As Sema intimates you'll be lucky to find any MIDI 2 format files.
Why not?
The MMA standard for authoring MIDI 2 files hasn't been agreed or publis...
This second file, FALL.SNG.mid, is a valid MIDI file it seems.
At least it opens in a few sequencing programs I have, namely Sekaiju, Anvil Studio, X...
The file you've put here is, as far as I can tell, not a file in MIDI format.
Certainly, in a hex editor, it doesn't look much like the header of an ...
If you navigate on-line to the BandHelper web page and select the "Tutorials" section, then scroll down to "Repertoire" and select "Sending MIDI" you'...
Having worked on a few International Telecomms committees in the past, I know just how long it can take to get agreement on standards.
Often several ...
If you take a look at the complete MIDI 1.0 specification, Table III, you will see that controllers 70 to 74 (decimal) are defined as "Sound C...
One reason there's little to nothing is that the standards are not yet complete.
For one, the MIDI file standard hasn't yet been published.
How can ...
[quotePost id=13786]
Hmmmmm, does it work on percussion channels as well? In my post about playing a partial sound, that would actually be the exact ...