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Merging all notes to single note plus pitch bend

1 Posts
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Posts: 448
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Just thought people might be interested to learn about this.

Once again, working on the SNES MIDI Remaster Project has required some extreme creativity.  My more recent development for handling percussion requires tons of manual work by converting each individual percussion instrument in the song I'm working on into a text file.  Any file with more than one note value per percussion (ie, 4 different notes all supposed to be playing a snare) needs to be modified to use a single note instead (so the snare would still be the instrument played, rather than jumping around the percussion kit).  Then I find which note I want to use as a base note, and search/replace all other note values to match.  Along with that, I need to also modify any pitch bend values that might be present to match the new offset created by changing the played note value, as well as add in pitch bends if they are not already present between the different note values.

If I've done everything correctly, when I'm done the final file will very closely replicate the notes produced by the SNES, but played back within the MIDI confines that percussion is restricted by.

Very tedious, but with amazing results.  My previously released Axelay soundtrack took 4-1/2 months for me to complete using my old, less-than-desirable percussion handling.  It then took another 7 weeks recently to completely update it using my new percussion technique.

Continuing at this pace will mean than I will be 647 years old by the time I'm completely done with the soundtracks I wish to complete.

So my current task I have given myself is to add functionality in to MIDI-MIS that can automate much of this tedium, making many parts of my new technique nearly instantaneous.

It's working!  I still have to add in modification of the pitch bend range (if required).  I have the code to calculate the new bend range, it just needs to be written to the final file.  I also have a few other odds and ends that I need to test and make sure work properly (percussion across multiple tracks/channels).  Err, and make it work for percussion, which should just require copy/pasting my new code in the appropriate places in the editor source code.

I'm attaching the original test midi file and the modified "single note value plus pitch bends" file.  Have a listen.  I exported both as mp3 and then inverted one and mixed them in Audacity, with a final mix file of nearly silent, meaning aside from very minor variations caused by the two different playback methods, the files are essentially sonicly identical.

Posted : 21/05/2024 6:19 pm