Talking about using your software would belong here.
Technical questions regarding the MIDI specifications would belong into "MIDI Specifications".
The YDP-131 manual is not very clear about it, but the only place where it mentions that data from the MIDI IN is played is in the section where it de...
[quotePost id=18825]if you look at the structure of the four bytes making up the Header Length or Track Length, you'll find (as in so much with MIDI 1...
The velocity affect's a single note's volume (and maybe other parameters).
The expression (CC 11) affects the entire channel, and should be used by t...
You can use any host that allows to connect a USB device and has MIDI ports. The UMH-10 from DOREMiDi is such a device, but any other USB MIDI host sh...
The bank number is a setting of the channel, so in theory, you do not need to repeat it for other Cx commands on the same channel x. But in practice, ...
Some software uses the range 0...127, some uses 1...128 (and this might be different for different parameters). You have to check what range your soft...