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MIDI Forum

Stephen Hazel
Stephen Hazel
Active Member
Joined: Apr 2, 2017
Topics: 2 / Replies: 6

oh yeah, hmm, the paste probably got messed up the the forum software. ok I'll see ya over on that list. thanks!

4 years ago

.......and in general, where is the best place to ask linux midi and audio questions. My OSs are chromeos and raspberry pi, my language c++, my ui li...

4 years ago

Well, I'm makin progress, but it's been kinda slow. My latest problem is listing midi devices using ALSA apis on ChromeOS 64 bit Crostini (based on...

4 years ago

perfecttt !! ok, it sounds like ALSA will take care of everything for me. thank you so much! My app is mainly a weird midi sequencer. (using a...

4 years ago

Thank you Pedro - that's exactly what I was looking for. My current code uses c++ and win32 api and I'll be moving to c++ and Qt fyi. If I could...

4 years ago

(oops i thought this was a private message) but, if you have pointers for me, i wanna hear em 🙂 Clemens can answer any question under the sun about...

4 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 12938