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The MIDI Association Plans for NAMM 2024

The MIDI Association is well under way with our plans for NAMM 2024. 

We have a 30 ft x 30 ft booth where one third of the space is dedicated to MIDI Association product displays and a small stage for MIDI Association presentations and two thirds of the space is for seating.

We got good response to our survey and here are the results. 

Are you attending the 2024 NAMM show?

Not surprisingly given the wide global reach of The MIDI Association website, only about 25% of the survey responders will be at NAMM in person. 

But you can join us via the NAMM+ app and it’s free.  

Just fill out the form below and in January, we will send you an NAMM+ invite. 

Get a free NAMM+ Invitation

Just provide an email address and your name and we can add you to our NAMM+ Virtual Pass Invitation List.

There is no charge.

At first glance it looks like the number of musicians is far greater than the number of developers who responded to the survey, but if you add all the different developer segments together it’s 102 musicians vs 57 developers.  

Again to us that is not surprising given that right now, it is developers who need information on how to build new MIDI 2.0 products as we have just seen the first wave of MIDI 2.0 products available for musicians and artists to use. 

For those of us who have attended lots of NAMM shows over the year, there are no surprises here.  

Sunday always has bit lighter traffic then the other days.

How knowledgeable are you on the following topics

 Okay, we admit it, we dig data.

So we will just share the results with you, but it definitely helped us to think about what topics we wanted to cover.  

Enjoy a deep data dive!

You can scroll through the gallery to see the answers. 

How interesting do you think presentations are on the following topics would be?