Yamaha Soundmondo-Social Sound Sharing using Web MIDI

What is Social Sound Sharing?
Yamaha originally launched the Soundmondo website and mobile app in 2015 for the reface line of keyboards. It was one of the first major website to utilize Web MIDI.
Connect your reface keyboard to your computer, iPAD or phone, launch Chrome as your browser and you can browse sounds shared by other reface owners, You can create and share your sounds with people around the world.
There are over 20,000 free reface sounds available online.
“Soundmondo is to sound what photo-sharing networks are to images.It’s a great way to share your sound experiences and get inspiration from others.”
by Nate Tschetter, marketing manager, Synthesizers, Yamaha Corporation of America.
Yamaha has since expanded SoundMondo to include other Yamaha keyboards including the Montage. MODX and CP88/73 stage pianos.
So exactly how does social sound sharing work? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. You select your instrument and then you can browse by tags so for example all the sounds that have the tags 2000s, EDM and Piano.
Select the sound and it is sent from the Soundmondo server to your browser and from your browser to your keyboard where you can play. If the synth or stage piano can store sounds, you can store the sound locally on your keyboard. Using the SoundMondo iOS app, you can create set lists and organize your sounds for live performance.
When Yamaha launched Soundmondo compatibility for Montage they produced 400 MONTAGE Performances, including content from the original DX ROM Cartridges, special content from Yamaha Music Europe and 16 original Performances from legendary synthesizer sound designer Richard Devine.
You can see Richard’s performance using the Montage and Richard’s modular setup at Super Booth 2018.
Richard will be at Super Booth again this year creating amazing sounds with the new Yamaha MODX.