punch IN AT - Punh Out AT]. See more on my page https://www.facebook.com/PetrowichPSR publication dated November 30, 2021[/quotePost]
Note: To get a direct link to a Facebook post, you can click on the date at the top of the post. Here is a direct link to the Facebook post Valeriy mentioned:

Yamaha PSR user school 2021-11-30

As Valeriy said, the post gives an example of how to use the Punch In - Punch Out recording method to preserve the existing CC84 messages. I think it might be in Ukrainian. You can use a translation tool to help read it.

Posted : 13/05/2023 4:59 am
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Здравствуйте, Petrovich. Эта проблема не обнаружена Tyros и Genos. Я решил взять вместо sx600, sx900 и перед покупкой проверили и всё было нормально CC84 не проподали, но немного поработав, опять эта фигня вылезла. При использование punch in , всё тоже самое, единственное, если запускать запись с первого такта и потом делать вставку, то СС84 не пропадают, но представьте, если вставку делать на 100 такте, придёться ждать три минуты, чтобы продолжить запись. Почему в Genos такого нет???? Вся серия sx600, sx700, sx900 с дефектом, ещё не проверели psr a5000. Приходиться писать музыку в один присест, используя chord looper, кот. облегчает запись. Спасибо.

Posted : 30/05/2024 9:11 pm
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А как подсказать Yamaha, к ним не достучишься, они небожители.

Posted : 30/05/2024 9:14 pm
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There are hundreds of thousands of yamaha psr sx600/700/900 users in the world and no one has discovered this problem. It's very strange. I'm waiting for a new update, maybe they'll fix it.

Posted : 01/06/2024 12:07 am
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Yamaha прекрасно знают об этом дефекте, так как она исправила такой же дефект в Genos!!!

Yamaha is well aware of this defect, as it has fixed the same defect in Genos!!!

Posted : 14/07/2024 6:13 pm
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